View Full Version : Dropping Imps

27-11-03, 12:46
I read in here some where that imps dont pop till u GR, but Quick Belts drop when u die, so there fore u can never drop an imp in a QB. Am i right, pleez say im right :D

27-11-03, 12:49
If the imp is "in", you cannot drop it.
An imp can only drop if you have it in your inventory when you die.

27-11-03, 12:50
u r rite.

Richard Slade
27-11-03, 12:50
Originally posted by MkVenner
I read in here some where that imps dont pop till u GR, but Quick Belts drop when u die, so there fore u can never drop an imp in a QB. Am i right, pleez say im right :D

Hell no, u drop imps like they were candy and u had no arms in thos belts
Atleast if it's ur good stuff.

27-11-03, 12:53
ok who do i listen to:confused:

coz when i die i see my belt drop, and if i get ressed no imps come out, yet if i GR they do, but when i GR the belt is already down. And i solely mean Poked imps, not one in my inventory or QB

Richard Slade
27-11-03, 12:57
Well might wanna listen to those who say they don't drop
Myself I haven't lost a single imp yet.
But I really wonder about the stupid feckors who runs around with MC5:ers in their inventory...
4 DS's on a single day of QB hacking is.. Odd, don't u think..?

27-11-03, 12:58
you cannot drop an imp you have implanted.

any imps in your inventory can be dropped.

when you die your imps are still in your body until you choose a gr to respawn at.

dieing doesnot take your imps out therefore you cannot drop one

27-11-03, 13:00
ok cheers, very official sounding:p

27-11-03, 13:01
lol... your not the only person who has told me i sound official. i have been asked if im a GM ingame before lol

damn people :p

27-11-03, 13:28
uh --- you don't have the idea that only items in your quickslots are dropable ?

"quickslots" does not equal "quickbelt"

everything is fair game execpt implanted implants, tools, and epic rewards

however --- bizzare drops do happen. My friend did drop his CS in a warzone, right off - no quickbelt or anything. And occasionally I do still drop one of my implant tools in my quickbelt.

so be careful

27-11-03, 13:38
yeah i know not only stuff in Quick slots r dropable, i get confused some times ok...:p

and i didnt know u couldn't drop tools, cool cheers 4 that:D

27-11-03, 14:20
remote tools seem to drop (counted as melee weapons?)

27-11-03, 19:05
these things SHOULDNT drop:

Implanted Imps
Epic Items
Non-remote tools (ie ones which are put in processor window)

everything else can drop, if they arent in slot 1.

27-11-03, 19:06
Originally posted by s0apy
u r rite.

You suck at spelling.