View Full Version : I Cant Take It Anymore!!

25-11-03, 17:27
I've been around some MMORPG's, SWG, Eve, some betas and been looking around for more, but no one was even close to what NC is. So.... Uranus will never be the same...


Also my former APU will be changed to a hybrid (I think i have a setup now)

C ya soon (Hopefully)

- Napalm

/Edit (Grabs the CD's just to find one missing, Downloads here i come) Edit

25-11-03, 17:30
yayy welcome

25-11-03, 17:31
wb man

25-11-03, 17:34
everyone comes back to the crack :eek:

25-11-03, 17:34
yay another person returns:D

25-11-03, 17:35
Originally posted by El_MUERkO
everyone comes back to the crack :eek:
Once a junkie, always a junkie!!!! :D

Welcome back!!!!!

25-11-03, 17:41
I wonder how many of the ol' gang is still on Uranus.

"Oath" left Uranus i red somewhere
did he take "<AKASHA>" with him?
An' what about the ol' UK-USA Rangers, (My first joined clan) are they atill about?
Im nearly drooling with anticipation. but the Downloads will take about 4.30-5.00 hours:mad: speed up damn you....

- Napalm

25-11-03, 17:42
rangers are around yeah. Oath has his chars still - but he plays Pluto nowdays. i think AKASHA is still on uranus, but i am not 100% sure

25-11-03, 17:42
everyone who thinks everyone is leaving please eat hat now

25-11-03, 17:45
i see 3 goodbye threads and 2 hello threads on first page

25-11-03, 17:45
grate to hear

25-11-03, 17:48
Hopefully the Outbound/inbound traffic will change when/if DoY is released, i know at least 3 of my RL friends that will return. (By RL i mean here in Denmark)

- Napalm

/[Edit] Is there a place to download the patched in a pack? (134-156 Patch-Pack for example) or do i have to take every individual patch?

25-11-03, 17:51
Uuuh.. they always come back! Well, almost always.

Welcome back!

I personally have seen and helped about 3 newbies so far in two weeks. So guess the inbound traffic will increase soon =)

// Wannabe

25-11-03, 18:11
I think the NC you could download is at patch 180 or something?
WB, Uranus needs some Pro-City folks ;)

25-11-03, 18:48

-=The Sleeper=-

In an appartment high over Plaza-1 a sleeper awaits ressurection, his dreams are tainted with the great city of NeoCron's undoing. He will rise again soon, winds of change are upon us.

With a new burning desire to fix the wrongness upon his city his fist grasp the bed in his sleep, his fingernails rip through the lousy bedsheets that he lays on.

His psionic powers sends scorching fire through his fingers and burns holes in his worn-out robes, yet he does not wake up at the smell of brimstone comming from his hearts deepest desires.

But slowly, just slowly he IS wakening, beware Twillight Guardians, the sleeper is comming soon to smite thee.

To be continued....

25-11-03, 18:55
*Continued storytime*

Wannabe was sleeping uneasy. For nights he had seen dreams of chaos and disarray. His friends were uncertain what his mind was troubled with and though that the continuing fight againts the CityAdmin were causing the nightmares.

He woke up. A cold chill went down his spine as his body remembered the pain caused by the Fire Apocalypse.

The psi-monk who had caused the damage to his body and soul was rumoured surviving the explosion from Wannabe's Revenge.

He hadn't believed the rumours for a long time. But now, thinking back to that fateful day, he remembers.

He remembers that the powercloak was empty.

Even if the possibility to survive such a blast was next to nothing, he couldn't sleep easily this night.

The sleeper was awakening.

*/end RP*

// Wannabe

25-11-03, 19:09
Hey Dude,

I left uranus yeah, twas a fetid stinkhole of rot.

Im on pluto now, akasha is there too though still pops onto uranus, im afrdai for me the gig is up hehe.

Good to have ya coming back dude

25-11-03, 19:27
Sorry to hijack your thread, but I didnt want to make me own :)

I reopened my account again yesterday... for 6 months - after being away about 3 or 4 months.

I havent decided if I will play on pluto or back on my old saturn tank, brute, yet.

There _arent_ any better mmorpgs atm.

I think I can get 3 or 4 mates to sign up too now.

25-11-03, 21:40
Welcome back
I guess everybody gets the itch occasionally to leave and try something else but NC is sweet - I also came back

25-11-03, 21:49
once you've had crack you always come back!

:D wb i dont know you but wtf, lol good to see people returning


25-11-03, 22:12
@ Wanabe, Ye wish to battle my stories? Have at you... now in verse :lol:

The OP battles with roctes and warcries.
through endless sleep, thats my lullibies.

A Tank was my undoing in this case,
he flows through a dreamless haze.

Though i personally survived the blast,
My cloak was'nt as lucky to last.

How could i loose? did he hack?
I lay here pondering my payback.

Will fire bring him too his knees?
Say it will, say it will please.

Maybe if a lightning bolt i sent?
Nahh.. the armour it would'nt dent.

Finally!! his life is in my grasp!
With poison he'll make a last gasp!

And when he's down, laying on top of spies,
Ill take one last look into the souless eyes.

The last thing he will see is a face clouded by anger,
And he'll most likely call me a wanker...

- Napalm

26-11-03, 12:50
lmao... now to shrink that into sig form...

26-11-03, 13:55
Originally posted by numb
Sorry to hijack your thread, but I didnt want to make me own :)

I reopened my account again yesterday... for 6 months - after being away about 3 or 4 months.

I havent decided if I will play on pluto or back on my old saturn tank, brute, yet.

There _arent_ any better mmorpgs atm.

I think I can get 3 or 4 mates to sign up too now.

Brute play on saturn we need more tanks to fight the monks;)

was in MiG for a while myself with my monk back in the day, you will find most of MiG are gone which is a shame cos they were the best TG clan ever.

but welcome back anyway:)

26-11-03, 15:38

I would rethink that apu -> hybrid decision

I just logged on an old school hybrid and I couldn't belive how much it sucked

26-11-03, 15:44
hybrids dont 'suck'... however you prolly cannot use your old setup and you will no longer garantee victory over everyone... there is a difference :p

26-11-03, 16:06
AKASHA is on uranus and pluto main on pluto thow

26-11-03, 16:17
Originally posted by ezza
was in MiG for a while myself with my monk back in the day, you will find most of MiG are gone which is a shame cos they were the best TG clan ever.

Yeah I really landed on my feet when I joined them, if Jerome had stayed around, I doubt I would have left at all.

I've been looking on citycom, at New Dawn, and although there are a few of my old friends in there, there are also a few immature people I truly disliked last time a played ( the ones that call you a 'fag roleplayer' for not appreciating being shot by allied factions ;) ). So I dont think I'll be looking there for a clan. Cant stand being associated with people who have attitudes like that, gives a clan a bad name.

In fact I'm thinking of changing to TT and joining a friend there.