View Full Version : Individuality

22-11-03, 19:14
Because of the inclusion of all class armour, there is now minimalistic individuality within the game. Rifle PE's look the same, level 3 or 4, Pistol PE's, lvl 3 or 4, Monks are either red or blue, spies the same, tanks usualy just white PA, meaning there is no way to distiguish between runner a, b, c, d, e, f, g if they are in a line, without first targeting them to find out if they are indeed who you think they are.

There are of course exceptions, Kyle wears pink, Pete wears green, neither wear armour, and a few tanks in Pink, but for the most part, there is no way to distinguish between any of the runners.

A way around this, would be to allow for customisation of armour, after all, they are big tins of metal, so drawings of metal on the front/back would be an obvious choice, and could also be used in RP ways.

For instance, a TG tank could have the TG logo in the corner of his PA, and on the back, a bit CA logo with a red circle/line thru, anti CA sentiment PA. Or you could have a dragon, or a skull/crossbones etc. The colours could also be changed to reflect personal tastes, except one part which shows what the armour type is of course.

This would again induce some char customisation into the game, and allow for player individuality to shine through, instead of 20 monks all in red power armour, you could have 20 monks, with a red head and a huge "DONT NERF ME" logo on their front, with a "Drom" on the back, in 20 different flavours.

Remember, it might be a cyberpunk world, but we are not Goth's who show their individuality by all looking the same.

22-11-03, 19:50
indivudality died when pluto went down half way though beta 4 and speichilizaqtion squished it over

22-11-03, 19:54
how about Faction suits/armors/jackets/stuff ?

everyone talked about having like...op bonuses in faction HQs....

why not have "faction bonuses" in armors instead? :p

EDIT: and the tsunamis would finally get their pimp suit!

22-11-03, 19:59
Yeah lexxuk I don't wear the PA for that exact reason. My fighting may suffer as a consequence but at least I still look cool. :D

Oh yeah and specialisation killed off individuality in character setups.

22-11-03, 21:00
I don't even own a PE PA, the very reason is cuz I dont wanna look like S.C.U.B.A diver

22-11-03, 21:03
Originally posted by Lexxuk
Remember, it might be a cyberpunk world, but we are not Goth's who show their individuality by all looking the same.

I'm sure I'm nid meat for this stupid reply but:


Shadow Dancer
22-11-03, 21:04
Originally posted by Lexxuk

Remember, it might be a cyberpunk world, but we are not Goth's who show their individuality by all looking the same.



22-11-03, 21:12
I'm like the only psi on pluto that doesn't wear pa and it's great, not to mention how nice it is to never get attacked by somoene in your team on accident:p

22-11-03, 21:38
Hmm... have it like Black and White! Where you get to tatoo your creature, GRAFFITI YOUR PA!!!

22-11-03, 22:21
Good idea Lexxuk, however I'd expand it a bit further by saying why the hell do all PA look the same except for colors? I think Tank PA 1-4 should all look different. Same goes for all others. Color should not be the main differentiating characteristic of completely different (in complexity) items. I mean Tank PA1 offers pretty low defense and does slow you down all that much, so doesn't it make sense to have that PA look very light, kinda maybe like the suits from Bubblegum Chrisis (If anyone has seen that anime). While the Tank PA4 is huge. It offers a lot of protection against physical and energy damage (meaning it needs to have a large portable generator to provide EM protection field) and it's much bulkier hence why it slows you down so much! It makes sense! The same formula can be applied to pretty much all other PAs for all the other classes since they all should look very differently!

Finally, according to what I've gathered from KK employees posting every now and then, DoY is pretty much finished short of some polishing and waiting for a publishing deal. So instead of having those modelers sitting there playing sextris, why not let them add a lot more visual content to the game?

Who's with me!?

22-11-03, 22:37
its usualy the player/fan base that end up makin graphical changes to any game.

Take for instance Uplink (classic game)

The players made huge modifications that the designers never envisioned, new gateways, themes etc.

I think all KK would need to do, for the front/back effect, would just be to add a editable layer where an overlay could be put, then you could add your image to the overlay and people could see them all (really small too, like the graphitti in Half Life, 256 colours, 8 bits, tiny tiny picture) which could then be put into future patches.

Mind you, adding different lookin armour per level would be wicked, cause its giving so much more defence/attack, that lvl 1 should look totally different from level 1

22-11-03, 22:48
would rather have my name written across the the back of my power armor.. and i want my pa to be red !! no fun wearing pa 3 and 4 when they are just white and black :(

23-11-03, 02:00
Now that i've got a herc i've gone back to being all green :D (hate PA)

What I think they should do though is change the color of the PA to be the same color of you faction as it is seen on the world map. That way if you see silver, you'd know that light green is CA, purple is Crahn, silver is FA, etc etc. It would make OP wars easier and would make it easier to not shoot friendlies.

23-11-03, 02:14
I think the complications behind putting a picture/logo onto the character models are a waste of coders time that can be much better spent adding content into the game.

Like new missions, places to go and stuff to do.

I like the Idea of being able to do this, add tattoos, hair colours and the like to the character models but with consideration to the 56k'rs and the bandwidth considerations to the servers pipe I don't think it is practical.

But a good idea none the less.

23-11-03, 02:34
I voted yes because it needs doing but I don't think KK are gonna do it.

We've been asking for this since long before the new PAs came in and they've not done it for some reason.

As I see it there should be no difficulty - clothing is 3 integers - PA could be 1.

@Lareolan - They did at least partly explain why that part is unlikely to happen. Somehow they've managed to make the PA model/skin a total slag to edit/append. One of the guys on the modding forum might know more.