View Full Version : Project Entropia: Opinions?

22-11-03, 13:30

This is an MMORPG that, I feel, kinda plays/feels like NC from the FPS point of view, but the world itself is HUGE. Many similar items (Storage Cell/Goguardian, Teleport/GenRep) but the content for this still-under-development game is incredible. A zillion types of mobs, ranging in ages/types (young, mature, old, provider, guardian) and even a difference in genders. Each mob drops a skin/fur of it's own, unless of course you kill the robots/droids also on the planet (which pwn n00bs so I really don't know what they drop :p ).

Unfortunately there are a crapload of people playing the game so the servers, which I don't think are state-of-the-art choke sometimes. Also, many of the items in the landscapes are just images, not solid, meaning you can walk thru the trees in a forest. Kinda sucks, but otherwise the world is like 4-5 times the size of NC with terrains and vegetation you wouldn't even imagine.

The play on PE is based on this premise: The game itself is free (download), there is no subscription fee, however, you can "deposit" some real money for in-game money. That's where they get you since nobody in-game will just hand you some credits like in any other game (understandably, it would be like walking up to a stranger and giving him REAL money). $10 USD will get you like $100 in-game. Mobs drop random amounts of money, 95% of the time, just a few cents and some hides, but once in awhile, someone hits the jackpot. Saw a guy get 1880 PEDs off a mob. That's $1,880 in game, the equivalent of buyin $188 USD of in-game credits 8|

Anywho, wanted to know if anyone had played this game in the past/present and wanted to see how ppl saw this game in contrast to NC, a similar genre game.

22-11-03, 14:27
Yep, I tried PE for a while well over a year ago. Some say I got more money than brains but I found that the real money aspect did put too much stress on me.

Hunting. At the time (again, over a year ago) I lost a lot of ammo to lag. Mind you, every shot fired cost you a certain amount real money. Just as it seemed the mob is at 5% health it wouldnt take any further damage.

Mining. You need seismic bombs to find ore to make ingots which are required for constructing. Instead of blowing 1 bomb it often blew an entire stack of 50 bombs from your inventory. Or no explosion and no chance of finding ore at all.

Rubberbanding. You run a few meters then you get warped back again. Causing headaches.

Beggars and conmen. The continuous begging for a PED or noob weapon... having to be constantly aware of people trying to part you from your money.

Hunting, mining, constructing. These activities need investment in equipment and thus cost money. Thats why you see lots of people gather and just chat.

The main reason for me to quit was stress factor at losing money to bugs or lag. Maybe things are improved but I'm not going back in there to find out.

If you haven't yet, go try it. It's free. Decide for yourself. I was looking for entertainment but I can't remember I have had one single moment of fun in that mmorpg.

22-11-03, 15:19
ok i played Project Entropia (PE) for about a year, maybe more because at the time I couldn't afford a pay per month. It has TONS of potential. Like the word around the campfire atm is in the next few weeks the next version is coming out wich will put real-estate in. The only problem is that because you really need to put money into the game to make it big these uses r gunna cost like $1000 (dunno what that is in pounds)

The guns inthe game are no where near as varied as in NC and up until recently they all looked the same. The armour looks cool, this is one of two things i think it has over NC, if u put on a helmet your avatar looks like hes wearing it...wheras in NC u have to wear one of the power armours to look like your wearing any armour. The other thing is that PE has a easier to get used to chat system than NC.

Yes the world is huge but there is no way to travel it easy and there is nothing out there, theyve started making it better by putting in crashed ships etc...but u still get the idea its very empty out there, and the cities. There not cities, there encampents except hadesheim (which no one goes to) they all have a wall and about 4 buildings.

Its gunna have psi powers and implants and drugs, but just not yet...oh atm its impossible to make money, looting is shite, mining is shite and therefotre the prices for raw materials for crafting means crafting is shite...

P.S) if n e one does decide to start playing look me up my name is Boomer and atm im in the Swedish brotherhood (Brit ambassador) but i might b in Methods of Madness very soon

P.S 2)Clans (societies) r crap compared to NC, there r 2 ranks, member and leader and the only bonus u get is the Clan chat window which has unlimited range

22-11-03, 17:33
Yeah I downloaded it... Logged in... Saw telltale signs that the game was not a real game... ie made just to get peoples money and they didn't put the time or effort to make it state of the art.

People look rediculous except for their face. The face looks real, body shapes look like that of mutant freaks. The controls are really wierd (a good sign they dont know what they are doing) It looks like basically someone programmed/designed it in their spare time in a CS class lab...

I realized from this that there would be all kinds of bugs and lack of depth like people in here have just mentioned (bugs cause you to lose money, weapons all look feel sound the same )

22-11-03, 23:34
it's a Mmo, not a MMorpg; it totallty lacks the RPG part since it's a "virtual universe" = they dont care about the story.

use the search button, you will find info about the game here in the NC forums, but if you want to waste your time - go ahead and register.

22-11-03, 23:45
ifound it bazar and confuseing , but i really really liked the charicter creation engin, face lift and all

23-11-03, 00:42
yeah the char creation is cool, total customisation...

23-11-03, 01:49
i got bitch at for bringing PE up before

so i gonna bitch at u


Shadow Dancer
23-11-03, 01:53
I've heard about this time and time again. Question is, is it possible to make real world money off of this game?

23-11-03, 01:54
NO cos its crap!

Shadow Dancer
23-11-03, 01:56
Can you give me some more details? lol

23-11-03, 01:56
Heres doctor inferno i prescribe 24 hours of solid nc play for 2 weeks to free your minds from PE

23-11-03, 01:57
Im ashamed that the only mmorpg the swedish game industry
has to show for is this piece of crap.

23-11-03, 01:57
You said it:)

Shadow Dancer
23-11-03, 01:58
Originally posted by Rade
Im ashamed that the only mmorpg the swedish game industry
has to show for is this piece of crap.

You're swedish?

23-11-03, 01:58
Location: Sweden

Shadow Dancer
23-11-03, 01:59
Jesus, you people respond fast. wtf 60 seconds weren't even up.