View Full Version : Melee Tank Ideas.

22-11-03, 04:22
I know Melee sucks anyway but I have a feeling they are gonna boost it so im posting this.

1) Power Armor - Shouldn't Melee PA make you look thinner and give you more AGL/ATH. To me using a sword seems like it would rely on speed and how you can dodge hits (smaller target box).

2) Melee Weapons - It should be possible to block bullets (I know star-wars, but if they ripped off light-sabres they should do it a little right)like JK2 style where you can use your sword as a shield. Would also be nice to see power struggles with swords where they both hit each other swords at the same time and try and push the other. .They should also have more types of swords, double bladed, wielding 2 swords,, and more than just 1 type of swings. I know im asking alot here but really, melee needs a serious boost like this otherwise I can't ever see wanting to play the class again.

3) Shields - Melee Tanks should be able to hold a shield in 1 hand which would prevent them from using 2 swords, or swords that would take 2 hands. It should slow them down a LITTLE bit.

Put your own ideas, if you want. I still have others but can't seem to recall them atm.

Shadow Dancer
22-11-03, 08:07
Actually I like the idea of melee tanks deflecting attacks.

Dribble Joy
22-11-03, 08:21
Press R to hold weapon in a defensive possition? absorbs say... 40% of dmg (or dependant on TL) and it looses some quality.

Shadow Dancer
22-11-03, 08:32
Originally posted by Dribble Joy
Press R to hold weapon in a defensive possition? absorbs say... 40% of dmg (or dependant on TL) and it looses some quality.

Can they attack while in this position? If they can't, what would be the point? :p

Give melee users a reason to put all points into melee. How about the more points into melee use, the higher the percentage of completely deflecting an attack?

Like 180 melee would give a 10% chance. This is just a random number out of my ass, so don't take it literal.

I think this would be an awesome perk for melee users.

22-11-03, 09:07
throwing knifes/stars or maybe some kidna energy disks er somthin
kung fo or some style of fighting. Like boxing or street style
spear's maces and axes an other medevil kinda weps with a twist kidna thing
maybe ability to throw things an do dmg depending on item an skill if it hits some1. That would be hard to do though.
maybe be able 2 set traps and such. Im not to good for ideas an some of em r real sad but thats all i got.

oh ya maybe a chance to disarm the person they are attacking. like it throws there wep into inv or unselects it with the whip.