View Full Version : OT: Deus Ex Invisible War demo is out

Alex Mars
22-11-03, 00:33
Fileplanet has the demo for DX IW.

22-11-03, 00:37
Gotta be a subscriber though...

22-11-03, 00:40
no you dont

Alex Mars
22-11-03, 00:40
Gotta be a subscriber though...

That is a common misconception, it seems. The demo is available to all who can find the site. I am not a FP subscriber, for example.

J. Folsom
22-11-03, 00:42

Shame it's on fileplanet though... The download speed I get there is far too slow. Though I'm on the wrong computer at the moment anyway, so I suppose it doesn't matter.

22-11-03, 00:45
Actually, you *do* have to be a subscriber. What type of subscription is up to you. Basic is free, but premium isn't.

Here's some linkage: Deus Ex 2: The Invisible War Demo (http://www.fileplanet.com/files/130000/133479.shtml).



22-11-03, 00:50
Hearing from the people who played it, DX2 might be not as uber as 1 :(

The game has been dumbed down so even 8 year olds can play them, with an IQ of 30.

The font is huge like crap.

The weapons now use universal ammo....

It feels like a console game...now thats not good...

The AI is like Deus Ex 1....:(

Welll thats all the negatives so far...I just hope the story and the multiple ways you can go past a guard will make the game worth buying...

Shadow Dancer
22-11-03, 00:52
Originally posted by Duder

The game has been dumbed down so even 8 year olds can play them, with an IQ of 30.

The font is huge like crap.

The weapons now use universal ammo....


1.Why do you say that?

2.I hate huge font.


J. Folsom
22-11-03, 00:54
Originally posted by Duder
Hearing from the people who played it, DX2 might be not as uber as 1 :(

The game has been dumbed down so even 8 year olds can play them, with an IQ of 30.

The font is huge like crap.

The weapons now use universal ammo....

It feels like a console game...now thats not good...

The AI is like Deus Ex 1....:(

Welll thats all the negatives so far...I just hope the story and the multiple ways you can go past a guard will make the game worth buying...

Originally posted by Shadow Dancer

1.Why do you say that?

2.I hate huge font.

3.LAME! LAME! LAME! All I can say to both of you is... There's a demo for a reason, try it out, it might not be as bad as it seems.

Shadow Dancer
22-11-03, 00:55
True, besides alot of kickass games have had really crappy demos.

22-11-03, 00:56
Of course, and i got the demo already, from sitting all day dl it, hmm now to install it, but cant bother right now.

Also, im sure them Xbox tards waved teh bling bling to WS...

I just hope his team starts making adjustments so the PC version feels uber and optimized.

Shadow Dancer
22-11-03, 01:03
Holy crap, all the public servers are full. lol.

22-11-03, 01:22
maybe i should just wait for the extended demo version.;)

22-11-03, 01:38
X-box tards? Why thank you, now i remember how i can afford to update my pc every 6 months to play the top notch games....

no ......


i can't.

That is why i have an x-box, its cheaper than constantly moving with the tech tides, and when it comes to m-player, everyone has the same computer so no "omg bad frame rate" rants...

Think before you mock.

22-11-03, 01:58
Here's hoping they haven't ruined the game with a myriad of options, a la the original.

22-11-03, 02:00
Those of you on Blueyonder broadband can grab it here (http://gamefiles.blueyonder.co.uk/blueyondergames/demos/dxiw_demo_gsi.exe). Might work outside of BY also, dunno.

Keep it under your hats though, don't wanna have any old pleb clogging up the server! ;)

22-11-03, 03:35
Originally posted by Alex Mars
Fileplanet has the demo for DX IW.

OMFG :D :) :D

thank you! :D

EDIT: oh yeah and DX IW > NC ;)

22-11-03, 04:03
hmm.... I played on the demo and maybe its just my eyes being tired but tbh it didn't look any better than DX 1.

Also the interface is horrible it covers up massive amounts of the screen. Its not intuitive at all the health bar is in a funny place, as is the ammo.... which seems to be a bar rather than an actual number, unless once again my eyes are decieving me. The text is MAAAAASSSSSSIIIIIVVVVVEEEEE and the dialogue is fit for 10 year olds. I managed to get it to a reasonable graphical quality but then I was getting shite FPS. This is not a PC game in my eyes; its a console game masquerading as a PC game.

I'm going to go back to playing DX 1 :(

22-11-03, 04:06
I feel like a retard now after playing the demo.

No, it met my expectations for gameplay...

Its' just...

Not really like the first one =/

Oh, and the big ass font which I can read from across the room kicks butt.


22-11-03, 04:17
Seems to me that sequals, whether movies or games just suck compared to the first. Except Carmageddon 2, That rocked, But then 3 sucked.

22-11-03, 04:23
Uh.. the demo... /set kill_self 1
Talk about a fucking let-down. That game is about as ugly (interface wise) as it can get. My 2 year old neighbor can draw a better interface then that. Well at least that’s $50 extra bucks come release time.

22-11-03, 05:22
well from the looks of it I'm up for a let down eh? I figured they might have sold their souls to the devil ( sony ) with that console kiddie shit, since deus ex 1 went on the play station :(

well good thing it is modable, I will fix all that is wrong with it ;)

*points to sig* I dident get that sig for nothing ;)

22-11-03, 05:26
Whats the site? just the game site not the download

Alex Mars
22-11-03, 06:36

22-11-03, 07:15
wow utter crap. it retained little of the classic. Ill just buy ut2004 :p

22-11-03, 09:27
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
Holy crap, all the public servers are full. lol.

[/sarcasm] Wait wait, the FP public servers are FULL???? NO WAY!!!!!!!! [sarcasm]

Actually, sometimes if I go on in the early afternoon there's 'only' a 10 minute wait, but it's all moot now since I can't get over 20kps on this shite wireless DSL.

Richard Adregen
22-11-03, 11:24
Wireless DSL? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Honestly... Wireless... DSL... :lol:

Just get yerself cabled DSL :)

At least you get 200 kb/s like me ;)

I don't like the sound of this demo... still gonna try it though ;)


22-11-03, 14:14
Mucho thanks for the link, getting 276k/sec atm w00t!

The bad news is from what Ive heard on other boards, its crap, crap in a BIG way :( Damn shame, Ive been awaiting this game more than any other since its announcement. I just hope the full game isnt a huge letdown like it seems it may be :(

22-11-03, 14:17
anyone remember the Demo of Neocron on the cover of some mag?
That sucked arse big time. I played that and thought... OMFG this is shite
Then i bought the game cos there was nothing better and it RULEZZZZZZZ
so give it a chance, im sure the game will be Ubermized for PC
Enjoy :D

22-11-03, 14:25
Originally posted by Ren
X-box tards? Why thank you, now i remember how i can afford to update my pc every 6 months to play the top notch games....

no ......


i can't.

That is why i have an x-box, its cheaper than constantly moving with the tech tides, and when it comes to m-player, everyone has the same computer so no "omg bad frame rate" rants...

Think before you mock.

Prehaps but you can buy a PC and upgrade it in portions giving it a much larger lifetime then a console. Think you will be playing XBox2 games in an XBox? Don't think so.

22-11-03, 14:34
Yeah Fileplanet roxx!! No waiting Time and im not a Subscriber :D

1 Hour left and i can play the Demo ... :D

22-11-03, 14:45
URGH, the demo is AWFUL.

-The graphics look no better than DX-1
-The lighting looks VERY cheesy
-The inventory and new UI is horrid
-The mouse sensitivity wouldnt change
-The settings dont save

Even the main menu looked horrid, the DX logo looked like it was in 16bit color, banding everywhere.

What a waste of time.

22-11-03, 14:50
Lol in my opinion the Neocron offline demo was better then the game itself...

Lets hope that ion storm take note of the publics response to the demo and begins to fix the faults to the full version for the PC ...hahahahahaha

Well, another genre fucked up. First matrix, now this.

22-11-03, 15:52
Originally posted by Duder
Well, another genre fucked up. First matrix, now this.

Indeed. Consoles are the scurge of good games.

22-11-03, 15:59
Originally posted by Judge
Indeed. Consoles are the scurge of good games.

amen, the hunger for more money made warren spectre and harvy smith sell their asses to sony :(

@NeoLojik your bugging, the lighting was the best part of the game.

I dont really give to shit's, I promise you all. you will see better gameplay out of my deus ex mod for ut2004. trust me ;)

22-11-03, 16:55
Hmm actually im hoping there will be modders about, fixing the DXIW, hoping of course.

Seems like video games is becoming a shitty hobby.

22-11-03, 16:59
duder, from what I saw in the deus ex demo's "system" files, it has drastically changed the unreal warfare base engine. that is most likely because they started with 2.5 and not 3.0 , so I think modding for it will not be big at all. especially considering the mod community that follows deus ex is very small. I was a part of it, and theese forums english talk has a bigger band of people.I quit that community, and I went for a look yesterday, same people nothing good or new. Deus ex is now offically console fodder :( very sad

22-11-03, 17:04
This...is almost making me sad, im hoping the story will be more interesting then the sad combat, the lack of leaning for stealthing about, sesame street fonts, the loss of locational body damage, and the piss poor AI, and the universal ammo with a unlimited ammo clip for every goddam gun.

22-11-03, 17:05
seriously to the people that find the graphics ugly, get a new comp..... i put everything on max and play on 1600-1200, and the grapichs are just as good as max payne 2 if not better.... and the demo is ok itself, there are quite a few ways to complete the demo, so gameplay wise its just like DX1

22-11-03, 17:07
Originally posted by Cliffraiser
seriously to the people that find the graphics ugly, get a new comp..... i put everything on max and play on 1600-1200, and the grapichs are just as good as max payne 2 if not better.... and the demo is ok itself, there are quite a few ways to complete the demo, so gameplay wise its just like DX1

yeah I got a 9800 pro and the gfx are great. although the geometry is a bit lacking, just as any game made for consoles it is very boxy, and I'm refering to screenshot's of the intire game not just the demo.

Richard Adregen
22-11-03, 17:16
Umm... just a quick question I guess, but i can't get it to run... It needs some Pixel Shader 1.1 thingy and it doesn't seem to work. Now, don't laugh at me (I know my vid card is crap), but it's a Geforce 2 MX 32 mb... updated to latest drivers today, but... it doesn't work? Any advice?


22-11-03, 17:18
You need a DX9 card, like a GF3+ or a newer Radeon. Sorry. :(

/edit. Even GF4MXs don't work. I pity the poor saps that bought a name-brand prebuilt comp recently...

Richard Adregen
22-11-03, 17:21
I can't help it... this comp was given to me for my birthday a couple of years ago and they gave me this crappy vid card with it... And I'm poor so I guess I'll ask for a new vid card for christmas/my birthday (they practically co-incide, yay! Soon!). Thanks anyway :)


22-11-03, 17:21
Originally posted by Richard Adregen
Umm... just a quick question I guess, but i can't get it to run... It needs some Pixel Shader 1.1 thingy and it doesn't seem to work. Now, don't laugh at me (I know my vid card is crap), but it's a Geforce 2 MX 32 mb... updated to latest drivers today, but... it doesn't work? Any advice?

RA. LOL! PixeldShader 1.1 is only available on GeForce 4 Ti type cards or higher. (Unless I'm mistaken. PixelShader 1.0 was on GeForce 3's right?)

If you upgrade, DON'T GET AN MX SERIES CARD!!! They suck and have like 1/2 the features of a Ti. Get a Ti4200 if you have to, BUT DON'T GET AN MX. Did I mention that MX's suck? :p


Richard Adregen
22-11-03, 17:25
Originally posted by StryfeX
If you upgrade, DON'T GET AN MX SERIES CARD!!! They suck and have like 1/2 the features of a Ti. Get a Ti4200 if you have to, BUT DON'T GET AN MX. Did I mention that MX's suck? :p


No need to tell me that... I managed to notice that with the card I currently have ;) I guess I'll just ask for a Geforce FX 5600 or higher ;) Which card is currently the best? ATI or Nvidia... I don't mind, as long as I get to upgrade ;)


22-11-03, 20:06
I really quite enjoyed it to be honest, even more so after I tweaked the default.ini file with all the suggestions made on the ionstorm forums:


What's up with unified ammo? Sure the only way it makes sense is if you say there are nanobots that transform the ammo by re-arranging its molecules or something. However gameplay wise it's fine. It puts the same restrictions on gameplay as finding limited amounts of specific ammo - the flamer eats ammo from your unified pool, the pistol sips it. Therefore you cant use the flamer all the time. If there are as many paths through the game as they say there are going to be, regulating the player's supply of a specific ammo type would be difficult. Much easier to stick unified ammo in and work on something more important.

Furthermore you are all judging the game on a tiny demo, with no storyline, and no time to immerse yourself in the game. The combat in DX1 wasn't amzing, it was the immersive storyline and attention that made it.

Hell I don't even know why im saying all this, I enjoyed the damned demo. Did anyone else get the boltcaster? Great fun :D

Zu (Pluto)
22-11-03, 20:17
Just, I've just spent the afternoon playing around with the demo. Thought I'll share my experiences (tried to avoid spoilers for those who haven't tried the demo yet and intend to).
Font size is horrid. I'm not certain but they may be even larger than PotC. I turned the subtitles off but it seems like when you hold "important" coversations, you have no choice but play with "let's all learn to read with Deux Ex". Surely it must be possible to have smaller text size for the PC? Need to look into how to do this.
Graphics seem really.. umm squished or something. Clunky as hell even on a high(ish) resolution. Finally decided it's the very narrow FOV. A little tinker in the ini file fixed that to something more desirable. Why do console FPS always seem to have such a narrow POV? It's horrid! Horrid! Horrid! Also, settings were not saved when I exit game. Ugh. Luckily the keyboard mapping is vaguely OK. Annoying I have to reset the resolution every single time I go back in. But this is probably a demo issue. Can't see this being broken in the full game.
No quick save. IMHO this is a good thing. I hate quick saves. Especially when level designers start to design levels that assume you quicksave every corner. You can still save anywhere. Good.
After a bit of messing around, graphics actually look quite nice. The textures are a bit low-rez for my liking. This might be a console limitation? Perhaps the full game might have brighter and more detailed textures. The lighting and shadows I was quite impressed with. But it is really, really freaky that you don't seem to cast a shadow yourself. I know you do in Thief 3 and was hoping it would be the same in DX:IW.
Hmm. I have some graphical glitches if I have FSAA on. It seems to mess up the pixel shading so characters appear all fizzly. Turned the multisampling off in the end because it was too annoying. Graphics still look OK but UI is not jaggy instead of nice and smooth. This is with an ATI9800 (cat 3.9).
Right. Started playing. Don't seem to be able to lean. This sure makes sneaking a lot more difficult. Physics engine is pretty cool, but it does have some occasionally peculiarities you can exploit to hurl yourself a dozen feet into the air. That's OK. You could do the same thing in Thief (guard jumping), and that was really cool for level exploring purposes.
I don't find the UI too visually obtrusive. It looks fairly nice and you can adjust its opacity. Then I tried to use it. I wish there is a "mouse mode" thing that will just let you use the mouse to select/activate things properly! Or failing that please could they give Mouseovers? Trying to examine stuff in my inventory was horrible as every time I click it becomes Selected and so I kept accidentally activating medikits or swapping items into my quickbelt. Eventually gave up and use the keys to "look" at objects without selecting them. I hate having to swap my hand from mouse to keyboard though.
OK. Done experimenting and tried playing. Seems pretty cool, like DX was. Feels right. Lots of different way to do things. I can fall off ladders all the time like very other FPS. I hate ladders. Never got the hang of them. The level was nice in that you can crawl and climb all over the place. Great for people who like exploring like me.
Eventually decided that the guard outside had to go. So, I did my ole favourite in DX and zapped him in the back of the head with a stunprod when he's not looking. Hmm. He's still standing. Zap... Zap... zap?? A few reloads and retries later, it seems like that it doesn't matter whether he's alert or not or whether you zap him in the head, arm, leg, hand, etc. Hmm. That sucks. So much for the stealthy sneak sneak zap drag away body approach. I just don't seem to be able to pull off a one-hit "kill". Guess you can kill or sneak, but can't combine the two.
Can't comment on AI. I never treated DX as a first person shooter really, so I don't engage in massed gunfights. IMHO that is what gets lone agents killed, so all the fighting I did was from surprise or overwhemling advantage. They seem to react to impending doom(tm) and run from grenades and the like. Ladders seem to be beyond them though, which makes me sad :(.
I am sure there is a really good reason why everything uses the same ammo. Hmm. I guess it's to let people use whathever weapon they like rather than messing around with ammo management. This seems like "dumbing down", but it might be a good thing, I suppose. I prefer the old ammo management though.
Small inventory. I mean it's tiny compared to DX. On one hand, I like it because it means more management deciding what you need to take with you and what you don't. On the other, because it's slot based rather than say weight based, it's a bit frustrating when you have 1 of several different types of grenades and you can't take them all, when you can carry like 6 shotguns and a flamethrower. I am of the opinion giving every item a "weight" and setting a limit with as many slots as it takes would had been better. But it's nice that some items (e.g. food) are all considered to be the same thing and thus stored in the same slot.

Conclusion. I like it. It looks promising. Looks polished. I've got the full game on order and will keep it that way. It has a few comprises that seem for the benefit of the Xbox interface, but they are not so bad that I cannot live with it. It runs pretty decently on my rig with only a slight feel of lag in places, but the frame rate etc was consistent so I'm happy. Basically, a few things "I would have done different" but nothing I hate.

My rig?
Athlon XP1800+@1533 (or whatever it's meant to be by default)
Asus A7V266-E (rev 1006)
512 MB RAM (cheap and nasty)
WindowsXP Home (svc pack 1)
Audigy 2
Sapphire Radeon 9800 (cat 3.9)
Logitech MX700

Should run like a dream for you guys with modern computers.


22-11-03, 20:29
It runs like shit on my...
Pentium4 3 ghz
New uber ASUS board
1022 ram
Geforce 4 ti 4600
Win XP pro


Love the game but If it's like this console looking crap at release I wont be buying it. It should at least fucking run at 30 fps on my computer. (low settings) :confused:

Zu (Pluto)
22-11-03, 20:51
Just noticed that there is now a DX:IW folder in My Documents. User.ini inside it was set to read-only. That might sort out the non-saving setting problem.

In what way does it run like shit on your rig? Does it look bad or is it bad frame rate? It doesn't seem to offer much graphical tweaks under options, but maybe there is something you can adjust / turn off in the ini files to compensate for your graphics card (I know the Ti4600 is OK, but maybe there's some "new" features it doesn't do very well that DX:IW is insisting on using? ). It did look a bit average on my machine at first but a little experimentation and it's looking pretty neat. I get a good enough frame rate that I don't notice and therefore don't bother to find out (i.e. it's probably 40-50+). There does appear to be a slight mouselag though which I haven't figured out yet. Anyway, you're PC is way faster then mine so I'm surprised you are not happy with performance. Is there anything in the readme perhaps about your drivers?


22-11-03, 21:10
anyone encounter problems on mouse movement.
all feels kind of "wobbling" :)

Zu (Pluto)
22-11-03, 21:12
It's the mouse lag. Try playing with the MouseLagThreshold in default.ini. I've got it set to 0 and it seems to help.


22-11-03, 21:14
Originally posted by Zu (Pluto)
It's the mouse lag. Try playing with the MouseLagThreshold in default.ini. I've got it set to 0 and it seems to help.

Thats the only problem I have with the game, other then that I love it. It may feel like a console but I'm sure the story line will be great which is one of the things I loved most about the first deus ex.

22-11-03, 21:21
There's a thread (http://www.ionstorm.com/forum/viewthread.asp?forum=AMB_AP619612110&id=34880) on the IS forums with a lot of tweaks (but it's being a bitch and wont load for me...).

/edit: Ok it loads, it just takes a really long time. Must be everyone in the world with the demo hitting the forums....

23-11-03, 05:30
Originally posted by Richard Adregen
Wireless DSL? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Honestly... Wireless... DSL... :lol:

Just get yerself cabled DSL :)

At least you get 200 kb/s like me ;)

I don't like the sound of this demo... still gonna try it though ;)


Well, we used to have Cable Modem/TV.

But then my parents decided to get Direct TV (for no reason).

So then the Internet cost too much, so they got DSL.

And "We don't like wires running around the house." So they got wireless. Go figure. :(

And until I get off my lazy butt and drag the cord up into the attic, and down into my room, it's 20kp/s, random disconnects, and ZERO stability on my connection.


Shadow Dancer
23-11-03, 05:34
I miss JC's voice, LoL.

Btw when is this coming out? And will it be for PS2, too?

23-11-03, 11:36
I agree the interface sucks big time, i never really noticed the font, probably because i was concentrating on playing :D

The graphics look better to me i dont know what you lot are bitching about. Also the light looks, how do I put this REALISTIC. Plus the shadows cast by your enemies on the walls looks fantastic. It all looks so Noir style, I like it.

Plus you can take control of turrets hehe.

Anyway i hope the developers dont plan on implementing such a crappy interface.

Zu (Pluto)
23-11-03, 13:54
originally posted by ShadowDancer
I miss JC's voice, LoL.

Btw when is this coming out? And will it be for PS2, too?

I liked JC's monotone too. Some of my friends didn't but when it's /your/ character it's nice they don't decide to steal how you're feeling about something from you. I'd always hated it in some RPGs when your character suddenly decides to get all emotional and upset or whatever at the drop of a Hollywood cue even though you had been doing something completely different.

It's coming out on the XBox and PC on December 3 in the US. It'll be out in UK/Europe in February or so. Nothing for the PS2, I'm afraid.


23-11-03, 22:18
Arghhh the demo is giving me crap. First it says i needs a card with pixel shader 1.1 then it gives this:

*** Win32 Runtime Fault : ACCESS_VIOLATION
*** Build Nov 14 2003 19:12:56
*** Thread Id : FA38AFA1h
*** Stack Trace Follows...

frame: IP=8DFA301E SP=00DFA228 BP=00DFA8EC
frame: IP=00418311 SP=5BEF8A84 BP=00DFAA2C
frame: IP=BFF94407 SP=00DFAF10 BP=00DFAA40
{ 0002:0001B407 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\KERNEL32.DLL }

and then this:

DX2 caused an invalid page fault in
module <unknown> at 0000:8dfa301e.
EAX=8e0a4b4c CS=017f EIP=8dfa301e EFLGS=00010a17
EBX=00000000 SS=0187 ESP=00dfa228 EBP=00dfa8ec
ECX=8dfa302c DS=0187 ESI=00008a84 FS=6917
EDX=00008aa0 ES=0187 EDI=00dfaa14 GS=5bef
Bytes at CS:EIP:
00 a0 2c 30 fa 8d fc 48 0a 8e 00 02 00 00 01 00
Stack dump:
00406ad1 8e0a4b4c 00dfaa14 00008a84 00dfa8ec 00dfaa60 02262f5c 00dfa31c 4c4c442e 00000000 c008b6a8 022d0b20 009092c4 01cb2028 8472d104 8472d100

Richard Adregen
23-11-03, 22:26
You have the same problem I do.

Your vid card sucks. Get a new one like I'm gonna ;)


Zu (Pluto)
23-11-03, 23:39

It'll help if you can tell us what your PC setup is.


24-11-03, 01:48
AMD Athlon 2400 2.0 ghz
Radeon 7200 64mb
384 mb ram
Win 98 SE

24-11-03, 02:57
man this demo kicks ass, i was getting like 50 frames per second on the highest graphics setting with my radeon 9800 xt

24-11-03, 03:10
this demo is just a taster.. and not PC optimized.. PC release will be better.. this version is Xbox optimized..

However, hints of a cool story.. and multiple ways to do a mission

J a y
24-11-03, 04:44
I would hope for marketing reasons they would have the demo at "pc quality" right now it looks like a hunk of shit with everything up. weapon models look like crap (i can make better and ive only been 3d modeling for 2 months). the world complexity is decent but i would hope it would of been a bit more details that were modeled not textured. universal ammo is just plain gay. interface is nice. ai is dumb. the first one looks better. but like i said if they wanted to make a impression with a demo instead of leading everyone to think (maybe the pc verson will look better) hate to tell everyone but what you see is what you get. all console games get pc ported with crap graphics unless the port is worked on for a while to make everything pritty.

oh and mostlikly someone will say "its probably your system"

i have a p4 3.2ghz ht, 256mb radieon 9800xt.

24-11-03, 05:51
I don't know why everyone cares if it's not the best graphics out right now of if it feels like a console game. It still has the feel of deus ex and i'm sure the story will be just as good. Not to mention the multiple way you can do stuff in teh game.

And the game ran perfect for me. These are my computers specs:

P4 2.6ghz
512 ram
radeon 9700

24-11-03, 08:18
Originally posted by Keiron
Uh.. the demo... /set kill_self 1
Talk about a fucking let-down. That game is about as ugly (interface wise) as it can get. My 2 year old neighbor can draw a better interface then that. Well at least that’s $50 extra bucks come release time.

BAH I started downloading it at the start of reading this thread- now I will probably click the cancel button by the end of this thread.. lol

24-11-03, 10:15
I don't know why everyone says the graphics suck, just cranked it up to 1600x1200, 4 sampling, etc, and it looks awesome (better than max payne 2 by a little bit).

course, didn't run smooth at that setting, but it isn't optimized yet (as previously stated). now, if i can just tear myself away from neocron to play the demo all the way through...

24-11-03, 10:37
Originally posted by Wallen
I don't know why everyone says the graphics suck, just cranked it up to 1600x1200, 4 sampling, etc, and it looks awesome (better than max payne 2 by a little bit).

course, didn't run smooth at that setting, but it isn't optimized yet (as previously stated). now, if i can just tear myself away from neocron to play the demo all the way through...

lol i finished demo in like 15 minutes

24-11-03, 11:03
mouse lag and lighting were my only problems...but that was enough to where after i got killed...closed the game...lol...

it took me like 5-6 hours to beat max payne 2...read in a magazine it's the only game to be based on a love story...it was a pretty kool story...

i dunno anything of the deus ex story since i didnt play part1...maybe ill try to find that and play it...

anyways atm...the demo didnt impress me much...o_O

24-11-03, 11:28
Originally posted by Richard Adregen
Umm... just a quick question I guess, but i can't get it to run... It needs some Pixel Shader 1.1 thingy and it doesn't seem to work. Now, don't laugh at me (I know my vid card is crap), but it's a Geforce 2 MX 32 mb... updated to latest drivers today, but... it doesn't work? Any advice?


I am pretty sure from reading the Eidios forums that the card you have will not run the demo! But please verify this as I may be wrong. Also for anyone that gets the inability to install issue I posted a fix for that there as well. If you can't find the link let me know I will look for ya!

24-11-03, 18:50
Everyone are not complaining about gfx, jesus, people are complaining about the console style gameplay, how they simpified things and how they broke stuff that they didnt need to break (universal ammo, localized damage?).


Also many people complain about how slow DXIW runs or not at all, but it has very little to do with how nice the GRAHPICS are.

I Just hope the story will be 10 times as better then this crap.

Dribble Joy
24-11-03, 18:55
It felt far too much like a consol port. I hope the PC final version is seriously tweaked. If not, I think a lot of people will be annoyed.

I managed to run it at max gfx on my 1.4 athlon radeon 9500 pro :p

24-11-03, 19:46
took me about 15 minutes to finish it on easy.. then i played it again, and again and again, and again..
this demo has multiple ways to do each mission.. i've completed it without firing a single shot (although they all ended up dead bar one guy), i've killed all of them, i've bribed my way out, i've found places i didnt see originally.. and i've found different parts of the story. I will without a doubt buy this game, it has replayability, gameplay, and a kickass story (from the demo at least).

this game will live up to its predecessor.

Zu (Pluto)
24-11-03, 21:49
I've played it to death over about 4-5 hours. It's hard to say how good the whole game (story, etc) would be, but based on the demo it *can* be good. I fear though that people's expectations of a sequel to DX1 might be a wee bit high, and also people who are looking for more-of-the-same would be disappointed. I am still looking forward to this game, because I enjoyed the demo a lot, but...

This was the PC demo. How the heck could they have released it in this state!? Sure, I got it to run nice and look good and have the controls working the way I want it, but why oh why did I have to do so much forum hunting and ini file fiddling? I mean, half the settings were set for the X-box. This was a PC demo. Would it had been so difficult for them to had make sure the settings were suitable for PCs??? IS have really hurt themselves by a sloppy demo-release. I sincerely hope the full game comes configured vaguely properly and don't *require* people to muck about with the back end. If they don't get this right, they will get hammered in the sales from returns and bad word-of-mouth.

Sorry for the late reply. I'm afraid I can't see your system running DXIW well. The weakest component is the Video Card. The 7200 is IMO the bottom-end of the Budget card range. That's to say it's really very slow. I have heard people give positive reports with mid-range ATIs (9600s), which are fairly affordable. You have a nice fast processor, so it's probably worth upgrading your vid card to take advantage of it (go nVidia if you prefer, but I'm an ATI fan). Also, increasing memory to 512 or higher won't hurt. Bear in mind I'm not tech guru - this is just based on what I know.


25-11-03, 12:26
Originally posted by Duder
Everyone are not complaining about gfx, jesus, people are complaining about the console style gameplay, how they simpified things and how they broke stuff that they didnt need to break (universal ammo, localized damage?).

It still has localized damage (just like the first one), turn on auto-aim to check it out. I mentioned the GFX because some people complained about them sucking :rolleyes: (which they don't). Once you get used to the interface it can be manuevered very quickly (though it does have a few irksome details), and the only way I see universal ammo as being a problem is if you play in the style of guns-blazing non-stop, which, while possible, probably isn't the most fun or desired (by the game's creators) way of playing.

Now for the 15 minute comment: Ever play the game Myst? Or any of it's sequels? IF you knew what to do and where to look, you could BEAT the ENTIRE game in under 10 minutes, but then you lost the whole experience. The point of the demo is not to beat it, but to experience it to get a taste of what the final product will be like.

25-11-03, 15:02
omfg well I dunno if any of you care, but I have some horrible news. Deus EX 2 has NO EDITOR!

that's right, yesterday I got back in with a few buddies from the dx editing community, and they confirmed to me that DX IW will have no editor and will NOT be modable!

this makes me sick and I will not be buying deus ex 2 :(

however I will be making a Deus EX mod for ut2004, so anyone that codes please drop me a pm, I need some help in that area only.

25-11-03, 15:07
Its still UT2k3 engine O_o, its pretty weird game. Find a pilot and stuff then get in some building.... then sewer.. and then I die :p

25-11-03, 15:40
everyone please go here if you are unhappy with the demo.
