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21-11-03, 19:01
Myself, i don't use a hotmail account but what if they do say "hey, no one with hotmail accounts can play, kthxbye" it would be the end of the game as we know it, it shouldn't have even been said by odin, "we are considering it". I personally thing that these hacks are an inside job. I would like to hear everyone elses take on this issue.

21-11-03, 19:39
Hey Mike.

If they prohibited people with hotmail accounts or similar free e-mail accounts, then I won't be able to play again. I'm giving NC a rest these days, but when I come back, I wont be able to, if this thing is implemented. I agree with you in the sense that the game will surely die, quickly and surely, if people with free e-mail accounts can't play. They will lose more players by doing that, than they will from people having their p/w's lured from the ingame, and subsequently quitting because of it.

The solution, to my mind, is: The p/w for your hotmail account, let that be something really obscure that doesnt have anything to do with your life or you, and keep it on a piece of paper somewhere. Dont keep it in a p/w-remember text file on your comp or something, like I did up until a while back, for when I would forget my p/w for different things. Also, let the secret question for retrieving your p/w not make sense at all. Let the answer be whatever, a nonsensical string of numbers, so people can't lure your dogs name from you ingame and get to your hotmail account. Someone else commented likewise on this matter quite well. Can't remember who it was.

The answer is educate people about what to do, and what not to do, don't prohobit people with free e-mail from playing.

21-11-03, 19:52
Originally posted by Odin
Accounts Signed Up With Hotmail etc
If you are using a hotmail account or ANY email account that gives you the option of using a secret word to retrieve passwords (ie: What's your pets name etc) please change your account emails over to an account that doesn't ask for secret words. Or at the very least give very oddball answers (ie: Q: What's your mother's maiden name? A: Albert Einstein).

The reason we ask you to do this is that we are encountering certain individuals who are gaining people's trust and during conversations asking for their emails and then later on prodding them in conversations for clues as to the answer without the user realizing it. They then get the passwords for your accounts and log in and either remove all items or outright delete the characters...............

ONOZ im signed up via hotmail........afaik theyre not stopping us playing, they're asking us to be more aware of our own security.

21-11-03, 20:05
Honestly, do you want to get hacked? :rolleyes:


21-11-03, 20:13
so how does it work? i mean is it if u use a hotmail account on the forums? i use my isp one here but i use a hot mail account cuz i use instant messenger now.

how do they hack pplz accounts using hotmail? and what do i have to do to stop them ferking my nc accounts?

21-11-03, 20:14
Oh come on - saying all people with Hotmail accounts are likely to get hacked is like saying all black men are likely to be drug dealers :rolleyes:

At best its a very broad generalization

21-11-03, 20:20
I didn't see anything in Odin's post saying that we can't use free email accounts. He only suggested that we not use them.;)

Personally, IMO, if you are dumb enough to give away any personal information that might compromise your account security to someone you do not actually know, you deserve to get your account hacked, and KK shouldn't have to give you anything for it.

We all live in a world where you can't really trust anyone, IRL, so why should you really trust anyone you meet in a game.:rolleyes:

Anyway, I don't want to piss anyone off by saying this, I just happen to believe that people should be held responsible for what they do.

If you make it easy for someone to hack your account, it's your own damn fault.:p

Just my 2 cents.

21-11-03, 20:20
Its tough to "hack" a hotmail password right now, in all honesty. Microsoft actually made a SMART move, and now if you can guess the location/secret answer for an email account, you must put in a NEW password....and it applies that password to the account.

But anyway...someone guessing a password or a secret answer for a hotmail acct is exactly "hacking" :p

21-11-03, 20:21
We are suggesting that you do not use hotmail accounts because they are hackable and we know that Neocron users have been hacked. It would therefore be amiss of us if we were not to recommend that you review your security in light of this information. Nothing more has been decided at this point in time.

BTW, you might want to pick a different analogy next time. o_O


21-11-03, 20:24
Originally posted by Nidhogg
We are suggesting that you do not use hotmail accounts because they are hackable and we know that Neocron users have been hacked. It would therefore be amiss of us if we were not to recommend that you review your security in light of this information. Nothing more has been decided at this point in time.

BTW, you might want to pick a different analogy next time. o_O



and true enough.

21-11-03, 20:36
Like other people have said, use an obscure Secret Question and Answer.

As far as the hacking of the accounts (not just password stealing) theres nothing you can do beyond changing accounts.

21-11-03, 21:07
The only known (maybe wrong choice of words, the only working i guess) method to hotmail hacking (which isn't hacking at all its exploiting ppls stupidity) is this Wannabe hacker setups a hotmail account called pw_crackingbot@hotmail.com then posts emails, or forum msgs, or whatever communicai posible telling dumb-ass people that their is a Password Bot on Hotmail system then goes into the following rant on how the Bot will give you the password of the victim to your account, when in actuallity the dumbass gives away his own account and password. Cuz truth be told hacking the Microsoft Passport is pretty fucking hard (once they patched the huge html hole it had in it). I suppose its also feasible that you can create a website to look like the passport so that your site logs the account: pass then redirects it to the valid authentication site for passport then to the real site the person was signing into that way the person is unaware that anything funny went on.

SO ppl DON'T fall for this crappy technique...you will not get a password back from the victim, instead your own account will be owned.

Method is:-
First send an e-mail to pw_crackingbot@hotmail.com , second within the Subject heading place the word "Password" (not in quotes but has to have a capital P) this way the automated bot recognizes what you are after. Then in the text field place the name of the person at hotmail that you want to hack (Do not put @hotmail.com after their name). No capital letters are to be put in this place. Then skip three (3) lines and place your own hotmail account information such as: "My login:My password" (a semicolon makes it easier for the bot to recognize). This way the bot can verify that your account actually exists.And your password will use to trick the Bot.And then supplies you with the
password for the person's account that you want it for. Here is an
To: pw_crackingbot@hotmail.com
Subject: Password
ID of the person you want to hack
"Your login:Your password"

{EDIT} DISCLAIMER: I just randomly made up PW_Crackingbot@hotmail.com for an example, I have no clue if this account actually exists

J. Folsom
21-11-03, 21:08
Heh, I'd be surprised if anyone who's even partially sane would ever figure out the answer to my secret question, and even then, the E-Mail addres I use publicly isn't the same one as the one I use to sign up for stuff. :P