View Full Version : Where to team on Saturn?

21-11-03, 02:20
Heya all....new player here, though I hate to call myself a n00b ;)

Had a question...I'm playing on the Saturn server and was wondering...where do people meet to form teams? I'v found the center of commerce (Plaza1), but for grouping, where to go?

Thx in advance!

21-11-03, 02:22
Try to get in a clan that helps...other than that Plaza 1 is a good spot, tho groups of noobs r usually formed n the aggies (plaza 1, Diamond real estate cellar) or other cellers..just ask other low lvl players that r there if they wanna team up

21-11-03, 02:56
ya theres aggie but if u wanna kill rats first try goin in the sewer infront of the psi shop beside the 2 collums. Usaly people in the big room wich spawns rats in there.

21-11-03, 07:22
If you are that new why not solo for a while, don't really need a team to kill rats

Also, remember that if you team with people that are much higher than you you end up getting virtually no xp so sometimes it is better to solo

but anyway, usually in busy killing mob areas people ask you to join team or you could ask whether there are any teams and wait for an invite (don't spam though)

21-11-03, 07:35
well, I'm not THAT new....been playing one week, and already rerolled and started right. Been playing mmorpg's for a while, so I kinda have a basic idea...

....on about the right level to kill aggressors now...thx for telling me where the place is. I've pretty much soloed up 'till now, but I think it's time for some teaming and group carnage.

I'm kinda used to an environment where people of certain level ranges congregate incertain areas to form teams before heading out. Was kinda wondering if the same applied in this game, but it seems that people just kind of randomly meet up at the point of action. Cool enough I suppose.

I guess I will have to start looking for a clan if I want to get serious, though...although I don't see a lot of Crahn clans around??

Anyway, thx for tips, and what-not....really lovin' this game, after 2 years of Anarchy Online }:P

trigger hurt
21-11-03, 08:09
What faction are you?

If you are TG...go caving. Sadly enough, there aren't many high level teams going into the caves anymore, so you can easily find some lower level teams there to get xp from. Sometimes, people will team you even if you wont get xp from them. I still hold true that you should be at least /35 before you go caving, but eh...noone listens to me anyway.

If you are city faction, get missions to kill rats. that will help level your psi. then you can heal and deflector yourself. Then, hit the aggies or storages in outzone.

21-11-03, 11:10
Guys don't tend to team with people they dont know. Reason - die - belt - stolen .... I know ... Been there and lost a belt to someone In same faction ....

Anyway My solution is,

Go to popular hunting ground ... depending on level - Aggies, Industrial, Cajun, MB, Caves...where ever you enjoy....

The good spots always have runners. Then do a little solo out of team with guys. They will quickly learn that they can trust you. Then you can ask to team