View Full Version : PSI Resist

20-11-03, 22:22
Does PSI resist work, coz tons of people say it dont, and sum say it does...and if so does it (or will it if it's gunna b put in) make it harder for PPU's to heal u?

PS I know this probly shudn't b here but i was wondering how u change you custom status, the help files say its in profile yet i am unable to locate it, do i have to have a certain number of posts?

Shadow Dancer
20-11-03, 22:23
I think you need 100 posts.

Anyways PSI resist is useless ATM.

20-11-03, 22:37
... I thought this was another one of those "make PSR work properly....!" posts -_-

Anyways, nah it don't work, we don't want it to work either, because it gives people an excuse to say "haha you got frozen."
meanwhile you have to NERF yourself to use it.

21-11-03, 00:01
Remove freezers, make PSR work.

21-11-03, 07:37
At one point someone tested a Queen Flamevalanche on me b4 and after i added psi resist and the damage after was less... Would need much more testing to find out (might have been different body shots but i doubt it) and for the most part it seems useless. I heard someone else say they thought it affected DOT's from MOB's...

21-11-03, 08:00
Nah, it doesn't affect as far as I know. We tested it with 0/30 PSR and with HL, FA, FS, TS and Pest.

21-11-03, 08:19
i heard somewhere it only healped vs psi attack modules as they r the only ones that do psi dmg. I dont know for sure though.

21-11-03, 08:49
They do force damage AFAIK.

In theory, and this is really theory.
The only modules it will effect, are PPU Modules,

Which basically means DB and Para for bonus....

...why would anyone want to cut out their defencive (PSI) Capabilities for PSR? :P
Para in itself is not enough of a reason to nerf (possibly uber nerf) the characters....