View Full Version : X-ray, gammabones, tanks, cs's

Original monk
20-11-03, 14:11
Hello, a while ago i posted that i wasnt happy with the gammabones cause i modded most of my weapons with x-ray, thats why i suggested to put in a modremover...

People told me that those bones wherent that bad: but i still think they are: again its those PE's that profit the most out of the situation, they get a nice xrayboost (the spy's have there suit, thats no problem, there spy's) but them PE's where allready strong enough, giving em extra xray resists suck, and my tank didnt need no extra x ray resists ...

I aint against the bones: dont get me wrong i like new things being implemented, but then also implement a modremover, now im stuck with x-ray and i can get myself a new x-heat full artifact cs o_O

And why did i post this again: for all people ingame that tell me exactly the same thing, most of em not even knowing the forums. Its not my fault that most of the people there mainchar here are PE's, but that doesnt mean that KK has to make em that good in defenses, healing and resists, all compared to tanks that is :/

And i dont think that a new rareweapon is the solution to this, maybe if its mayorly overpowerd yeah, but then the PE's and spy's (about 80%) of the forum will be nagging and posting like NERF BLA BLA BLA in there sigs, petetic

Maybe this thread is written to let you know about how i feel about the imbalances in this game atm, dunno, read between the lines

have fun playing and posting threads

20-11-03, 14:17
I didnt even think the bones worked right... :o

Original monk
20-11-03, 14:21
even then: its the idea that counts

20-11-03, 14:22
I'm not an expert on resists (far, far, FAAAR from one), but I don't really think that gamma bones made x-ray useless like many people seem to believe. Why on earth would you pop in gamma bones but make no other changes to your con setup? With everyone and their mother using fire ammo after the gamma bones came out ("xray is dead" blah blah), wouldn't it be wise to use some of those con points that the gamma bones free up to get a better fire resist?

Dribble Joy
20-11-03, 14:26
Before the gamma bones, niether tanks nor PEs could get decent xray resists. With the resist capped at 114 and a mere 7 or so availiable from armour both classes were fucked.
Now, both PEs and tanks can achieve fire/energy/xray total armour values which are the same, unlike before where xray was an obvious weakness. So it doesn't matter what you mod your gun with, whether you are PE or tank.
In effect the bones have brought more balance to the classes, now tanks and PEs can get defences (and tank defences aren't that bad, a well set up tank with max hp is evil to fight.) to rival that of monkeh and spy xray res.
PEs may seem to benifit more, because they can put valuable few points some where else in con. Tanks also get more points (if they wish) and both get overall resists much higher and evenly spread than before.

But I am probably wrong.

20-11-03, 14:27
Original man, please realise that any one wareing x-ray bones will loose force and piercing resist (given by all other bones) the "force" given by bones is majorly underrated and any one wareing a set of x-ray bones will feel the heat aggainst Piercing weapons such as the Silent Hunter and the Pain Easer.......

unfortunaitly i realise this information wont help u coz ur a monk o_O but im trying to make it sounds a little more fair , and you do have other chars besides a monk.

Oh and on another small noat any high level char would "ususaly" choose the ware the Experimental bones and BatQueen bones (all force) because their bennefits massivly out weigh the X-ray resist given by the Xbones

BB<-- BoneyExpert :p

20-11-03, 14:30
The good thing about them is the fact that we don't have a glaring weakness. The bad thing is that everybody's defence has now increased overall and as a result people are harder and harder to kill, to the point where it takes clips and clips of ammo just to dent someone's health bar.

Bob, the force armor from bones is just that, force. Not piercing. The only bone imp which gives any pierce armor is the headbone, and gamma headbone gives both piercing and xray armor.

Dribble Joy
20-11-03, 14:32
Indeed, only force resist gives peircing res. and the amount of force you get from armour is plenty to ofset the TINY amount of force armour you loose when using gamma bones.

20-11-03, 14:48
tbh i dont see the issue here... i dont know of anyone who would use a full set anyway... no matter what class. i know my spy doesnt...

however they are availabe to you too (i believe you said you were a tank? i may be wrong) so make a choice... use them or dont.

you are complaining about PE's wanting these on the forums or something... yet you are here complaining cos you specced your weapons xray, and your resist setup doesnt need these bones... the games not all about you man. personally i have a lot of X-Heated weapons... as people dont tent to expect it. sure a good player has all resists high, but that doesnt mean everyone has to use the same gun...

20-11-03, 14:51
Are the gamma bones available as store bougt items now ?

20-11-03, 14:52
i think so... they are on test - not sure if its in retail yet

20-11-03, 14:55
well before bones you could only really get xray from resist(and a belt? cant remember) so it was the obvious thing to mod with, seeing as fire could be got from resist and armour.

so it was imbalanced towards xray mods.

now instead of xray armour they have bones.

way i see it they made it more even.

my CS is xheat modded so cant say personally how it fairs, but a mate of mine has xray CS and he does just fine.

yeah i think the xray bones benefited the PE the most, as a tank i only wear the head bone, where as the PE can wear more and cos they can spec in str for resist force they dont suffer from it.

but i dont see any major imbalance

EDIT: you buy the bones from crytons in viarosso

20-11-03, 14:56
Unless its a rare weapon, it isnt very hard to get another weapon and mod it with something.

Any smart man would keep his resists balanced so that hes protected evenly so any mod wont really matter. Exception being Piercing on a monk. That and spies generally have a stronger resist in something. *cough* x-ray *cough

I've noticed that people do their best to balance their resists recently.

But yes, X-ray before Gamma bones usually was weakest because there was little out there to protect from it. Now we got the gamma bones, now people tend to balance their resists.

And no complaining you spies. You get x-ray armor :p

20-11-03, 14:57
my spy will have nice all round resists... but yes with a partial gamma bone set and PA3 i will have better xray than anything else

20-11-03, 15:00
Originally posted by Weazle
Are the gamma bones available as store bougt items now ?

Yes they are. Crytons in Via 2 IIRC. Though someone may correct me...

Dribble Joy
20-11-03, 15:03
They are indeed. the window nearest to the PPHQ I believe.

20-11-03, 15:21
hi orig,

i was being told way back in feb/march this year to use fire mods, and i've never looked back. as an all-rounder, i heartily recommend it. if you have the means tho, i'd still go with force for a monk or spy, and i'd put my trust in xray for PEs, particularly rifle PEs. my feeling is that PEs will still tend to have more fire than xray, probably tanks too.

but to address your suggestion, about mod-removers, i too would like this added. for a 10% reduction in quality, you should be able to remove a mod. and i'm not just talking about ammo mods here - any mod. how many of us have slotted rares, the first we acquired, with daft mods on them such as silencers, lasers or whatever? we all make mistakes. my one and only 3 slotted easer was modded for handling in preferance to a low frequency. how did i know - twas when i was a noob.