View Full Version : something funny

20-11-03, 02:34
was bored lomming today so i was browsing in game forums....hittin random F_ keys to pass time, then i clicked on the bugtracker one....and i noticed a "mobbed" button

I honestly had a laugh when i saw subject title "runner has been mobbed by another runner"

now i know when you report bugs like being stuck and trapped etc etc you get a mail back saying something either like "yes we know this bug and were working on it" etc etc

but what exactly do you write when someone reports theyve been mobbed?

"heres a tissue?"

sorry maybe this is a pointless thread but fuck that is just funny, how many reports does helpdesk get a day from angry n00bs who just got pkd?


20-11-03, 02:52
I realize that mobbed may mean that someone has harassed you in some way, but can it not also mean that someone stole your mob, i.e. kill stealing? Heh, dunno, just a thought. Anyway, to my mind, in any RPG it would most often not make sense not to kill-steal, since you would most likely come to the help of the runner fighting the 25 foot monster spewing fire or the 8 foot one-eyed mutant with a cybergun instead of one normal arm, right? Just my opinion.

I play MU Online a bit these days also, and if I hit something standing next to someone, even if 5 creatures are standing and attacking one person, I'll get a 'DONT KS, DONT KS' message from that person. I still keep at it though, and sometimes get killed for it. :p

20-11-03, 02:54
Isn't that because often you only get XP when the mob dies? Whereas in NC you get XP simply for dealing damage so killstealing isn't an issue, especially since generally if the mob is easy enough for one person to steal the kill off another, the loot isn't particularly valuable.

20-11-03, 02:58
In MU you actually get xp for damage done to mobs too, and playing NC I'm used to no one ever complaining about kill stealing, well mostly never, so I cant NOT kill-steal in MU. Makes quite a lot of people angry actually. When I then try to explain my view, about it being an RPG, and that you would help someone fighting big nasty-looking monsters, I get an 'OMG IDIOT n00b' message or something. Always cracks me up. :-)