View Full Version : R.i.p

18-11-03, 02:12
Although none of you know him because he never played Neocron, a friend of my family commited suicide by jumping off the skyway bridge wednesday, november 12.

His first wife also commited suicide by hanging herself about 10 years ago.

I would like to ask you keep his daughter in your prayers. For a 12 year old it is rough having both your parents commit suicide.

Please pray for her well being and to help he get through this, and please pray for the other friends and family that this suicide has affect.

Shadow Dancer
18-11-03, 02:14
Shit. I'm so sorry to hear that. :(

I can't offer any words that would make you feel better. :(

18-11-03, 02:16
hear hear :(

sorry to hear the news

18-11-03, 02:34
:( :( Sad...

18-11-03, 02:44
We never knew you
yet here we moarn
for his sake
and for yours

You are so young
with a future ahead
leave the past behind
and walk to sunshine

Lift your chin
and wipe your tears
It will hurt for long
but it wont hurt

And you won't be alone.

// Wannabe

18-11-03, 02:50
:( Poor kid :(

18-11-03, 06:03
So sorry to hear that.
My brother committed suicide and it is tough for those that stay behind, you always ask yourself what you could have done to prevent it, but then, it is in the end the persons choice and their problems are over.

Poor little kid, I certainly will remember it in my prayers

18-11-03, 06:17

a close friend of mine committed suicide about a year ago, and i still have no idea as to why. in fact, no one does.

i'll remember to pray for his daughter. i hope treats her better in the future.

18-11-03, 06:36
Very sorry to hear this,
She will be in my prayers for sure.

18-11-03, 07:38
:( damn don't post stuff like that :(

i get like....

regarts to you my friend

18-11-03, 07:58
So sorry to hear that.

My uncle comitted suicide a few years back. I know how much of an impact it has on their family.

18-11-03, 08:01
Can't imagine what she's going through.
She'll be in my prayer tonight.

18-11-03, 08:56
Wow. That's gotta be extremely hard for her. I'll definately remember her in my prayers.


Richard Adregen
18-11-03, 08:57
'Tis that I'm not one to pray... but otherwise I would... So sorry to hear that man... :(


18-11-03, 09:50
I am very sorry.

My condoleances.

18-11-03, 10:08
Nothing we type can make it any better:(......But Im so sorry.

I havent suffered any tradgedys like this so far and never want to :(

but i kno one day i will and i wonder how i will face it.


Original monk
18-11-03, 10:33
Penguinnick, that is very painfull, for you as a friend and for the little girl cause she will carry this for the rest of her life.

I can tell you i was shocked when reading this thread: it always pulls me back to that hard world called reality.

Find someone in real life to talk about this Nick, one of youre parents, brother or sister, grandma/pa or even a proffesional healtworker... cause you cannot get over youre real pain in a virtual world

18-11-03, 11:11
is there any way as a group of people neocronites ougt to get a fund for the kid,i dont have the know how but if a lot of us gave as a gaming community we could do some good.money may not bring loved ones back but life goes on and life costs

18-11-03, 11:36
thats so sad for the kid My sincerest condolences.:(

18-11-03, 11:44
:( Thats terrible :(

I really feel for the kid... thats awful :(