View Full Version : Mines

16-11-03, 23:52
OK, why havent these been put in yet? Everyone knows that mines = teh pwn. Remember Perfect Dark? Or Goldeneye? Just chuck a couple near the door, sit back and laugh. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Ahem.

Anyway, i think its about time that NC had some of these beasty weapons implemented. They will be along the lines of Grenades(frc and fir dmg), but WAY more powerful. Like Kami-drone powerful. BUT, they should have a place time of say 10 seconds. Also there should be several types. Like ones that have a high AoE, ones that do energy damage, ones that whiteout to blind people temporarily, and so on and so forth. Maybe even make a rare one, the KABLAMO or something like that, which will incoporates all these abilities.

And thats just remote mines, why stop there? Lets have some Proximity Mines and Timed Mines and everything.

Now how to get them. First you have to buy a detonator from one of those stores that sells the grenades. They should be sutiably expensive, say 100k. Then the mines themselves, which are bought like ammo, but not loaded into the detonater. So you have to have at least 2 free spaces in the quick-bar. Place a mine, and detonate it. Note, obviously you dont need a detonater for Prox and Timed mines, but make these mines slightly more expensive to even it out.

It makes sense, perhaps even combating Monk-o-cron and should give Tanks a place once again. Just pepper a few Mines over the entrance to OPs, step away and press the detonator when the enemies come in. And I even see a use for spies. Give spies a Tool which can search and deativate mines, which should be able to be used under stealth, so he can run in and take out as many of the mines as possible before the tank gets wise and decides to detonate his little terror devices.

And that, my friends, is that. Please post comments, improvements and links to the latest dead drom porn mags below. Thx y'all.

17-11-03, 00:18
There are laser trip mines in the game (just no way to get them)

Found some on the test server ages ago, made about 10,000 of them and mined most of PP1. Theyre weak on their own but can be hugely damaging when you lay about 2000 in one spot then accidentally touch them off. You fly. Literally.

Problem is theres not many ways in which they could be effectively deployed. Only close quarters would work, so that rules most op fights. Defense of an op could be a good place to use them, but at the moment with the classes as they are, again, it wouldnt do much.

Tha BeAsT
17-11-03, 00:34


yep they r in

17-11-03, 00:46
That second pic is EXACTLY why they're not available in-game - they're far too easy to abuse, and are a perfect griefing tool.

Tha BeAsT
17-11-03, 00:58
When u leave the app they disappear also but hell they r still fun. Was waitin for mayhemmike to come up :p

17-11-03, 01:37
but also that many mines would have done about 20 damage to the other person they are nto damaging at all

Shadow Dancer
17-11-03, 01:40
Spies should have the ability to set traps.

17-11-03, 01:43
spies should be chained in p1 tradeskilling for me
and other combat chars :)

17-11-03, 01:50
LOL Golden Eye Remote and Promity Mines PWNED.

I'd love that to be ingame...

Shadow Dancer
17-11-03, 01:53
Originally posted by QuantumDelta
LOL Golden Eye Remote and Promity Mines PWNED.

I'd love that to be ingame...


Not of the power that was in Goldeneye, then it would be SPY-O-CRON.

NERF. :p

I do think spies should get trip wires and shiznit. And anti-trap devices as well. They should be powerful trap users and demolitions experts. They would 0wn in op wars IMO.

17-11-03, 01:54
Oh Come On Shad, I can see 3 PEs and a Spy running through a zone placing a nearly infinite amount of remote mines all placed by the spy, carried by the PEs, then all detonated and the whole zone going up in smoke...
THAT would be fun :p

No it's not a joke, I use to set remotes and proxies all the way through facility and hide up in the toilet vent and detonate...

....*dies laughing as a wave of explosions fill the wholezone* :D

Shadow Dancer
17-11-03, 01:56
Originally posted by QuantumDelta
Oh Come On Shad, I can see 3 PEs and a Spy running through a zone placing a nearly infinite amount of remote mines all placed by the spy, carried by the PEs, then all detonated and the whole zone going up in smoke...
THAT would be fun :p

No it's not a joke, I use to set remotes and proxies all the way through facility and hide up in the toilet vent and detonate...

....*dies laughing as a wave of explosions fill the wholezone* :D

Sorry, i'm not really interested in crashing the server LOL.

I use to do that too, lmao. That's when I got bored of the game after beating it on 007(ego boost :p).

17-11-03, 08:14
but if they were powerful gimps could go down into aggy and lay a load and get out without even looseing sl :( + they could mine entrances to places and zone points, in otherwords good idea for single player/4 player games but not a MMORPG unless there is a way they can be implemented

17-11-03, 08:33
they would need to make it where if people die and you're not in the zone you still loose soul light ... I think it's lame anyhow that people can zone out before some poison .. or fire or something kills someone and not loose soul light by just ducking into another zone

17-11-03, 09:24
Originally posted by amfest
they would need to make it where if people die and you're not in the zone you still loose soul light ... I think it's lame anyhow that people can zone out before some poison .. or fire or something kills someone and not loose soul light by just ducking into another zone

KK cannot make system that tracks your damage done over zones. Infact because the way its coded, you actually don't even have to ZONE and still get ZERO SL penalty. Sadly but true :(

Shadow Dancer
17-11-03, 09:26
How about making the trip mine dissapear after you zone?

Original monk
17-11-03, 10:15
i looove proximity mines and remote mine's, 007 owned bigtimes :) if KK implement these i will give em a big kiss :) also implement the desert eagle and the copotplasmarifle, and while there at it bring back the larents, the warbot in storage 8, the plasmashootingwarbots and the kamisoldiers :P

17-11-03, 12:45
you dont want to fight me on goldeneye with prox mines on

its not a pretty sight

PS: 2x Grenade Launcher + 1 hit kill = SPAM MATCH!

20-11-03, 01:08
Pfft, Grenade launcher in 1 hit kill was a nub weapon. The truly skilled used a PP-7 and still obliterated the competition:cool:

Shadow Dancer
20-11-03, 01:38
Originally posted by Keiron
Pfft, Grenade launcher in 1 hit kill was a nub weapon. The truly skilled used a PP-7 and still obliterated the competition:cool:


My favorite weapons were the pp7(unsilenced) and magnum. :p

20-11-03, 01:39
Heh, I could do some really whacky crap with the launcher :p

Liscence to kill pistols IS where the men play of course ;)

20-11-03, 01:40
Welcome back, QD. :p

20-11-03, 01:46
destovel (sp) user myself.

that + prox mines = win 4 me

only nubs plant mines near doors. be more creative in future.

20-11-03, 01:48
shhhh :p I'm trying not to spam :p

There's FAR too many topics which don't have dot's on them O_O
All I really need to go check is the "......balance" discussions.
I'm afraid to look o_O

I would love these mines to be put in, even if they weren't that powerful, I'd really enjoy it :p