View Full Version : New Tank Rares?

14-11-03, 05:03
Since it looks like Tanks are going to get one or two more Rares.

Which type of weapon would you like to see added?

Please vote for one.......

Shadow Dancer
14-11-03, 05:21
It's already a rare plasma wave and a rare flamer.

14-11-03, 05:27
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
It's already a rare plasma wave and a rare flamer.

It's not on retail or has been fully tested yet so.....

I am just wondering what types Tanks really want.

14-11-03, 05:31
I would like to see another close quarters, rapid fire, heavy damage weapon, to give us a break from the CS now and again.

I voted for a rare Gattlin Cannon.

Vid Gamer
14-11-03, 05:51
We most definetly need a rare gatlin.

14-11-03, 05:53
Do The CM epic.
That's "rare" enough, and doesn't deteriote.

14-11-03, 05:54
Noooooo, rare flamer and rare plasma wave all the way bitch!

Vid Gamer
14-11-03, 05:57
Originally posted by Cypher_Psy
Do The CM epic.
That's "rare" enough, and doesn't deteriote.

Uhh, no... it's TL 75, I want a gat with like TL 95+ and with a swirlie of course. :D

14-11-03, 10:44
Originally posted by Cypher_Psy
Do The CM epic.
That's "rare" enough, and doesn't deteriote.

I got a few of them, you consider a TL 75 weapon, rare?

Maybe they should knock the Pain Easer and Libby down to around 75 TL, and make them Epic weapons....
At least they wouldn't drop out of your QB.....right?

14-11-03, 10:47
I'd totally love a rare gatling cannon.

I'm also all for a rare grenade launcher. Would making caving fun as hell.

Tanks already have a semi-rare laser cannon in the form of the STORM cannon.

Vid Gamer
14-11-03, 16:56
Originally posted by Lanigav
Tanks already have a semi-rare laser cannon in the form of the STORM cannon.

Stats are only decent unless you get lucky with good slots and if you'd really want to use a Heavy Ultima or something on it.

And it has no swirlie!!!11oneoen

14-11-03, 17:00
for ages ive wanted a rare gat cannon, with a BLACK swirley, called teh VINDICATOR :p

Rare flamer would rock too, however i can stand using flamers anymore cause of the way they fire, you can see shit all with them :rolleyes:

14-11-03, 17:01
i like the idea of what Fenyx says, but dunno why i just want either a direct damage raygun, or a pulse cannon

Vid Gamer
14-11-03, 17:09
Originally posted by \\Fényx//
Rare flamer would rock too, however i can stand using flamers anymore cause of the way they fire, you can see shit all with them :rolleyes:

In both 3rd and first? I never used a flamer before.

14-11-03, 17:17
as for flamers, what good is it against a monk who is 150metres away HLing your ass

if it has good range then cool(and no im not asking for range of a sniper)

Vid Gamer
14-11-03, 17:27
Originally posted by ezza
as for flamers, what good is it against a monk who is 150metres away HLing your ass

if it has good range then cool(and no im not asking for range of a sniper)

That's when you use the RAVAGER. :D

Anywho, people on test server says the rare flamer is good. However, people have a few problems with it, mainly that they think damage should be increased slightly and the aiming reticle closes slow so it's hard to aim. =/

You know what would be cool (but probably be a little too overpowered) is if the flamer was like a mini-AoE weapon where there is no aim but you just fire it and whoever around you is near gets flamed and has the fire stack!

14-11-03, 17:28
I haven't decided yet but if it has to be flamer then it would better be area effect weapon. Don't you agree?

14-11-03, 17:30
Originally posted by •Super|\|ova•
I haven't decided yet but if it has to be flamer then it would better be area effect weapon. Don't you agree?

yes i do agree

14-11-03, 17:40
I never used the Plasma Wave.

And the flame thrower just sucks IMO.

Storm Laser, never bothered.

Oh well, I got my CS now.

Vid Gamer
14-11-03, 17:47
Originally posted by Zanathos
I never used the Plasma Wave. The new TL 100 rare Wave with its own ammo and mods might be useful now, plus the two new plasma cannons for mid level Tanks.

And the flame thrower just sucks IMO.

Talking about the rare one or the ones bought in stores?

Storm Laser, never bothered.

Has anyone ever tried to get like a 4-5 slot Storm Laser and use a Heavy Ultima and try to cap the thing and see how effective it is in PvP?

14-11-03, 17:47
what I dont understand is - why even fucking bother with pulse lasers if yo already have full-blast lasers?! Yeesh.

I'd only want either: PlasmaWave Cannon thats TL 115 (give gentanks something to work for. RIght now patchnotes say its TL 100! WTF) , Rare flamer - something that beats the pants out of someone if they're trying to hump your leg (and dammit, yes, flamers SHOULD be tunnel-AoE), and rare grenade launcher ( I mean, damn, it's the only non-line of sight AoE weapon in the game {aside from hand-held grenades) that work on ballistic curves. It's a fooking dream)

edit - I saw someone use storm lasers in duels. VERY effective. It's the high accuracy. That and the decent clip size.

14-11-03, 18:04
Originally posted by Heavyporker
what I dont understand is - why even fucking bother with pulse lasers if yo already have full-blast lasers?! Yeesh.

I'd only want either: PlasmaWave Cannon thats TL 115 (give gentanks something to work for. RIght now patchnotes say its TL 100! WTF) , Rare flamer - something that beats the pants out of someone if they're trying to hump your leg (and dammit, yes, flamers SHOULD be tunnel-AoE), and rare grenade launcher ( I mean, damn, it's the only non-line of sight AoE weapon in the game {aside from hand-held grenades) that work on ballistic curves. It's a fooking dream)

edit - I saw someone use storm lasers in duels. VERY effective. It's the high accuracy. That and the decent clip size.

cos pulse lasers are better than your standard laser and look cooler to, well imo they do anyway:p

14-11-03, 18:30
Originally posted by \\Fényx//

Rare flamer would rock too, however i can stand using flamers anymore cause of the way they fire, you can see shit all with them :rolleyes:

That's always been one of my issues with flamers, and the fact that they lag me out all to hell.....

Smoke grenades in CS anyone?

I would prefer a Rare Grenade Launcher to a Rare Flamer for a lower TL rare AoE, honestly...

I think the Flamer would/will end up just being a high TL toy, and if a Poisen modded one actually turns out to be useful, then people may cry "Nerf".....

@Vid Gamer
I got a 3 slot JDL that has 2 stats at 119%(perfect) and an ammo mod.
If you could get a 4 slotted STORM Laser with 3 of the stats 103% or 104% to start out with, it would be something you could get to near Artifact in all stats(at least 119% in all four stats)...

Vid Gamer
14-11-03, 19:25
Originally posted by Spoon
If you could get a 4 slotted STORM Laser with 3 of the stats 103% or 104% to start out with, it would be something you could get to near Artifact in all stats(at least 119% in all four stats)...

Yeah, and I was wondering if anyone has done that and see if it's decent in PvP for duels or sniping compared to the TT ER laser.

14-11-03, 19:27
Originally posted by Vid Gamer
Yeah, and I was wondering if anyone has done that and see if it's decent in PvP for duels or sniping compared to the TT ER laser.

Ive got one :p ill let you try it out, mines 4 slot, ray's got a few too, scope, with near capped freq/range as youll cap a storm with 100% dam anyway

Vid Gamer
14-11-03, 19:33
Originally posted by \\Fényx//
Ive got one :p ill let you try it out, mines 4 slot, ray's got a few too, scope, with near capped freq/range as youll cap a storm with 100% dam anyway


14-11-03, 21:50
don't forget to mention that laser cannons have NO stamina drain at all :D

15-11-03, 02:20
ooOOO rare... rare plas wav.. rar plath wave!! RARE PLASMA WAVE!!!! RARE PLASMA WAVE!!! muwaahaAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

{The notes say rare plasma wave and I am REALLY REALLY HAPPY... Although a rare grenade launcher would be a zillion times better and unique than a rare flamer :( }

Vid Gamer
15-11-03, 03:25
Originally posted by KRIMINAL99
{The notes say rare plasma wave and I am REALLY REALLY HAPPY... Although a rare grenade launcher would be a zillion times better and unique than a rare flamer :( }

I'd rather have a rare flamer then a grenade launcher! 8|

Actually, out of anything I want a rare gat for those pesky Monks. :o

15-11-03, 23:07
an implant that requires u to have pa on for it to work and you can only use it once then have to get another through rare parts

would be nice for tanks since we die in 3 seconds anyway with the current status of the game. how it would work is that when activated would detonate in 30 seconds so the tank has to stay alive for at least that long for it to work. once implanted an icon would take up slot 10 or x and you would have to right click show/use it to activate when it detonated it would do 3000 peirce/force/and energy/ so as to make sure it would kill everything within 20 meters of the tank it was implanted in and this tank could not be rezzed and would have to use a genrep only after using this chip.

this kind of imp imho would be use full and give ppu's and apus something to fear in op wars and some thing to distract them from spamming and healing ............ imagine the screams incomming det chip kill em before he gets inside spammed in ur chat .

i would use it as dieing is about all im good for anyway,
would be nice to die with purpose instead of just being a minor distraction for about 5 apu's spamming me with HL when i rush