View Full Version : Comcast = t3h suck

10-11-03, 06:35
/set rant_mode 1

Ok, this is more of a buyer beware thread than anything, but it also gives me a nice place to vent.

(This is only dealing with the U.S. since I don't think Comcast services any other countries.) So, what am I venting about you ask? Well, it's Comcast cable. Players using Comcast who are within about a 1 state radius of Chicago might have noticed some pretty hefty lag over the last 3 months at times, especially in the evening hours and even more so in the evening hours on weekends.

It appears that Comcast has decided to completely fuck their customers in the ass this time and I'm sick and tired of it. I, for one, am looking for other broadband providers in my area.

So anyway, here's an "official" post by Kevin (whom, I should also note, seems to be the only one that's remotely helpful in the company) showing that Comcast was aware of the problem by Sept. 11, 2003, if not before. Also note that there's *41* pages on that thread since it was started.
(On a side note, Comcast probably won't like the fact that I posted stuff from their official customer-only Help Forums, but at this point, they can go shove it where the sun don't shine.)

As I was looking through the thread, I found references to an even earlier thread that was either deleted or locked. I'm willing to bet it was completely deleted since I can't find the actual thread anywhere. Apparently it was of the same nature as this thread, meaning that it was about lots of people being rather irate at Comcast's piss-poor service.

And here's a post that I made tonight showing my pingtimes.

(Yes, that story about crashing a server with lag is true... It was one of clan [Xit]'s Firearms servers. Soz, guys.)

Note that it's on page 41. When I went and checked on it about 5 minutes later, there were already about 6 more posts then when I posted. They also auto-edit posts and block out words as benign as "crap", (o_O) hence all the little asterisks in my post. :p

Now check out this pic, in which you can see that there's only one more forum that's bigger than the Connections problem forum. Which is pretty damn sad in my opinion.

In closing, I would stress that you NOT get Comcast broadband. When it's good, it can be very good, but when it goes down, you will be in for more hurt, more incompitence, and more stonewalling than even KK about Monk-o-cron. (That was a semi-joke, btw.)

Ok, that's it for me.

*steps off the soapbox*
/set rant_mode 0


10-11-03, 06:53
No wonder my friends on Comcast were lagging like fuck on my CS server a few weeks back. I was planning on switching to comcast a few weeks ago but i think I'll wait for a bit. Btw I live in chicago ;)

10-11-03, 06:59
Originally posted by Psychoninja
No wonder my friends on Comcast were lagging like fuck on my CS server a few weeks back. I was planning on switching to comcast a few weeks ago but i think I'll wait for a bit. Btw I live in chicago ;) OMG....don't do it. You *will* regret it if you do. I'd say look for some other broadband solution, but above all, FOR THE LOVE OF DROMS, DON'T GO COMCAST!!1!oneonetwocomcastsucks.


10-11-03, 07:00
I'm with SBC right now.
Can't say I'm completely pleased but I guess it's pretty much impossible to find a perfect Broadband Company.

10-11-03, 07:03
Originally posted by Psychoninja
I'm with SBC right now.
Can't say I'm completely pleased but I guess it's pretty much impossible to find a perfect Broadband Company. You have SBC DSL? That's actually one of the ones I'm looking at. How is it? Good? Bad? Ugly? Fugly? TELL MEEEEEE..... :p


10-11-03, 07:09
I've had it for 2 years and it's been reliable =P
Decent pings, only thing that annoys me is the download speed >_<

I used to have a special plan with them and got 150kbs Download but I had problems over the summer with constant disconnecting and reconnecting so I downgraded my plan for a bit. Problem is solved, I'm just too lazy to upgrade again :p

10-11-03, 07:12
Originally posted by Psychoninja
I've had it for 2 years and it's been reliable =P
Decent pings, only thing that annoys me is the download speed >_<

I used to have a special plan with them and got 150kbs Download but I had problems over the summer with constant disconnecting and reconnecting so I downgraded my plan for a bit. Problem is solved, I'm just too lazy to upgrade again :p Ew....70 KBps... :( Speeds that slow make baby Jesus cry. Especially when he's used to getting 210 KBps. :lol:

But...dayam. That's a helluva cut. What's your normal pings to Half-Life servers and such? Any special things you have to do when you set it up, or can you just plug a router in and go? (After config'ing the router, of course.)


10-11-03, 07:58
All I have to say is I miss ATTBI (never thought I would say that) but Comcast is complete crap and has been getting worse since the day they took over. Hell, the last 3 months in my old apt my avg ping to a CS server in seattle was 150+ when my cable was acting up and 20-30 when it was running normal. I fought with comcast for 3 months over this crap (who kept saying it was my lines and when they replaced the lines in my apt they still said it was the lines) before getting a Verizon DSL line installed as well so I could play neocrack and CS. I just finished moving last week and our Comcast got installed Saturday, and it has done nothing but go up and down since (8 times in 4 hours so far for at least 15 minutes each time today alone) and the only response i've gotten is the lines in my apt are bad..... I would recommend everyone look for something other then Comcast, they have to be the worse ISP yet, although thats just my 2 cents.


10-11-03, 11:19
haha stryfe...atleast your comcast service doesn't shut off whenever it feels like...it happens to me two nights out of the week all the time...i think they are just trying to make me pissed or something. :lol:

10-11-03, 16:28
Originally posted by WithSlitWrists
haha stryfe...atleast your comcast service doesn't shut off whenever it feels like...it happens to me two nights out of the week all the time...i think they are just trying to make me pissed or something. :lol: Oh, did I forget to mention that? It does. :\ My modem seems to have an "auto-suicide" feature that activates when I do constant uploading like when downloading the full Steam client via BitTorrent. I'll be going to between 5 and 20 minutes just fine, then *BAM* my modem craps out and I have to go reset both that AND my router. And it's pissing me off to no end. Not to mention the wonderful instances where everything responds to pings fine, but my actual communication is completely cut off. Damn Comcast.


11-11-03, 04:23
Yay for lag! Here's what I'm getting right now:

Tracing route to www.google.akadns.net []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms *.*.*.*
2 10 ms 122 ms 15 ms *.*.*.*
3 10 ms 11 ms 15 ms
4 333 ms 331 ms 352 ms
5 348 ms 361 ms 358 ms
6 353 ms 362 ms 357 ms gbr5-p90.cgcil.ip.att.net []
7 359 ms 353 ms 346 ms tbr2-p013501.cgcil.ip.att.net []
8 338 ms 351 ms 359 ms ggr2-p390.cgcil.ip.att.net []
9 345 ms 360 ms 356 ms dcr1-so-3-3-0.Chicago.cw.net []
10 449 ms 436 ms 418 ms bcr2.Thamesside.cw.net []
11 441 ms 430 ms 456 ms ycr2-so-0-0-0.Dublin.cw.net []
12 433 ms 422 ms 422 ms ycr1-ae0.Dublin.cw.net []
13 433 ms 435 ms 437 ms google.Dublin.cw.net []
14 416 ms 413 ms 420 ms
15 429 ms 423 ms 402 ms
16 406 ms 408 ms 412 ms

Trace complete.Fuck Comcast. Fuck every last one of those little buggers. [Can you tell I'm rather bitter at this point?]
