View Full Version : Re Availability of Monk PA

10-11-03, 05:05
I am so annoyed that I have to bitch about it:

I have tried six times to run across the map to get to buy the stupid DOY parts required for the Monk PA and every time I get killed by the defense units that are absolutely everywhere.
I have 56 Crahn sympathy and am in a faction allied with Crahn as well as neutral with TG.

Why even have a monk PA if it is basically impossible to get or only for a few to manage to get it and then sell it at huge prices

Every other class can go buy their PA.

This is so incredibly stupid. To have a requirement for the PA that is on the totally upper edge of the map deep in TG territory with defense units swarming the place. Why not just say 'hehe we made a monk pa but made it impossibly hard to get'

If you are not TG you can't even tag genreps but have to run all the way again when you get killed. Have spent the last seven hours running, getting killed, running, getting killed and now I am totally and absolutely fed up with this

there, I had to get this off my chest

10-11-03, 05:10
If you are on pluto I can fix you up with the Doy Tech Part package you seek ;)

10-11-03, 05:19
Thank you very much but I am on Saturn :(

10-11-03, 05:29
DM me ingame on Saturn then, I'm guessing you are Protopharm if your allied to CS and neutral to TG, im TT but I can walk past DoY bots as a ppu and grab your parts.

Err...i may not have the symp but i can just buff you and we'll both go.

10-11-03, 05:45
well... the guys for the PE PA wont talk to me... ever. i ran from NC to foster on my saturn newb and they wouldnt talk, then the 3 GRs i got on the way are all blocked by enemy factions so i cant go back

10-11-03, 06:42
there was a sticky a week or so ago about the scripts for the PA guys being corrupt...

its still broken for me, dunno about any1 else

and yeh monk PA should just be availible from some Trader guy at escudor oasis (PSI shops is a bit too easy)

10-11-03, 07:34
I initially went as an FA with my stronger APU and got past those things without problem, even though FA is enemy of Crahn. But since I have high Crahn fac sympathy I thought it would work.

but I got to the guy at the DOY gate and he said:

What, you are showing me a snotty handkerchief, piss off.

So then I took my fairly weak PPU and thought, since I am allied with Crahn AND I have a lot of faction symp and am Proto I would be ok. But the things keep on shooting me dead.

But yes thanks, I will take up the offer of going there together. Thanks a lot. will contact you.

El Barto
10-11-03, 17:38
Its easy getting past them DoY bots (and yes I mean as an enemy faction to them), you just need to look out more, use cover and don't get close to them. I found this really easy.

10-11-03, 17:44
The DoY bots attack anyone.

As long as you see them before they see you, your fine.

10-11-03, 17:44
but I got to the guy at the DOY gate and he said:

What, you are showing me a snotty handkerchief, piss off.

He says that when you don't bring the delivery bag with you...

El Barto
10-11-03, 17:48
Originally posted by Zanathos
The DoY bots attack anyone.

They only KoS enemy factions

10-11-03, 18:10
Which is everyone..........

I have yet to see a mob that doent attack anyone.

Dont count STORM bots or Copbots or TH bots or guards or anything.

You go into TG while on an enemy faction, the guards will shoot you.

You go into MB while an enemy faction.... I dont think they shoot you, I could be wrong.

You go into TH as an enemy faction, the guard bots and laser turrets shoot you.

Besides, if they dont attack certain factions, which are they?

Then I'll go see if I can go and pet the cute little DoY bots with someone in that faction.

10-11-03, 18:14
Yeah, I know a way between the bots, only one place to stealth, grave, because of scorps etc., not doy units.. easy..

They should be sold somewhere already, doy gate? :)

edit: of course doy units don't shoot CRAHN...

10-11-03, 18:15
ive yet to see a crahn get shot by one other than shooting it first could be thinking of another faction tho

10-11-03, 18:18
they dont shoot Tsunami either :)

10-11-03, 19:06
they dont shoot BD. i go oput there all the time. when i was kami hunting... never once had a problem with DoY bots