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View Full Version : Callash, Drone PA!

09-11-03, 04:59
With the Drone Implant Boosts comin in the TS patch, please give droners that extra *oomph* to make me want to LoM back to droning... Get that promised Drone PA out! :)

You said back in the beginning of September that you would be releasing Drone PA that made us go wow and would be worth the wait... here we are two months later o_O at this point it should have a kitchen sink :p

09-11-03, 05:39
yeh the most ignored class in NC = droners
do something for them please ( and im not even a droner).

Vid Gamer
09-11-03, 05:41
Originally posted by Darkborg
yeh the most ignored class in NC = droners
do something for them please ( and im not even a droner).

I dunno', Tank is pretty high up there nowadays with being ignored. :o

09-11-03, 07:25
Um I'm fairly sure there's more then 5 tanks on the Pluto server... think we had about 2-4 log on today [edit:] in our clan... on the other hand how often do you run into a droner who is someone's main char? VERY rarely on Pluto as outside of Pheonix [tradeskill clan] I believe there are only 3 left.

My point is, while tanks may not have recieved many new things in the past while, they ARE still viable and a good class, able to let loose some destruction [if not on par with the sea of apus] and able to take quite a beating [although not as much as some PEs or the godly ppus].

Now droners on the other hand... have no purpose, no use and no hope, which is why after months and months of droners explaining their situation and being told to have patience for an indeterminate period of time, have finally said "ENOUGH" and lomed for 8 hours to other skills or rerolled.

09-11-03, 08:06
the whole fucking idea behind armor for droners has be confused and befuddled

Vid Gamer
09-11-03, 08:08
An entire body armor for Droners would be stupid. There's no need for a PA since they are actually just away from the battle with the drone doing all the work.

Someone in another thread made a good suggestion by maybe just making maybe a droning head armor and gloves or something. Would give a considerable boost like all PA's but something differ and something that would make sense for a droner.

09-11-03, 08:10
Originally posted by Vid Gamer
I dunno', Tank is pretty high up there nowadays with being ignored. :o Count your blessing, your not being nerfed.

My character (PE/PPU) defence has been nerfed over the last few patches.
My PEs defence was nerfed significantly a little while ago :p
*MY* PE anyway.... :P

09-11-03, 08:41
Originally posted by Vid Gamer
I dunno', Tank is pretty high up there nowadays with being ignored. :o

lol but ya how many Tanks do you know? And how many droners do you know? ;)
Droners need some luvin' 4 sure.

09-11-03, 09:26
Originally posted by Divide
the whole fucking idea behind armor for droners has be confused and befuddled

Add transport to carry more drones. Contrary to some ppl, Droners also DO need resists and armor because I got away as FN the Droner more times than I was kill thanks to resists saving my ass on the first burst and quickly stealthing.

Also, as for Droner armor, a glove and helmet would be awesome additions if the chestplate didn't make it.

09-11-03, 11:16
Originally posted by -FN-
..... Get that promised Drone PA out! :)

if u read the neocronicle from a few weeks tangent claim that the development of a rigger PA is stoped and another "special" was promised.

hope they dont mean the imp boost :p

09-11-03, 14:37
Drone pa with antenna backpack or maybe just that antenna backpack.

09-11-03, 14:45
Droners.................in power armor.............pointless?

You want as good a defense as a normal spy pistol/rifle, and you want the ability to remotely kick seven shades of shite out of someone with absolutely NO danger to yourself?

Remeber kids just say no, droners need new toys yes, im a droner, pa would unbalance us, but we need a new toy, mebbe a helmet that boosts our main skillz.

PA is for combat chars, close combat chars to be precise tanks monks pe's spys *pistol/rifle* what need do droners really have for power armor? yeah right, im forgetting their in the heat of battle getting the shit shot out of them O_o.

Say NO to PA.

Say YES to New stuff.

Yes i do play a droner, yes he is capped, yes i do play him well, yes i do play in op wars with him, no im not biased..............seems to be pretty sad that you want armor cos someone else got it, would you want screwed in the ass if someone else got it?

I sex j00

09-11-03, 16:01
My main char is a droner on pluto, but im nowhere near capped yet (will be able to use PB20 soon).


Well actually i dont really want PA, apart from to look cool. I want drones to be made a feared opponent in PvP, and a major factor in an OP battle.

09-11-03, 16:08
Originally posted by Ormy
My main char is a droner on pluto, but im nowhere near capped yet (will be able to use PB20 soon).


Well actually i dont really want PA, apart from to look cool. I want drones to be made a feared opponent in PvP, and a major factor in an OP battle.

Exactly, pa is only to look cool, whats the point?

A new helmet to boost your stats, wouldnt that be more appropriate? your imps are getting boosted, a new helm to further increase that would certainly be better than pa.

99% of the reason droners are laughed at in op wars, isnt cos theyr weaing spy clothes, its the bugs, drones getting stuck in fences, falling off the map etc.

Pa is only a fashion for you now, why bother.

09-11-03, 16:28

Originally posted by Thanatos
- Adjusted bonuses on Riggers Dream to 15RCL/15WPW and added a +8 bonus to transport.
- Adjusted bonuses on Special Riggers Interface to 10RCL/10WPW and added a +6 bonus to transport.
- Adjusted bonuses on Drone Combateye to +3/+5/+10 RCL and +5/+10/+15 WPW.
- Drone Distance Interfaces now add +1/+2/+3 DEX in addition to the old bonuses.
- Mindcontrol CPUs now give an additional +3/+5/+8 WPW, +2/+4/+6 transport and -10/-15/-20 to WPL.


This is from the Test Server, (with thanks to -FN- for the heads up)........ but until we get any of this happening in retail to quote David Byrne......"We're on a Road to Nowhere".

As for Droning Helmet, Armour, Wind Up Backpack Dronophone..... I'll believe it as soon as I.....damn can't launch the thing, ohnoz it's stuck, crashed, quality-cap limited, blows up after a fart.....
must be a Drone thang.

Bah!!! More Bugs than a Windshield in the Outback :(

Tantra Sutra Droner/CST **65/67 Uranus

Darth Slayer
09-11-03, 16:33
Originally posted by Oath

99% of the reason droners are laughed at in op wars, isnt cos theyr weaing spy clothes, its the bugs, drones getting stuck in fences, falling off the map etc.

I Sex Joo Oathie.........:D
Seriously I'm getting laughed at less and less nowadays.
As a droner know your limitations what u can take down and what not. I've had APU's run from my Particle nemesis (then the PPU turned up and it was my turn...:lol: ) Pe's and Scouts if they don't stealth are dead men walking and Tanks well if they start running they can sometimes get away.......:lol:
Oh I wear Spy Rifle PA 3 could wear 4 if I drugged to it, but why bother I'm well protected. A helmet would be nice tho.

09-11-03, 18:31
Sadly enough the only reason people have problems with drones now is because of the lack of experience people have fighting them.

When I droned in a combat role for a long time against several specific clans, they developed very good countermeasures to drone attacks. Their ppu/apus realised 2-3 hits = drone dead and if the drone could hit them they could hit the drone, spies learned to back off and snipe the drones OR to stealth around the zone hunting for my body, PE's just put up a heal and were fine as long as they ran around... and tanks? Mostly they ignored me, doing 50 damage to a tank with 500 health every 3 seconds doesn't sound so bad... until you realise that once they hit 66% and 33% and then 20% health your damage is reduced signifigantly each step, meaning the 10 hits you would have thought it would take to kill him now becomes closer to 18 [aproximately 1 minute of continuous fire - assuming no heals are applied].

Anyone who drones knows that resists and armour are vital to survival as a droner, since we have no awareness of our bodies we HAVE to be able to take a few hits - just so we know we're being attacked. One may ask why PA of ANY kind should give a bonus in a RP or realistic sense, the fact is in this game they do and you can justify that in whatever way you feel like.

I agree that drones as a concept require some reworking or some serious reballancing, but to deny only ONE player type [outside of tradeskillers who may use machina gloves] a similar advantage as everyone else enjoys is both self centered and hypocritical for those people who complained about not getting this advantage for themselves in the first place.

I for one, still laugh at drones in combat because they are so easy to deal with. Let me ask you, which would be the easiest to fight, 3 droners or 3 apus/tanks/PEs/ppus?

09-11-03, 19:03
I dont care about droner PA.

Its the bugs that need looking after.


- SL/Symp problem when teamed (my Saturn Droner is now kicked out of TG)

- Clipping problems (when you get stuck to fences, walls, trees, anything)

- Fraility to anything (the drones' own armor is rot - rats obliterate even a low-flying armored drone, and PPUs can kill PNs in seconds too?)

Oh, and obscene resources needed to get drones built. By resources I mean high TLs and long res/build times - much longer than anything else, pretty much.

10-11-03, 00:50
I am still debating with the coders over the feature I have in mind (which I won't reveal until I can guarantee that it is coming :angel: ). I can repeat what I said. If it works, it will have been worth the wait. It will not be a droner PA though. If a droner gets found, he is dead, PA or not. Those little boni won't make a droners day either. Droners need two things: a ton of bugfixes and... well, that special feature :p I wrote both up and gave it to the coders, I will go on their nerves, but that's about all I can do. Don't give up hope yet :o

10-11-03, 00:53
Originally posted by Callash
I am still debating with the coders over the feature I have in mind (which I won't reveal until I can guarantee that it is coming :angel: ). I can repeat what I said. If it works, it will have been worth the wait. It will not be a droner PA though. If a droner gets found, he is dead, PA or not. Those little boni won't make a droners day either. Droners need two things: a ton of bugfixes and... well, that special feature :p I wrote both up and gave it to the coders, I will go on their nerves, but that's about all I can do. Don't give up hope yet :o

There are times i love you callash.............theres times when i hate you *like now for being too vague :lol:*

10-11-03, 00:56
Originally posted by Callash
Droners need two things: a ton of bugfixes and... well, that special feature :p I wrote both up and gave it to the coders, I will go on their nerves, but that's about all I can do. Don't give up hope yet :o

LoM pills here I come! ^^

// Wannabe

Vid Gamer
10-11-03, 00:59
Originally posted by Callash
I am still debating with the coders over the feature I have in mind (which I won't reveal until I can guarantee that it is coming :angel: ). I can repeat what I said. If it works, it will have been worth the wait. It will not be a droner PA though. If a droner gets found, he is dead, PA or not. Those little boni won't make a droners day either. Droners need two things: a ton of bugfixes and... well, that special feature :p I wrote both up and gave it to the coders, I will go on their nerves, but that's about all I can do. Don't give up hope yet :o

I'll be the first to say: nerf the droners.

10-11-03, 01:13
Actually, Callash's vague hinting at a special feature brought an idea about droner PA that I had almost forgotten back.

I don't know if this has been suggested and debated earlier, so I'll just throw it in the air:
A camouflage suit, kind of like stealth in that it makes you hard to see, but not untargettable. To balance it out, maybe it could be made impossible to use normal stealth while you are wearing the suit. It would make the droner's body a bit harder to find, but not impossible while perhaps worsening the chance of escape if found (which arguably isn't that great anyway).

10-11-03, 01:19
now that sounds like a corking idea

Shadow Dancer
10-11-03, 01:23
Originally posted by Callash
I am still debating with the coders over the feature I have in mind (which I won't reveal until I can guarantee that it is coming :angel: ). I can repeat what I said. If it works, it will have been worth the wait. It will not be a droner PA though. If a droner gets found, he is dead, PA or not. Those little boni won't make a droners day either. Droners need two things: a ton of bugfixes and... well, that special feature :p I wrote both up and gave it to the coders, I will go on their nerves, but that's about all I can do. Don't give up hope yet :o


No hints?

10-11-03, 01:31
Damn. Am using drones atm, was thinking of capping int and dex with it, then LOM to rifles, but this sounds rather promising to me.. think I will stay with drones for a while, at least till this update comes out.

10-11-03, 01:36

Official reply :D Thank you sooo much Callash!

I'm gonna buy the LoMs now and keep them in my gogo :eek:

10-11-03, 01:58
I truely hope whatever is done to drones makes them competitive, I truely liked droning and it was droning that kept me in the game for a long time as no other game offered this playstyle.

It was with great regret I lomed, but the change in effectiveness was like from night to day, I used to go warbot hunting and take 2-3 minutes to kill each warbot, sometimes it took one drone launch sometimes 3, now I go warbot hunting and can kill one in 30-45 seconds, I don't have to worry about replacing my weapon after using it 20 times nor about my body being killed when I'm fighing far away from it no matter the planning and precautions I would take.

I long to go back to drones, but their characteristic frustration and futility keep me using rifles. While I look forward to whatever 'surprise' is coming [and not to second guess you Callash], perhaps the new feature(s) could be discussed with some long time droners to recieve their opinions before all kinds of hard work goes into some nice sounding feature that just can't be applied usefully in the way it was intended. I'd love to be included in this group, but even if this discussion would take place with some dedicated droners, it would do much to dispell a lot of the remaining droner's skeptisim that this feature isn't really worth waiting for.

10-11-03, 02:00
Droner's need as much armour as any other spy (if not more) as long as our bodies are on everyone's local list and as long as the bugs mean we are dead before we know we've been found.

Take me off local when I'm droning and let me see my body's local-list and I'll stop wanting PA, until then I need it (I use pistol-PA atm).

Also - please fix faction-chat when droning. It's probably the most annoying drone-bug in OP wars.

10-11-03, 15:26
hey - how about a Kamikaze Droner chip? Makes more info pass through the droning interface, but makes brain buffers weaker, so when your drone blows up, it takes like 10% to15% SI. That's plenty of "ouch" isn't it? That'd be rather nice for leveling too.

PLUS - it makes for a new kamikaze mob! Think about it - a 120/120 mechbeetle swarm spitting out blue bolts with enough voltage to short out a Rhino!

10-11-03, 15:31
Originally posted by Spikadelia
...Wind Up Backpack Dronophone...

Would be good for calling 1-800-UNNERF :lol: :lol:


10-11-03, 15:36
I`ll wait...

10-11-03, 16:10
droners wont get PA...only 2 PA's per class


Calash said he had something else in store though...

10-11-03, 16:35
Originally posted by Jesterthegreat
droners wont get PA...only 2 PA's per class


Calash said he had something else in store though...

All true though we never did get any justification for that nonsense.

I'd be happy to use pistol/rifle PA for armour and get a droner helmet of some kind.

10-11-03, 16:47
i know... it was stupidly done

i was looking forward to the 'ONOZ! TEH SPIES GOT 3 PAS!!1!1!!1! OMFG!1! KOS J00!1!1!1NERF TEH SPIIES' posts :(

tbh it should have been the 3 spy PA's - w ehave 3 viable combat lines so we need 3 pa's!

tbh i am a pistol spy so im glad callash changed his mind on what ones to implement - but thats nothing to do with it - it is unfair as it is. hope ya plan works out callash >.<

jj dynomite
23-12-03, 09:54
Thanks for the info Callash....i've been waiting for some droning info. Please keep us informed. I love droning, and hope we can get to the level as monks, tanks and the rest.

Bring the Transport drones
Bring the hacking drones
Bring the Johnny 5 drones


23-12-03, 09:59
Well that sure was a nice month and 12 day bump....o_O o_O o_O

Bumping up old threads are against forum rules.




jj dynomite
23-12-03, 11:36
It's been a while since i read the forums, I saw this link from another thread called "droner". I didn't check the date, i just read it and posted my input. "bumps" are against forum rules, but putting in your input on an old thread isn't. So stfu and don't make off subject comments (which is also against the rules)


23-12-03, 16:04
Originally posted by Dazist
Drone pa with antenna backpack or maybe just that antenna backpack. thats the best plan. a backpack.

J. Folsom
23-12-03, 16:09
I still say we should get the "Ultimate Tangent Convenient Multi-pocketed Power Smoking" for male droners and the "Ultimate Tangent Convenient Multi-pocketed Power Evening Dress" for female droners and transvestites!

Um, what? (http://neocron.jafc.de/showthread.php?s=&postid=1040141&highlight=drone%2A#post1040141)

23-12-03, 16:25
Originally posted by Ehyuko
Um I'm fairly sure there's more then 5 tanks on the Pluto server... think we had about 2-4 log on today [edit:] in our clan... on the other hand how often do you run into a droner who is someone's main char? VERY rarely on Pluto as outside of Pheonix [tradeskill clan] I believe there are only 3 left.

Yup phoenix got a bunch.. i think they got 3 or 4 droners.. tho [TgR] got 2 droners to.. TH = Droner city ^^