View Full Version : I'm geting bored of monkocron

09-11-03, 00:32
i hope in the next damn patch KK nerf monks to where they aren't even playable any more.

09-11-03, 00:39
i hope you get banned for moaning

09-11-03, 00:40
I gotta say I'm feeling the same way. I was happily fighting in PPU then monks came along - I logged out for the day I was so pissed off.

09-11-03, 00:40
Originally posted by MayhemMike
i hope in the next damn patch KK nerf monks to where they aren't even playable any more.

Hmm i wonder why you could be saying this. haha

oh yah you can always reroll.

09-11-03, 00:46
Not really much point in playing any other class right now unless you like being inferior :\

09-11-03, 00:57
Originally posted by g0rt
Not really much point in playing any other class right now unless you like being inferior :\

Meh. When retail started, I rolled a pure APU because they were inferior. I played this APU right through to the big hybrid-nerf patch, then I LoMed to hybrid.

Through the Betas I was a pistol spy.

Some people just like being inferior :wtf:

09-11-03, 01:25
delete the monks

09-11-03, 01:45
Originally posted by g0rt
Not really much point in playing any other class right now unless you like being inferior :\

No not really... I can kill APUs from time to time

Like MayhemMike is a big pushover.

09-11-03, 01:51
You wish eggs...

09-11-03, 01:55
Well What I am gonna say and not mention any names :o Cause it was me who got killed

I am monk and I believe I can hold my own I'm near capped e.t.c

And before other people come on here flaming my abilities why don't some of you just admit that some people are better than you at PvP Regardless of class

So yeah I'man apu.. And me and a friend got killed by a Private Eye. Quite easily I might add lol.. Yes and you can all laugh but all I am saying is if one PE can take me down why is it I can take down other PE's quite easily with no trouble at all solo

It's cause some players are better than others Simple.

09-11-03, 02:19
APUs are overpowred
i cant die unless i'm outnumbered

Mr Friendly
09-11-03, 02:24
Originally posted by MayhemMike
APUs are overpowred
i cant die unless i'm outnumbered

could that be cuz ur almost never alone? :rolleyes:

09-11-03, 02:48
I'm with fuzzy duck.... its all ok until a bloody PPU comes along.


Oh yes, lets all bow down to your uberness and kiss your feet for being better than the massive amount of the population who thinks that there is a quite massive problem with the monk situation as it stands.

09-11-03, 02:58
Originally posted by MayhemMike
APUs are overpowred
i cant die unless i'm outnumbered

lol mike if u hadnt interfered with mine and cc's duel i would of whooped u as useual :p

apus arnt over powered, ppus are.

09-11-03, 03:21
Originally posted by REMUS
lol mike if u hadnt interfered with mine and cc's duel i would of whooped u as useual :p

apus arnt over powered, ppus are.


[QUOTE]Who needs 1mb cable when you lay down the rough justice on 56k.

56k Rulez [QUOTE]

Hrmm maybe people who do more then play games? o_O

09-11-03, 03:31
Originally posted by REMUS

apus arnt over powered, ppus are.

I agree totally, apu's are fine, we are so easy to kill. but ppu's need a good 10% nerf. no more. what really gets me is their power to buff others is still uber, even after the 50% nerf. if I'm fighting a person and they have a ppu and I dont, I'm definently dead. some exceptions but were talking some sucky pvprs.

I think there should at least be a fair chance, everyone shouldn't HAVE to have a ppu with them just to fight.

But there is so much to it, not only if u actually kill the buffed person, then u gotta kill the ppu before they raise the guy, and worry about their backup. it makes it so if you want a 1 on 1 fight you have to go to gay ass neofrag.

just make all monks hibrid, and make them on the level with other characters, give the spells medium power compared to their uber power. like in stead of a capped hl doing 120 on a capped tak, make it do 60 or so, and make the holy sheilds a bit less, then make the holy heal 40% less at cap. that would make hibrids as good as other classes.

09-11-03, 05:15
Originally posted by {MD}GeistDamnit
I agree totally, apu's are fine, we are so easy to kill. but ppu's need a good 10% nerf. no more. what really gets me is their power to buff others is still uber, even after the 50% nerf. if I'm fighting a person and they have a ppu and I dont, I'm definently dead. some exceptions but were talking some sucky pvprs.

I think there should at least be a fair chance, everyone shouldn't HAVE to have a ppu with them just to fight.

But there is so much to it, not only if u actually kill the buffed person, then u gotta kill the ppu before they raise the guy, and worry about their backup. it makes it so if you want a 1 on 1 fight you have to go to gay ass neofrag.

just make all monks hibrid, and make them on the level with other characters, give the spells medium power compared to their uber power. like in stead of a capped hl doing 120 on a capped tak, make it do 60 or so, and make the holy sheilds a bit less, then make the holy heal 40% less at cap. that would make hibrids as good as other classes.

APUs are overpowered as well....it's interesting to me how people like you want to nerf anybody but the class you play.

APUs need a good 50% range cut.
PPUs need holy parafuckme removed. Damage boost needs to stack as it does on mobs. Resurection needs to have a counter for it. Shields are fine, heals are fine, and buffs are fine.

But back on topic I hope that they nerf parashock soon, I don't think I can stand even another week of it in the game.

09-11-03, 05:21
Anyone know what the people on the German/french boards are saying about monks? i'd be interested to find out.

EDIT: Ok, from the page that i read on the German Forums they seem to think the monks are inbalenced. What I find strage is on that page I saw no flames or no people going "OMG OMG OMG NERF NERF NERF NERF" or "OMG OMG OMG GET SOME SKILLZ!!!!" Or if they were they were the ones who couldn't type so what they said didn't get translated correctly. :p I'm startig to wish I had taken German instead of Spanish.

09-11-03, 05:40
bohoo sniff sniff whine whine.

09-11-03, 06:17
Originally posted by ino
bohoo sniff sniff whine whine.

Occupation: ppu

Get some skills and try a real class, then come back and say that.

09-11-03, 06:28
hehe you where a funneh lill one huh :) cut the crap out and stop the whine allready pretty please with sugar on top.

09-11-03, 07:46
I have all 4 classes, and i say monks are overpowered. My ppu with blessed heal and blessed shelter can take lotas of people shooting me at once with no fear, and even kill them if they dont have a ppu, with db and lvl 8 parashock spam + soul cluster.

My apus capped lvl 55 energy halo kills mobs faster then ANY weapon in reach of my pe... now yes its an anu but tl 55 outdamaging pistol/rifle reares? come on... and holy lightning damage is just plain sick.

monks need a little nerfage, bring them down.

09-11-03, 09:29
Originally posted by ino
hehe you where a funneh lill one huh :) cut the crap out and stop the whine allready pretty please with sugar on top.

The only ones that DONT complain about monks being overpowered are the ones that play them.... and fear that if thier character was on an even balanced playing field they would be useless.

Sux for you. If you had skills you would be able to see if your character was overpowered or not.

Shadow Dancer
09-11-03, 11:09
Apus have wayy too much range, and a bit too high max energy damage. But it's nothing crazy. PPUs aren't really "overpowered", their "imbalanced". Not exactly teh same thign, at least not in my opinion.

Btw mike you died many times on your apu alone. :rolleyes:

09-11-03, 11:18
well it seems that way but at the end of the day u play the class u like ,not because the are <> to others but cus u like the style

09-11-03, 11:18
I play a PPU and I'll freely say that it is overpowered, a little.

Para is pathetic, it destroys pvp yes i agree, remove it, DB is to powerful yes, remove or NERF it, REzzing during fights is stupid at the momment, find a way to REDUCE it.

Remove the hybrid DESTRUCTION to 15-20%

Problem solved.

Shadow Dancer
09-11-03, 11:19
Originally posted by Birkoff

Remove the hybrid DESTRUCTION to 15-20%

I agree.

09-11-03, 11:24
Is bringing back hybrids such a bad thing?

They were overpowered, every hybrid new that, most admited it.

But they didn't deserve what they got, and destroying hybrids was the start of what we have now. Hybrids didn't cap SD/HH so even if they did buff there team it didn't make them invincible. With a little NERF they will be fair. U just need to NERF both PUREs a little bit and harray we have balance.. until.... well something will happen.. thats called life....

Shadow Dancer
09-11-03, 11:29
Originally posted by Birkoff
Is bringing back hybrids such a bad thing?

They were overpowered, every hybrid new that, most admited it.

But they didn't deserve what they got, and destroying hybrids was the start of what we have now. Hybrids didn't cap SD/HH so even if they did buff there team it didn't make them invincible. With a little NERF they will be fair. U just need to NERF both PUREs a little bit and harray we have balance.. until.... well something will happen.. thats called life....

IMO holy buffs/heal was the problem. Anyhow, I tested out a normal shelter/bless deflector runcasting holy halo hybrid on pluto. It was pretty fun, it was like a PE. But his defense was a bit too low. Of all the hybrid setups I tested, I always came to the same conclusion. The hybrid penalization is just too damn big.

IMO, the hybrids' offense was never THAT great. It was always their defense, or their healing basically.

09-11-03, 11:31
im just plain sick of the ppus, and the apus

Shadow Dancer
09-11-03, 11:34
You're not sick of me, right wolfwood? :D

09-11-03, 11:45
I wish I had a screenshot of the rank x/20 monk doing 120 damage a shot.

APUs and PPUs are akin to the Vayate and Mercurius Gundams. One has exceptionally high attack, the other exceptionally high defense. However they can both fall vulnerable to more intelligent fighters. They are still nigh unstobbable when together.

09-11-03, 12:25
Ok i play a ppu and a apu and ok i agree remove para or at least nerf it down to freezer pistol status and not have the ability to cast it 23948329832 times a second.

Apu's ok nerf the range and reduce the max cap on dmg but that is all that is needed. U catch a apu on his own he's fooked. U catch a tank/pe/spy they can stealth/take dmg/heal themselves. U catch a apu with a ppu he's tough to kill not impossible. BUT the same goes for a tank or pe the only difference is a apu can kill a ppu on his own if he's good where as the other classes can't unless the ppu is bad.

My preffered choice of char to support with my ppu would be a pe just because he can just mow through people with a heal on him and better con.

09-11-03, 16:30
now listen here g0rt, before you start to judge ppl or whatever it is you do. get some info of what the person has posted before.

I dont mind the ppus to be brought down a bit, my bohoo sniff sniff post is for the ppl that whine just cause their Leeet "mad pvp" skillz0rs cant kill someone cause they got a ppu or whatever. I personally dont give a shit about those ppl. The ones with some background to complaints I'll listen to not the BOHO Im not ubar nerf everyone else so I can own everyone cause thats the only reason to their whine.

And I have played other classes and play other classes, I dont get that pisses at ppu's when im playing a pe or spy or whatever. I know If im alone vs a class+ppu maaaaby I could bring down the dmg dealer but not the ppu and I dont cry about it either.

09-11-03, 17:50
lets face it we are moaning about monks but we all love em when we get rezzed.
when i bought neocron i thort it was cyber punk,how many monks in william gibsons novels or bladerunner u start counting

09-11-03, 18:09
lets face it we are moaning about monks but we all love em when we get rezzed.

Totally agree, IMHO, monks should be fully mechanical IE Holy Lightning based on electric currents through the monks body etc.

And PPU's? I think they should have the ability to provide barriers, instead of castable shelter, when you are hit, they take the dmg. Effectivly a scape goat.

I dont like the idea of 'ressurect' id rather see soemthing more futuristic and dirty thats less...magical?

09-11-03, 18:19
Originally posted by ino
now listen here g0rt, before you start to judge ppl or whatever it is you do. get some info of what the person has posted before.

I dont mind the ppus to be brought down a bit, my bohoo sniff sniff post is for the ppl that whine just cause their Leeet "mad pvp" skillz0rs cant kill someone cause they got a ppu or whatever. I personally dont give a shit about those ppl. The ones with some background to complaints I'll listen to not the BOHO Im not ubar nerf everyone else so I can own everyone cause thats the only reason to their whine.

And I have played other classes and play other classes, I dont get that pisses at ppu's when im playing a pe or spy or whatever. I know If im alone vs a class+ppu maaaaby I could bring down the dmg dealer but not the ppu and I dont cry about it either.

IMO it's not about "taking down the PPU". I play a spy, PE, PPU, and APU and I am willing to admit the flaws of every class. Most PPUs are not willing to admit that their character has some of the biggest flaws in the game. So like the hybrid nerf (remember when hybrids came in and said "get some skills" "boohoo whine whine" "stfu noob" etc) looke what happened to them. They offered no constructive advice on how to make their character in balance with other characters. So, you get what we had....the total anihilation of that class. I don't want that, furthermore, I don't think it needs to happen. The PPUs sheilds, deflectors, and heals don't need to be touched. Only the three PvP destructive spells need to be removed or reworked. These three spells are parashock, damage boost, and resserection. Remove or rework those spells and you've got PPUs balanced.

09-11-03, 18:30
I play an APU monk since retail and i say they should be nerfed.

@shadow, i only lose when i'm out numbered or other apus come in and posion and zone 5 times when i'm alone. kthx

ur kos :O

I liked this game SOOOOOOOOOO Much better when hybrid were there, even tho i wasn't hybrid....

09-11-03, 18:34
I liked this game SOOOOOOOOOO Much better when hybrid were there, even tho i wasn't hybrid....

I did and didnt, It was variety, but I just h8ed the fact they had PPU defence with APU offence, MY PE would just be owned by them permanently.

Bring the hybrids back, reduce there effectiveness. Its more fun :cool:

09-11-03, 18:35
Ok, my take on bring the PPUs down to the levels of the other classes:

1) Bring the Holy Parashock movement hit down from the 85%-odd it is now to something like 40% (Which is still 25% higher than the best freezer gun - I've seen the stats), and make damned sure it doesn't stack.
2) Change the RoF of Resurrection to 1 every 90 seconds at cap, and Holy Resurrection to 1 every 3 minutes at cap. They're OBSCENE spells, and ought to have a Frequency to match.

09-11-03, 19:38
And JUST as you cast the Holy Rez, someone bumps into you and you rez his dogtags....yay ill run around for another 3 mins...

09-11-03, 19:47
But ghandis I do come with constructive Ideas.. or atleast I belive so on how to ease up the everlasting topic on monks. and I agree with ppl that come up with constructive things again atleast to my belives of constructive.

I just had to reply to g0rts get some skills and play another char and come back and say what I said. And it's theese kinds of posts and the one's everything EVERYTHING was soo much better without the ppu's yadda yadda. Because what? cause they could always win or what?. I dont mind ppl beeing competitive about pvp and such but there is a limit to selfishness, and nerfs on whatever class should not be made just because some part of the players cant win as easy as before. Theese are the ppl that has to win no matter what. In school they HAD to be on the winning team in sports and shit always cause u cant belive the horror of actually loosing sometime I personally dont like stuff like that. It's more rewarding to actually play even or win vs a supposibly better team.

And I have a hard time beliving that there are many ppl atleast on multichar servers that heavent tried the other classes out. So I do know what it's like to fight alone vs someone with a ppu. I dont complain alot about cause he got a ppu. If the person you are fighting with a ppu is a allarround skilled player there are even less to whine about. A ppu is supposed to boost his teammate(s) and if you dont have that atm then you die or its a draw. You can be able to kill the dmg dealer with some luck aswell as with skills but it takes alot of effort. But if I dont manage to do that It doesn't ruin my day anyway.

09-11-03, 19:48
Originally posted by Eledhbrant
And JUST as you cast the Holy Rez, someone bumps into you and you rez his dogtags....yay ill run around for another 3 mins...
Yeah, which makes it all the more balanced. Seriously, most people have NO idea exactly how sick the Rez spells are.
Can you think of a better way to tone the Rez spells down to make OP wars more enjoyable and less of a "Send in the BattleMeat and keep making it get back up" affair?

Shadow Dancer
09-11-03, 21:35
Originally posted by MayhemMike
I play an APU monk since retail and i say they should be nerfed.

Your "motivation" is suspect. First of all you barely ever traveled alone. You're one of those "ppu" apus. Secondly, you just want to be one of the few apus again by your own admission.

Originally posted by MayhemMike

@shadow, i only lose when i'm out numbered or other apus come in and posion and zone 5 times when i'm alone. kthx

I was referring to other people(non apu) who've I seen kill you.

Originally posted by MayhemMike
Much better when hybrid were there, even tho i wasn't hybrid....

In a way, I kinda agree. I sorta think this problem is worse than the hybrid problem.

09-11-03, 21:43
Originally posted by Shockwave
Yeah, which makes it all the more balanced. Seriously, most people have NO idea exactly how sick the Rez spells are.
Can you think of a better way to tone the Rez spells down to make OP wars more enjoyable and less of a "Send in the BattleMeat and keep making it get back up" affair?

Well, if you make it to where I can only rezz every 3 minutes you just fucked hunting......and added yet ANOTHER time sinc into the game. Resserection is not the problem, the fact that there is no counter for resserection *is* the problem. So give PEs or spies a tool that removes dead people from battle and you have the problem solved without making another timesinc.

09-11-03, 22:22
Originally posted by ghandisfury
Well, if you make it to where I can only rezz every 3 minutes you just fucked hunting......and added yet ANOTHER time sinc into the game. Resserection is not the problem, the fact that there is no counter for resserection *is* the problem. So give PEs or spies a tool that removes dead people from battle and you have the problem solved without making another timesinc.

Don't forget you can Holy Rez every 3 mins, and normal Rez every 1.5 mins. And why is rezzing while hunting out of the window with this method? It's only the REALLY intense places like the Chaos Caves, Crystal Caverns etc that are going to take rezzing to the limit, and even then only if you've got a large group with few PPUs. On the other hand it would make OP wars a lot shorter, bloodier, and fun, and maybe even more strategic, who knows?

I've never liked the idea of a "body removal tool" - it just doesn't seem to fit.