View Full Version : How do you prove someone exploits? And what's the email to report them?

Shadow Dancer
07-11-03, 22:30
Soemone just purposefully killed my LE char. I took screenies of them laughing and telling me to die. However, that doesnt' really prove anything. My pic doesn't show me having LE, since my name doesn't appear in my own local list and there's no way to actually prove he did it with the intention to kill me even though it's incredibly obvious.

EDIT: Accidently posted the exploit. :rolleyes:

07-11-03, 22:33
You can kill LEs will [ edited ]?

Coo gotta try that, thx

07-11-03, 22:46
Originally posted by *ph33r*
You can kill Will young with mansex?

Coo gotta try that, thx I dont think that was shadows intention in writing the post, as j00 know discusion of exploits = t3h k1k1n

Edited cos i r 1337.

07-11-03, 22:48
Originally posted by *ph33r*
You can handbag LEs Will Young?

Coo gotta try that, thx

Dude, you're editing your post.

07-11-03, 22:51
well you cant do anything really

you could film yourself playing all the time...showing your imp window once :p
:lol: :lol: :lol:



07-11-03, 22:52
serve's you right take out the LE


On a serious note, this is further proof that the SL system does NOT work...even LE noobs get owned.


07-11-03, 22:56
Was that on Pluto or Saturn?

btw, exploits@neocron.com

Shadow Dancer
07-11-03, 22:57
Originally posted by Spoon
Was that on Pluto or Saturn?

btw, exploits@neocron.com


and thanks

Originally posted by .Cyl0n

you could film yourself playing all the time...showing your imp window once :p
:lol: :lol: :lol:




07-11-03, 23:13
If you've discovered an exploit that you want to report: exploits@neocron.com

If someone has used an exploit against you and you wish to report them: abuse@neocron.com


Shadow Dancer
07-11-03, 23:19
Originally posted by Nidhogg
If you've discovered an exploit that you want to report: exploits@neocron.com

If someone has used an exploit against you and you wish to report them: abuse@neocron.com


awwww, I emailed the wrong address, lol.

Thanks Nid.

08-11-03, 01:55
well uhm... everyone knows the exploit already.. no big deal, its less annoying than le'ed highlevel ppl of *some* clan spying on you, camping mc5, pushing you around, etc, etc

08-11-03, 02:09
u could try 2 get em 2 kill you again with the imp window open an cursor over the imp. I did it once an the guy totaly killed me again. Er an post it there er somthin.

08-11-03, 10:35
Seeing as your supposed to send the console log as well, take a screenie of you trying to open a quickbelt. Should put the message into the console.log? (I think).

Otherwise KK can check your character.