View Full Version : Matrix: Revolutions (seen it, no spoilers)

05-11-03, 18:26
ultima if you see it or anyone sees matrix 3 tomorrow Start a thread or respond in this one saying if you liked it or not....but don't say ANYTHING about it...just good ro bad =P.


i loved it, it was AWESOME!!! watch it guys, as soon as possible... i wont say anymore in fear of spoiling it, but seriously... watch it!

P.S they even had APUs there :p (not a spoiler, watch it and u will understand)

Vid Gamer
05-11-03, 18:33

I'll be seeing it at 10:20 P.M. tonight. :D

Dribble Joy
05-11-03, 18:34
When does it come out in the UK?

05-11-03, 18:36
Today dribble. It was released at 2:00 pm today. :)

05-11-03, 18:36
Originally posted by Dribble Joy
When does it come out in the UK?


Dribble Joy
05-11-03, 18:44



*runs to the odeon like a crazy mofo

05-11-03, 18:46
And Neo dispatches all the machines with....

Scroll down for answer


05-11-03, 18:46
Originally posted by Dribble Joy



*runs to the odeon like a crazy mofo

lol good luck,
me im not to botherd about it after seeing the second one, but then again i thourght kill bill was cheesy.


05-11-03, 18:53
I have 4 hours to go and counting!


Dribble Joy
05-11-03, 18:57
Originally posted by Mercuri
I have 4 hours to go and counting!


OMGHAXONOZKOSWTFROTFLPMPLLOLLMFAO!!11!!onetwo testing GM r t3h sp4mm0rzzzzzzzz

05-11-03, 19:06
I just got back from it :D


05-11-03, 19:07

-tuns out of hours to go see matrix 3-


MY personal review when i get back ;)


05-11-03, 19:17

i seen it


fucking class

05-11-03, 19:19
seeing it midnight tonight.

05-11-03, 19:19
seeing it midnight tonight.

05-11-03, 19:21
Ch0...your not bothered about the 3rd one, yet your avatar is a scene from it?

05-11-03, 19:46
Originally posted by Dostan'Ilindith
Ch0...your not bothered about the 3rd one, yet your avatar is a scene from it?

yeah.... its a nice image dont u think..... whats your point?


05-11-03, 19:50
my point is you have no idea what its about, why he looks like that or anything, whereas i do.

as nelson muntz would say...


05-11-03, 19:56
Originally posted by Dostan'Ilindith
my point is you have no idea what its about, why he looks like that or anything, whereas i do.

as nelson muntz would say...


errr i pretty much have an idea what its about and your "haha" doesnt realy mean diddley squat to me but thx for trying :)


05-11-03, 20:04
Just got back from seening it just now - I'm going again tomorrow night :D

I so want to go on about how I loved this and that but I don't want to give anything away, just be ready for some great action, some nice twists and more things to get you confused and keep u debating for 6 months.

05-11-03, 20:39
i dont give a flying fuck....
but haha again

and you dont know wtf is going on and i do hahahah more

05-11-03, 20:41
Originally posted by Dostan'Ilindith
i dont give a flying fuck....
but haha again

and you dont know wtf is going on and i do hahahah more


your wrong but hey im glad to see u think your right:)

and if u didnt give a flying fuck why did u reply?o_O


05-11-03, 20:49
Gonna see it later on when the hysteria die down = when i can get a ticket.

(You may see me shouting "WTB Matrix 3 Ticket, got many rares to trade" outside the cinema)

05-11-03, 21:06
Originally posted by gizmojack
And Neo dispatches all the machines with....

Artifact enhanced enhanced enhanced enhanced enhanced Crahn Holy Energy Halo Constructed by oath.

Weapons of the 1337..................yes i am a tank.

Cant wait to see it.

05-11-03, 21:30
i thought it was shit.

the 2nd was better.

this movie was supposed to be an explanation to all the bullshit philosophy that plagued all the other movies.

great effects... shit ending

05-11-03, 23:04
to all those who thought this film was shit, please find a way to kick yourselves in the face


:D :D :D :D :D <--- 5 of them from me.

the action and fights scences are absoulutly amazing and the effects are the best ive ever seen. i would recommend to anyone to go see this...

...thats all im going to say exept from Jesus H. Christ!


~T :D

05-11-03, 23:09
Already another thread about it... movie is ok not great. Zion fight was cheesy at times but probably the best bit in the movie.

Ending was sucky. (already done hidden spoiler questions in the other thread).

Dribble Joy
05-11-03, 23:15
hmm well I liked it. I thoight it did answer most questions from the first 2, but... meh.

06-11-03, 01:52
Incredible, they managed to pull of the trilogy even with all the hype blowing it out of all rational preportions.

Now I just want to sit down in a comfy chair and watch them all back to back (animatrix, enter the matrix the whole fucking lot) because this film really is part of something bigger.

Its like the lord of the rings but they skipped the book and went straight for the film.

06-11-03, 01:55
I feel like crawling into a hole and dying.

That was the worst, most contrived piece of crap I've ever seen in the cinema.

I am not sure I even want to watch the first film ever again and I loved that one.

06-11-03, 01:56
you know how many books are on lotr ? tons and that is just from the author himself

06-11-03, 02:09
Good Movie
Absolute CRAP ending

06-11-03, 05:35
neo wuz fuckin uber...nice vision there at the end too >;]
how crezy wuz it tho...so easily connected to Christ...
the ending was good, though god knows how peace could be sustained after the numerous deaths. dun think humanity works that way.

i hope someone decides to pick up the series, ending it once and for all.
and i so wanna see what the entire earth looks like after the ending of matrix 3!!! o.m.f.g.

btw mini-spoiler..there was some nice lezbo axion...the one chic was squeezin the other chic's tits HOTTTTT :lol: :lol: :lol: >;]

06-11-03, 09:16
3 out of 5.

The action was good, although not the kind of action the Matrix is known for. I thought the Zion fight was incredible. But, yes, a terrible ending. No explanations. Almost as if they plan on making another trilogy.

And I got a great kick out of the APU's. You think they play NC? They never did say what APU stood for in the movie.

06-11-03, 12:55
Originally posted by Lathuc
you know how many books are on lotr ? tons and that is just from the author himself

3 actualy but thats not includeing things like the hobbit n shit
but remember tolkien created a liveing world with its own laungages n shit guys a fricken genious RWAr.


06-11-03, 13:23
Going to see it on Saturday with LVirus and moregore (NC players ^_^). Good to see people liked it :) Perhaps it won't be so bad like the critics said :D

// Wannabe