View Full Version : [Brainport] Overdrive weapon mods

Dribble Joy
31-10-03, 16:11
Well, I was bored in Thermo-fluids today and while drawing, this idea just sort of popped into my head.

No idea if it has been sugested before but here goes.
(chirst how do I explain this...)

Basically these mods (Damage/frequency/handling/range) increase thier respective stat in the extreme and allow you to cap said stat without the required skill.
For example, you have a 120% freq CS with a free slot but you can't cap the rof, shove in a freq-overdrive mod (or whatever name fits) and it has the effect of added say... 30 HC worth into freq (and freq alone)
As a result the rate the weapon wears out is massively increased, to something like 1% every two clips (1% every clip for pistols)

A nice option for people, and could help some (shock-horror) put points into other things, like AGL/VEH/whatever, helps with the spectre of speciallisation.

I dunno, probably a crap idea.

PS. I won't be online this weekend, I'm being taught how to shoot an SA80.

PPS. Should I buy Worms3D? The temptation is overbearing.

31-10-03, 16:16
Sounds a good idea, all 1% every two clips may be too much. Make it every 5 clips.

And on the Worms 3d, Download it first and try it to see if you like it.

31-10-03, 16:17
All i want are weponmods equal to those damn superior psimods. o_O

But i like your idea too. :)

Onoz! The next monk who reads this will start crying for different damage type mods! "I WANT MA HL DO PIOSEN TOO!!!11" :p :p

31-10-03, 16:21
Well...I haven't voted as there's no... "Yes" option. o_O

But I really like that idea, although I have no idea how easy/hard it would be to code in. I'd love to see something like that though.

Maybe my PE could finally cap the RoF on his 'Easer.


Dribble Joy
31-10-03, 16:53
Another idea for how this could work, either the way I described above, or the Mods could simply add 30% into a stat, but can go above 120%, up to 150%? simpler to code perhaps.

Dead animal sex can be the 'Yes' vote if you really actually (god knows why) think it's a good idea.

31-10-03, 17:14
good idea but be better if when u put ya freq overdrive mod in nothing happerns till u hve fires of a few runds. the energy use in the gun firing puts it in oerdrive and ups its stat dramaticly for a short period