View Full Version : Obligatory Nerf Request

30-10-03, 20:26
Stealth. What does the word conjure up images of?

It's been the same for ages really, the only counter measure that's been introduced is the true sight sanct and how often is that up? I'm all for people using the tool as it's intended (spying for intel, sneaky jump attacks etc), but I can't count the number of times it's been used against me to cheat death.

It's frustrating fighting stealth whores as a PE because all you can effectively do is damage boost in the vain hope that the brown lines will remain visible so you can track your opponent, but as tank it's a joke.

Can we please make it impossible to stealth for a certain period of time after taking damage, or make it so you can actually do more damage than 5 at point blank to a stealthed target.

*insert crap smileys to accentuate frustration*

30-10-03, 20:46

On condition that Spys get their CON doubled.

Seems a fair trade for your inability to use AoE weapons.

30-10-03, 20:48
Well there's another thing that only has one counter, which is limited to one class, and makes a person generally impossible to kill. I'm sure you can guess what I'm talking about. :)

So if people can say it's fair that Antibuff should be the only counter to PPUs, then it's fair to say TSS should be the only counter to stealth.

Personally I think drones should be able to see stealthers, that would give them a use in a fight, and melee should pierce shields, that would suit me.

30-10-03, 20:55
Well you can shoot a ppu in the face, still do more damage to him than you will to a blob of blue that you can't target at all (yeye so barrels can just about get them but bugger off with the idea of shooting them with male or whatever :p)

Honestly I don't see the problem with letting the targeting system remain for stealthers, it's still going to be very hard to hit them isn't it?

Kurai: It's more the PE's that get to me with it than the spies, you lot almost have an excuse. Perhaps spies should be able to activate faster than PE's?

30-10-03, 21:03
Originally posted by kurai

On condition that Spys get their CON doubled.

Seems a fair trade for your inability to use AoE weapons.

what he said :)

one of the points of stealth is to get away from trouble otherwise its pretty much pointless

Shadow Dancer
30-10-03, 21:04
Maybe stealth should have a recharge time? And the higher the stealth the less the recharge time.

30-10-03, 21:05
Hell im a stealther PE

Tanks kill me easily. bcos most ppl hit stealth on low hp. a mal kills me one.. maybe 2 shots when im on low HP.

Alex The Great
30-10-03, 21:05
I Almost Never Have a Problem Taging a Stealth PE (then Again Im Aways with Pete =P)

Zokk Is the only Stealthing PE i have ever Had trouble with.

30-10-03, 21:08
Originally posted by Nish
Honestly I don't see the problem with letting the targeting system remain for stealthers, it's still going to be very hard to hit them isn't it? Well . . . no. Obviously. Since you would have "a targetting system" O_o

Your complaint seems mainly to be "I can't pwn stuff - it sometimes escapes". I really have a hard time feeling any sympathy for you, since you have weapons that work against stealthers. If you can't or don't want to use them, then thats your problem, not mine ;)

As far as lowering activation time ... that would make spies pretty much immortal, unless you got very, *very* lucky, or the spy ws very, *very* crap. I don't think that would really solve any problem, real or imagined. :D