View Full Version : Should there be a cap on the number of members alloud in a clan

30-10-03, 12:58
Just a small idea i had, say to about 40 per clan. think it would be sweet

30-10-03, 13:13

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At Thread Starters Request.

30-10-03, 13:14
No point in this.
Clans will just split into subclans.

30-10-03, 13:15
no for the same reason QD says(though i went for the furry sexing option;) )

30-10-03, 13:19
1. What QD said.

2. Why? Surely doesn't this go against the idea that MMOGs are supposed to be based on Communities.

In Rangers we like being a big clan. Yes we have quite a few inactives, but we also have lots of friendly, helpful active people and we hope that we make this game that much more fun for our members by being friendly and helpful.

It's not like we're over powering anyone at OP wars. Just look at The Alliance that was created on Uranus - it doesn't take big clans to fuck things up. Fortunately they seem to have got bored with 5 minute oP fights, which I'm very grateful for. Yeah, we still don't hold any OPs for long but the fights are a lot more fun when the odds are even, and for me having fun is what gaming is about.

Athon Solo

30-10-03, 13:21
Maybe an autokick inactive members function that can be dynamicly set.
If they return, they can just ask to be reinvited.

Then we will know the true size of an clan.

30-10-03, 13:25
Originally posted by JustIn_Case
Maybe an autokick inactive members function that can be dynamicly set.
If they return, they can just ask to be reinvited.

Then we will know the true size of an clan.
Hmm, I've been tussling with this problem for a while.
You see, The Shattered Star Confederation has a rule, that rule is basically that no member shall be kicked for inactivity, I myself have taken a year long break from SSC to do IRL stuff, and come back, welcomed.

However, In neocron, because of the high turn over, we have something close to 80 ...inactive alts in the clan.
At 206 members, that means that active/semi-active alts are 120 in number, which is comparable to the other clans on the server.

Psyco Groupie
30-10-03, 14:07
im not inactive, I just dont have net at uni yet :(


30-10-03, 15:40
QD, I actually think the subclan idea thing wouldn't be so bad..

The clan holding the op is the only one recieving the messages when they get hacked, right?

It would either:

a.) Improve coordination with the clan & subclans members.
b.) If anything, the main clan will have to rush first, so it won't be like 120 FF soldiers (exaggeration :p) rushing to defend their op at once. It's called reinforcements.
c.) If the subclans really don't want to be reinforcements, they can help be at the ops in the first damn place guarding it.
c1.) Of course, this would be if the game would be more entertaining for you people. =P

30-10-03, 16:35
I created a retired rank to park inactive players in... means i can keep a handle on the true clan size without having to boot people who maybe returning

Can't think of a single positive outcome from capping clans to 40 chars...

You'd just have federations of allied clans - and the communication/logistics would be a mess

Why on earth would anyone think this is a good idea?

30-10-03, 16:42
There's absolutely no point in that, and neither can I see a
reason why that should be done, nore a way to justify it.
Why should we piss off people who like big clans by forbidding

It's like racism lol.

30-10-03, 17:56
KK had a little catatonic brain fart, when it came time to set up the way Factions worked and how they related to each other....

They should have limits on the numbers of members of a Faction, ie; "This Faction is full, please choose another Faction"....

Clans shouldn't have a limit on their numbers, Factions should....