View Full Version : Rpos problem

28-10-03, 04:42
a friend gave me his rpos settings so I could use them but my screen turned invisible for some reason.

does anyone know how to fix this?


any help would be appreciated.

also, my mouse and aim icons are invisible...

28-10-03, 13:20
it would be handy if you posted your new RPOScolor.ini so we could verify the values.

It seems to me that your friend forgot to set the proper values for alpha blending.
rpos colours are made by 4 numbers representing the red channel, blue channel, green channel and alpha blending.
alpha blending is where i suspect it went wrong.
As an example I'll post my personal rposcolor.ini so you can check up (or even use it ;))

Default=145 145 255 255
DefaultText=189 178 255 255
DefaultTextEffect=255 255 255 255
SysMessages=255 0 0 255
GameMessages=112 116 164 255
LocalChat=255 255 255 255
GlobalChat=118 120 255 255
TeamChat=118 255 118 255
DirectChat=218 224 116 255
Player=214 230 124 255
PlayerNoPK=77 35 175 255
CharSysWarning=255 255 160 255
CharSysBonus=110 255 110 255
CharSysCritical=255 160 160 255
ContextActive=151 100 201 255
ContextNoActive=0 0 0 255
ContextDisabled=128 128 128 255
HighlightText=0 0 0 255
HighlightBackground=151 100 201 255
Item=255 191 230 255
ItemDisabled=137 137 137 255
ItemNotUsable=75 0 27 255
GoodSoullight=75 205 75 255
NeutralSoullight=205 205 75 255
BadSoullight=205 75 75 255
Damage=255 0 24 255
Heal=255 255 0 255
ZoneChat=118 120 255 255
ClanChat=255 118 118 255
CustomChat=0 118 116 255

28-10-03, 13:51
serve :rolleyes: you used that program from g0d i give you arent you :) youve cocked it up yourself :lol: theres a setting where you chose the red/blue/green colour settigns, its for 'gamma' and it determines how opaque or transparrent it is, default makes it totally transparrent, thats probably what youve done.

get on MSN later and ill send you my RPOS again, or just replace it for the one in that zip i gave ya