View Full Version : Think PKing is bad?

26-10-03, 16:20
I dont see how this community whins about pking now or whines about how bad pking was prior to soullight change. The pk situation in this game is a joke unless ur really dum and run thru pepper 5 times a day. Playing daoc here was my day yesterday

Logged in 10 seconds after logging boom insta slay by some high lvl.

Respawned ran to where I was lvling long swin and walk (No GR) start fighting 5 mins into it boom stealth comes up and slits my throat I was dead in maybe 3 hits.

Respawn fix go to healer fix res sicness and con boom killed again.

Respawn fix con and sicness run out of town get half way to my spot boom hit a by a bolt dead.

Respawn again get back to my lvlin spot and 2 guys come and smoke me again.

After that I finaly got there and hit my lvl :)

In in my worst moments playing neocron when i was rotten nib I would get pked maybe 1 every 2 days and this was when ying and company some form EoN were runing wild. Plus now with SL and that I know what im doing talking a char from /2 - /50 I would get pked maybe once. My questrion is how can u say pking is really bad. My question is if you think pking is bad how many time s day are you pked? Cause I really doubt it can be that much.

26-10-03, 16:26
hmm... and that happens to be on the PvP server i assume? O_o

and by the way... either you are slow as hell or a bullshitter! there is a PvP timer to stop you bein PK'd again instantly when respawning O_o

NC Junkie (a former DAoC Junkie)

26-10-03, 16:28
Originally posted by Jesterthegreat
hmm... and that happens to be on the PvP server i assume? O_o

and by the way... either you are slow as hell or a bullshitter! there is a PvP timer to stop you bein PK'd again instantly when respawning O_o

NC Junkie (a former DAoC Junkie)

Yup pvp is the only way to fly.

Respawn timer aint that long time it takes to heal get con back and leave town its almost up and lots like to tail you for a short bit.

I think that is a way neocron should have gone with servers.

Had uranus the RP server then make saturn a regular server than later come out with pluto as the pvp server.

26-10-03, 16:44
how about saturn as the pvp and uranus as normal...

i see no probs with the way it is. Uranus is fine, leave it alone?

oh and yeah i would agree PvP is the way to go in DAoC, however the level 20 thing (if you have a 50, you make a 20 on any server) kinda ruined it, as 90% of peeps tend to have a 50 somewhere, so at low level you get rinsed repeatedly by level 20+'s

Whiety Bulger
26-10-03, 16:46
You wann se hardcore PKing go to old school UO. People where being pked in the towns the dungens EVERYWHERE!!!!!. Neocron is not a major PKer game so u guys are lucky that u have double condom protection with soulight safezones etc....

26-10-03, 16:47
I ment from day one now there isn't much you can do seeing ass people are set into there servers and sayign fuck off this is an RP server now just wouldn't work.

Yea UO was harsh PKed run for a while get to a healer go home or to the bank get reequiped then get a horse again. Being pked was a big ordeal there.

26-10-03, 16:47
Originally posted by Jesterthegreat
hmm... and that happens to be on the PvP server i assume? O_o

and by the way... either you are slow as hell or a bullshitter! there is a PvP timer to stop you bein PK'd again instantly when respawning O_o

NC Junkie (a former DAoC Junkie)

He never said he was pked right after respawning.
Anyways hes right DAOC is a PVP game, noone who works for that company would listen to complaints about it, and people who are pked would know better than to complain about being pked. And more importantly, they would know better than to let themselves get angry over it. Where as in this community treating pking as terrible act is encouraged.

Think of it this way. When people lose any competion or sport, they are looking for any way to claim it was unfair or the opponent cheated in order to make themselves feel better. The only thing that stops this from running rampant is that it is looked down upon.

In neocron this type of thing is encouraged, so OF course its going to run rampant. If you log on to any server people will be arguing and making excuses for why they lost (whoever did lose that time) The only difference between these people and people who complain about pkers is the antipkers are afraid they will lose so they never really fight and just stick to their excuses. Then if there isn't an excuse thats generally accepted they just lie about the situation (lie about their level, say they were hunting when they weren't etc)

When KK started out and knew they wanted to make a PVP game, they should have decided right there and then that any complaints about PKING would be stonewalled for the sake of competition not degrading into immature insults. And they should have made absolutely sure their volunteer staff was doing the same. Then they could analyze such things as newbie pking and figure out how to fix it on their own.

26-10-03, 16:49
Well, you tend to be use alot for targetpractice when you are labeled as a noob Pk'er; like for instance YOU and w33man.

You deserve nothing less.

26-10-03, 16:49
Originally posted by KRIMINAL99
He never said he was pked right after respawning.

really? he didnt?

Originally posted by KimmyG
Respawn fix go to healer fix res sicness and con boom killed again.

i cant be bothered to break down the rest of your post cos im not sure how much was aimed at me :D

however i wanna say i am not against PKing in any way at all, i do it and i get it done to me too

NC Junkie

26-10-03, 16:52
Originally posted by Jesterthegreat
really? he didnt?

I sorta did ment shortly after respawning

26-10-03, 16:53
shortly enough to not have moved :p hense my slow or bullshitting comment in first post haha :D

cos i know there is a timer, and i never stick around in pryd keep etc when my timer is running down...

26-10-03, 16:54
Originally posted by Jesterthegreat
really? he didnt?

i cant be bothered to break down the rest of your post cos im not sure how much was aimed at me :D

however i wanna say i am not against PKing in any way at all, i do it and i get it done to me too

NC Junkie

None of it was aimed at you except the top part heh.
Anyways he didn't say how much time passed between those.

26-10-03, 16:56
Yea I probably shouldn't stick about to long oh well im a nib. Even so the the worst is when they /follow you till its of then boom hit yea.

Anyway posts point is neocrons pk situtaion isn't bad at all when compared to other pvp games nor was it ever bad.

26-10-03, 16:59
<=== Runie... run buff and insane bolts (kill an orange skald in 2 bolts)


26-10-03, 17:10
just goes to show theres dribbling cock ends without the wit to entertain themselves without it being at someone elses expense in every game :)

26-10-03, 17:14
i wrote something about this in the german board too, the response was: "put your LE in".
So i killed some people on another server and (woohaa) another thread came up. The response was "put your LE in".

It is like no one is interested in this thingie.
ok, just tried to explain what my impression of the response was, hope it won't be the same as here 8|

26-10-03, 17:17
Originally posted by icarium
just goes to show theres dribbling cock ends without the wit to entertain themselves without it being at someone elses expense in every game :)

Um PvP server this is what it is all about pvp. Harsh darkages you can get killed anywhere kill someone out in the middle of nowhere and there are no consiquences. The way a game should be played I guess Daoc is as close to old school UO I can get near the same thing just with less loot.

Whiety Bulger
26-10-03, 20:15
We should just give up Kimmy they will never chnage their minds.

26-10-03, 20:21
Well it might change there minds when most see that once your capped there is only so much to do and it gets boring after awhile.

26-10-03, 20:21
Don't like to be pk'ed? Then put your god damn LE chip in. There's no negatives other than losing one brainslot.

26-10-03, 20:35
Originally posted by Owain
Don't like to be pk'ed? Then put your god damn LE chip in. There's no negatives other than losing one brainslot.

did u actualy read his post??


26-10-03, 20:37
Originally posted by =Chojin=
did u actualy read his post??


It was a message to the bitches, not kimmy.

26-10-03, 20:46
i shall say it once for the hard of understanding.

pvp in this game has v little do with skill (specially if u r a point and click monk) its to do with what weapon you are using and what rank you are. if it had anything to do with fps skill, i.e the ability to aim quickly and accurately then it would be possible for a 35/45 ranked character to kill a 50/60 character by being more "skilled"

and running through MB shooting n00bs not only requires no skill, it makes you a wanker :)

26-10-03, 20:51
Originally posted by icarium
pvp in this game has v little do with skill (specially if u r a point and click monk) its to do with what weapon you are using and what rank you are. if it had anything to do with fps skill, i.e the ability to aim quickly and accurately then it would be possible for a 35/45 ranked character to kill a 50/60 character by being more "skilled"

That is the dummest thing I have ever heard take any capped monk toss em an HL and put them head to head with sya smokeyj and see who comes out on top.

PvP in this game has everything to do with skill. It sure has heell has alot more to do with skill then most mmorpgs select and hammer away at one button.

26-10-03, 20:59
Originally posted by Owain
It was a message to the bitches, not kimmy.

kk sorry :)
