View Full Version : Ideas On Free Advertising For Nc

21-10-03, 23:15
Why dont these pple use free advertising
for instance, (idea 1) why not get a stripper and put her on the Howard Stern show with Miss NC across her ample busom. Hes got an audiance of millions even if only a small portion tried NC it would mean thousands of new players.

And KK could hire another programmer!!!!!;)

Theres tons of ways to advertise this cool game what are your ideas. Now keep in mind the pple who manage the game dont have a dollar or euro to spend so free advertising is the best.

Idea 2. get a young fan of a rock star to perform lude sex acts in exchange for the rock star to wear an NC shirt on say the david letterman show. This will cost jack and the exposure will be to a relatively young hip audience with cash to spend

Idea 3 get young fan of gaming sites to perform lude sex acts on writers for online gaming mags in exchange for positive review. Dirt cheap advertising!!!


21-10-03, 23:17
is it me or are ur ideas all sex oriented?



o and make em to the sex emote too :cool:

Lucky Sparks
21-10-03, 23:22
sex sells

21-10-03, 23:25
aslong as its cheap and sleazy.......

21-10-03, 23:45
IDEA FOUR: kk should make a lot more Neocron banners for free signatures. That way people could use them to advertise Neocron on other forums like www.momrpg.com or whatever.

IDEA FIVE: Martin joins every forum he can think of and posts biast posts about Neocron, claiming to be a 15 year old girl who currently plays it. Hence all the pervy old men come along and play Neocron.

IDEA SIX: MArtin drives to some closeby town he never visits and shouts out in German....... "COME GET YOUR FREE COPY OF NEOCRON!" Heh.

Well idea 4 was serious I guess.