View Full Version : PvP in MMORPG Alternatives

17-10-03, 19:47
Theres alot of Free Trials about at the moment, and the 2 that interest me are Endless Ages and Shadowbane.

Im about to start the Endless ages trial in a few minutes. Has anyone tried these 2 games ? (I know Endless ages looks a little sucky graffically, but they are doing a major improvement patch later this month)

thx in adv.

17-10-03, 19:50
To be honest the only MMO based solely on PvP is Planet Side.

MMOs are meant to be RPGs generally...
I would recommend PS for you though, knowing a bit about what you're like :p

And FYI You're probably just about to get your account "de-registered" (o_O).....

17-10-03, 19:53
I looked at Planetside read a shit load of reviews and i just dont like the sound of it QD. I like mindless fun, but thats why ive got quake 3, Jedi Outcast etc. Want something with more depth than Planetside...

Thx anyway...

17-10-03, 19:53
Just so you know what QD is talkin about with "de-registration":



17-10-03, 19:55
Cya T-X..... Hargreth with miss you on my rather infrequent trips to Uranus.

17-10-03, 19:57
Nice one mate, i changed the post i cant be arsed with Nid on my case, or Gott if he's 'Got' one of his moods on him

17-10-03, 20:00
Know whatcha mean.

Hmm, afaik SB is horrific.
FoM Looks to be pretty decent, but "PvP" ~ They wont really tollerate "PKers" there, not the way Neocron has them anyway.
Like real Cyber Punk, a PKer will have to be a very secretive murderer or he will most likely get eliminated and due to perma-death you'll just get persecuted out of the game until you're harmless to them...

Hmmmmmmmm....... MMO I can't really suggest anything that I know of like Neocron....someone might find an answer for you...

Tribes3 is looking great though :p

17-10-03, 20:11
I`ve tried endless ages. The settings and the chars didnt really appeal to me, but I thought that I could give it shot. Didnt find any people, thought the controls and gui was weird and stuff. Lasted me about 30 mins. I guess thats what a noob feels like when he first enters mc5 in neocron. Maybe there is some hidden jewel there, but for me it was not anything worth spending time on. I just some more mmo making companies could just stop the fantasy mmo`s its enough allready. Give me some rifles and pistols instead.

17-10-03, 20:13
Play Neocron then cause its the only heavily PvP game that I know of.

17-10-03, 20:41
Want PvP go SB or DaoC PvP server. SB once ur lvl 21 one ur tossed into the real world no saftey at all ecept for the 3 major cities or on DaoC once u hit lvl 10 the only time ur safe is when ur not logged in its a pure free for all regardless of where you are.

For these u would have to enjoy the target and fire system not the fps system of neocron. But if you want endless battles hit the daoc pvp server there is always fights going on.

17-10-03, 20:41
The graffics for Endless Ages are for want of a better words 'fucking awful', lol thye hurt my eyes, but im going to try to persevere, and i cant find the equivilent to Plaza 1 lol.

Anyway, hey ho.

17-10-03, 20:51
Well its not out yet but its heavily pvp


and its made by Europeans which is allways nice to see and anyhow open beta wil be starting soon

Nice to see u

17-10-03, 20:56
ill take a look at that, ive asked the community for Endless for some help and they seem really kewl.

@Pith, (switch msn on, we havent spoke for ages)

17-10-03, 21:01
omg Shadowbane is free trial *downloads free trial*

17-10-03, 21:18
Yeah Ive cancelled too so account in process of deactivation :(

See what endless is like hope its decent need someet to tide me over

Shall see :)

PS sucks plain and simple

17-10-03, 21:40
endless ages is fun, get a ticket tom four falls, lots of people there :D

17-10-03, 22:04
lol, funny u should say that, i just got PM'ed from the Endless forums, some geezer is gonna hook me up some Wonga to go there ^^

17-10-03, 22:43
Well nvm about Shadowbane...requires a Credit Card just to play a trial account. I hate that about games. To "verify" you are of age. Downloaded it, made an account, went through all that shit and THEN they tell me I need a credit card just to play the trial.

17-10-03, 22:56
i didnt know, im sorry, that is really ghey. Try endless, :/ lol, just make sure u have Shrooms first

18-10-03, 16:48
Shadowbane I have played the graphics arent great and the gameplay is ok. Its pvp based but the pvp is in depth more on a strategic level. IE you cant beat someone because you have more twitch skills its just weather your class skills are better and your group is stronger than theirs. It has cool economic and strategic features though like running npcs and players being able to attack and destroy each others cities. The leveling is really bad at all IMO.

I would probably really like it if I wasn't more into guns and more control over combat.

Theres no telling at this point what face of mankind is going to end up like... There is no levels in that game and its fps based so supposedly you would be able to log in and kill someone whos been playing the game for months without dieing. If thats true even if you permadied and the other players could afford to clone themselves all the time, you could reroll every 5 minutes and just run around killing people and collecting better weapons until you were finally permakilled, then just reroll again. The actual designers (not the people trolling the boards) seem to have a genuine desire to have criminals as something existing in the game world. (Especially since there is an entire faction devoted to fighting them)

18-10-03, 17:03
T-X what class are you? A few new dawn played it alot this summer actually. My favourite class was the frog :) ohhhh, we were at an event there once too where they spawned HUGE monsters, ones like the size of a newocron outpost. Oh yeh, get a jetpack first, they make the game about 10X as fun :)