View Full Version : PK or not to PK?

17-10-03, 14:22
That is the question.

17-10-03, 14:28
PK whenever you can whereever you can, if you dont they will pk you.


17-10-03, 14:56
depends how well known you are, if i go on a pk run, wich is very rarely, i get no comeback from it cos people know me, not neccesarlily well, but they know its not a common occurence that i do.

Where as people like the legendery TikTak man, who pk anyone, tend to be kos with everyone and anyone, so, the moral is, if you wanna pk everyone thats ok, just dont use the shitty 'enemy faction' excuse, just cos he's red dont mean he's dead, and if ya pk occasionaly you can get away with most things.

Just remember, people DO NOT accept, oh i ganked the noob cos he was red :rolleyes: pot, kettle, black.

17-10-03, 14:56
PK'ing is part of the game - I only object to being PK'd right after coming through a GR and being Toxic Beamed to death by a Faction member :rolleyes:

17-10-03, 15:41
LE wearer and proud of it.


17-10-03, 15:53
I never pk.
I did it once or maybe twice when i was bored and drunk and i felt bad afterwards.

I start fights with ppl who can fight back and i fight back when i`m attacked but thats it.

17-10-03, 15:57
*Cough* Biased poll *cough*

Where's the "I only PK at OP wars" option, eh?


17-10-03, 16:00
You be red, you be ded.

Well, not really, but it sounded cool!

17-10-03, 16:10
Originally posted by BlackPrince
You be red, you be ded.

Well, not really, but it sounded cool!

Heheh RAWR.

And yeah 'i only kill at op wars or pepper park' option would have been nice.

17-10-03, 16:15
pk everywhere, why not? fuck reputation.

17-10-03, 16:38
i never used to Pk, but now, well when i head out hunting if theres a enemy in the zone i make sure there dead before hunting so i cant get attacked while fighting.

in fact i tend to attack most people who are red just in case they try and attack me.

so those 0/2 noobs better not look at me in the wrong way or there gonna get a face full of plasma:p

its fun when you fight someone your own level you get a decent fight normally, but nothings more satisfying than sending that noob hacking at rats to his favourite genrep :D he will proberbly thank you for breaking up the monotony of leveling

17-10-03, 16:40
I dont kill many noobs, but any enemy clans better watch their backs when they're doing anything.

17-10-03, 17:33
Originally posted by StryfeX
*Cough* Biased poll *cough*

Where's the "I only PK at OP wars" option, eh?


Stop it with yer biased poll nonsense. Jeez, there's always someone....

I guess if you PK at OP wars, you'd PK for faction wouldn't you?

17-10-03, 17:36
There's not many times I have felt bad for pking some one. And I don't always pk red factions either. My character has many biases that go beyond the F6 key. (Which means I also don't attack a player just because he is red).

I think player killing is a very legitimate part of the game, but I think there are people on both extremes. On the one hand you have people who think its their right to kill absolutely any one at any and every time in the game. Then you have people who think its their right to never get killed at all. As for me I pk for fun, faction, and character. ;)

17-10-03, 18:28
Eh...I don't PK...I have my LE out, but I try my best not to pass that kind of judgement on people..

Now, if I was provoked, that's another story, even if I have minimal seconds to respond before I die. Of course, as per my faction, and although this is partly my problem, whenever I roam around the city, I tend to get my ass in a knot when I approach or become approached by certain factions, especially those with their LE out...

Now, that's just talking about my (main) Pluto persona. :D

Personally I think the faction has at least a slight influence on how your going to RP (or not RP) this sort of thing. I mean, it would be rare if a BD would be a saint, ne? :D

17-10-03, 22:39
Originally posted by Lecko
Stop it with yer biased poll nonsense. Jeez, there's always someone....

I guess if you PK at OP wars, you'd PK for faction wouldn't you? Not really. I just kill whoever needs killing, be they allied-, neutral-, or enemy-factions. Take my OP and I take you out. :D ;)


18-10-03, 02:42
You know the word that is used to describe those against PKing is "carebears". WHy, well a long time ago there was a television show that was used to try to instill the concepts of right wrong and consideration into very small children. The mind of the random PKer is very limited you see, and never progressed past that point, so they describe the anti PKers in the most complicated maner there tiny tiny brains can handle. Likewise, NC is a game of infinite political and personal interaction, however the random PKer's extremely limited grasp of human interaction can not pass very simple concepts like "red=dead", ""it's just a game". "Im a PKer that's what I do", "It's what the developers intended", and my personal favorite "Kill, Kill, Kill". The statement has been made over and over that carebears should leave the game, however it is the random PKer who strives to turn what would otherwise be a uniquely created world into there own personal platform, or console game. Rather than have "conversation" be included in their version of "Role Playing". If you dont feel the least bit bad when you come along and disrupt the intentions of another huiman being, be it in, or out of the game. Then be it known, you will be delt with by society. Both in and out of the game.

18-10-03, 02:57
Most 'PK'ers' I knew and currently know are some of the coolest and nicest people.

The simple fact is - if they don't like you then you're a target. Unless you make it otherwise, they will start out not liking you.

In a world that lives by the gun; how is this wrong?

The game has gotten remarkably 'carebear' over the months, some changes have been for the better, while others have hurt the game more than helped; in my opinion of course.

In my mind, it's this simple. You have an LE, if you do not like accepting the hardship of living in a post-nuclear world, you may hide behind it - but don't expect the benefits from taking the step against adversity.

I can understand and appreciate hunting zones.

What I can't understand are peoples fear of dying. Previously dying was usually accompanied by a "bullshit" or "not fucking fair" - now its generally accompanied by "MY CLAN WILL TEH KILLZOR U". Dying is part of the game, but people don't want to view it as such, hence why you have the unfounded fear of loss.

The 'safe slot' is complete and utter bullshit. That coupled with the quickaccess belts made the 'rare' market what it is today.

Earlier when people lost their cherished weapon - yeah, it sucked; but you moved on. Now people don't lose thier most cherished items, so you don't have the ever so essential element of loss.

Anyway, I would refrain from thinking that 'TEH PKAR MANZ' are stupid, most are very far from that standard - in fact they would probably blow you out of the water with their mental prowess.

18-10-03, 03:01
i live by what i say
many people say PUT UR LE IN IF U DUN WANNA B KILLED and them themselves dont wear a LE on a char they dont want killed.

well i say put ur damn le in if u dont wanan b killed.
so my new char, i have LE in. its a droner and atm only 4 chev

Bob Monkhouse
18-10-03, 03:12
It would be nice if we can have a civilised DISCUSSION about Pking here. Note that I said DISCUSSION- because thats all you can have. It is pointless to DEBATE something like this, as all too many "I am Right", " No You are wrong, I am right" threads prove.

Each to his or her own. I ticked to "PK for fun and for faction". Why? Well, I have a very well thought out character history which explains why my primary runner hates the faction she always Pks. ONE faction only. I always try to leave other Red "enemies" alone, because although I dont share their beliefs, I don't have a good enough reason to kill them. (Yet:lol: ). Pure "RED=DEAD" is quite lazy I think, so I have tried to create a logical and compelling motivation for any killing sprees I go on.

SO, I kill my mortal enemies, mainly on sight. Sometimes I will allow a runner to pass unscathed, if I have had some indication from them that they are decent humans beings, but this doesnt happen often, due to my hated enemies being TG on Saturn;) .

That explains the faction part. I chose my faction SPECIFICALLY to fit my character concept. It allows me to keep a reasonably clear conscience, as I only kill people who are, in my runner's eyes, terrorists and enemies of the people of NC.

I included the phrase "fun" in my poll answer because IT IS FUN for ME to adopt this role within the game. Thats why I find it hard to condemn anyone who takes their PKing role further in the pursuit of FUN. There are several people in this community that I respect (despite their egos, you probably know who I am talking about) because they have a clear understanding of why their ingame characters act as they do. They are not "evil" people in real life (unless they disguise it well). Egotism is rife on Internet boards, and last I checked it isnt a crime. It is a mistake IMHO to attempt to correlate how a person acts IN TERMS OF PKING and how they are IRL.

Some Pkers are immature. Some are not. The Pking itself is not how we should judge them. I personally judge people by how they act overall. Spammers, people who talk in "leet/geek speak" or who constantly have innane conversations in Local chat irritate me, and I judge them far more harshly for this behaviour than for whether or not they PK.

Thats MY personal view on things. I am sure EVERYONE has a variation. The key is to treat each other with RESPECT, even as you smear their bloodied avatar across the twisted wastelands of NC.:angel:

18-10-03, 03:12
Originally posted by JackScratch
You know the word that is used to describe those against PKing is "carebears". WHy, well a long time ago there was a television show that was used to try to instill the concepts of right wrong and consideration into very small children. The mind of the random PKer is very limited you see, and never progressed past that point, so they describe the anti PKers in the most complicated maner there tiny tiny brains can handle. Likewise, NC is a game of infinite political and personal interaction, however the random PKer's extremely limited grasp of human interaction can not pass very simple concepts like "red=dead", ""it's just a game". "Im a PKer that's what I do", "It's what the developers intended", and my personal favorite "Kill, Kill, Kill". The statement has been made over and over that carebears should leave the game, however it is the random PKer who strives to turn what would otherwise be a uniquely created world into there own personal platform, or console game. Rather than have "conversation" be included in their version of "Role Playing". If you dont feel the least bit bad when you come along and disrupt the intentions of another huiman being, be it in, or out of the game. Then be it known, you will be delt with by society. Both in and out of the game.

Good to see those old steroetypes being thrown around again. Do you keep them in an "In case of emergency" box just for threads like these?

18-10-03, 03:15
Spoken like a true Prole, Marx. Hey that's kinda funny. What you people dont understand, is that the open market for PvP in a game, does not excuse bad behavior. I not crying "not fair." I'm saying bad form. So its just a game huh? what about sportsmanship? There is a subject no PKer will touch. And every time this subject comes up, I hear "put your LE back in if you cant hack it." Well there are many of use who chose to exercise a 3rd option. Change the world, stop random PKing at its roots. The PKer will be treated as the animal he or she is. This is not a platform game like CS where you just go out and kill anyone with a red faction. It is a far more complicated game with a player based economy, and the potential for player based politics. I for one refuse to let the random PKer turn it into Doom. I am a liveing breathing civilised person, no matter what the "world" is like, and I will behave as such, and if there are those who can not behave in a civilised manor, then the rest of society will hunt them to extinction.

And Finaly, if you think anti-PKers are cartebears, or that NC has become Carebear. Then I invite you to get "it" or get out. There is a new wind blowing, and it's comeing to blow you away. And it wont be with a CS, or a Holy lightning, it will blow you away with a thought. Because thats how you do it, thats how you change the game, not by asking for NERFs or Armor, or changes. You change it with a good idea, an idea that spreads from 1 person to another. I prey to god that the devs and the GMs are reading this, because if they didnt intend for it, then they should give it some serious thought. There are a lot of people who dont care to be murdered from behind, and all they need is some direction, co-ordination, and a plan.

Oh, and Sckitar, feel free to prove me wrong, stereotypes arent always wrong. In fact the tend to reflect reality to one degreee or another. Did I step onb your toes? There is a whole world just waiting for you to be a part of it, are you just going to continue defileing it?

18-10-03, 03:29
I prove you wrong by merely playing the game. You can't just box people into categories like that. You think people should justify PKing others? Well why shouldn't potential victims have to come up with a good reason why they shouldn't be killed? Do you go into a dark alley at night and expect to come out the other side without meeting someone who will knock you out in a heartbeat and steal everything of value? No. So why do you expect to go through Pepper Park, home to the violent Black Dragon Clan and the equally vicous Tsunami Syndicate, and expect to walk out the other side unscathed? Why do workers for CityAdmin expect to be allowed to waltz around Twilight Guardian without being attacked?

In my eyes if you are green/yellow then I have to justify killing you. If you are red then you have to justify me letting you live. This means I don't kill newbs simply because they're red, but if I meet a mid level member of an enemy faction at Cycrow he'd better have a damn good reason for being there. If I see a high level member of an enemy faction then I will almost certainly end up fighting him, that's the way of the world, and thus more often than not I will seek to maximise my chances of winning the engagement, which means firing the first shot, or attacking from behind.

That's how I feel a Twilight Guardian would act, but I would expect a Black Dragon member to be more violent, and a Protopharm member less so. Innocent people are often victims of gang wars, do the gang leaders spend any time to think of them? No. So why should people in Black Dragon be worried about killing a low level CityAdmin worker?

18-10-03, 03:31
does not excuse bad behavior

No online game promotes good behavior - the anonymity provided by the internet is a blessing and a curse.

what about sportsmanship? There is a subject no PKer will touch

Um, most PKer's do have rules (i.e. runners must be clanned, weapons will be returned, etc. Albeit some don't.). Rules imply sportsmanship. Just because you do not agree to the rules does not change the fact that you're already on the field with them charging down at you.

Change the world, stop random PKing at its roots

There have been many regimes throughout the world, and throughout time that have tried to stop things at their roots, not one has ever succeeded.

This is not a platform game like CS where you just go out and kill anyone with a red faction. It is a far more complicated game with a player based economy, and the potential for player based politics

This is a platform game like CS. The aim is to survive, correct? And no, the game is not more complicated, in fact its an outright pain in the ass when it becomes so. The player based economy is shite, the player based politics is shite. Once you accept those two things you're golden.

Its not that Neocron Staffers and certain players aren't trying, its the simple fact that not enough of the populace cares.

I for one refuse to let the random PKer turn it into Doom

I for one refuse to let the disillusioned victim turn it into Care Bears: The Last Laugh (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00008MTX8/ref=pd_sim_video_1/002-3400873-5310415?v=glance&s=video).

or that NC has become Carebear. Then I invite you to get "it" or get out

NC has become carebear, your inability to see the forest for the trees is your problem, not mine. Lastly, I invite you to leave seeing as it's you who has the problem with the state of current players. Not I.

edit - well put Scikar :)

18-10-03, 03:32
you happy to judge Pkers well under the current system what do pkers get out of it, nothing, you look at it from just the nice warm safe "carebear" side, well the Pkers gotta make a living to, he does his via dubious ways and methods, yet people have constricted the Pker to the point where its almost pointless.

its the old cliche but if you dont wanna get ganked from behind or while hunting or chatting in PP, either keep you LE in or learn to deal with the situation.

i mean you take the Mb bunker for example a pker comes, kills everyone, instead of thinking i know ill look for another place to level, its like hmm i got killed lets go back. same with CRP people think they have a right to go there, im my opinion TG have the right to kill any enemy who go there cos its TG territory.

like if a CA steps in to PP i am gonna cut him down, cos its my turf, you can call be a pker what ever say i dont roleplay shit like that but if your all gonna make allies with enemies then whats the point you might as well fuck off with the factions.

and you say the new wind is blowing, well its only blowing cos a bunch of pussies all complained that they got killed, and those people proberbly left anyway for some other reason youknow how picky they can be(<--- gross generalisation but hey its going on in this thread anyway)well if enough people want it the way it was what you gonna to Deal with it cos its the "new wing blowing" hmm i doubt it you would all be on this board complining and whining asking for the pkers to be fucked over.

what the point in being a bad guy when theres no benefit to it, and in turn how can people be the good guy when there are no bad guys left.

and why would say a TG not kill a CA if a CA was seen with a TG they would be shouting for treason, yet the alleged roleplayers seem to think enemie hanging with one another is ok.

its like why should pkers have to put uo with red SL yet we get no benefit from having such a status, we stand to lose everything, we take the risk but get no reward.

personally i say reward the bad guys, theres already enough safe rules for the cough carebears cough

edit: i agree with what sci wrote above

18-10-03, 03:53
Originally posted by JackScratch
Spoken like a true Prole, Marx. Hey that's kinda funny. What you people dont understand, is that the open market for PvP in a game, does not excuse bad behavior. I not crying "not fair." I'm saying bad form. So its just a game huh? what about sportsmanship? There is a subject no PKer will touch. And every time this subject comes up, I hear "put your LE back in if you cant hack it." Well there are many of use who chose to exercise a 3rd option. Change the world, stop random PKing at its roots. The PKer will be treated as the animal he or she is. This is not a platform game like CS where you just go out and kill anyone with a red faction. It is a far more complicated game with a player based economy, and the potential for player based politics. I for one refuse to let the random PKer turn it into Doom. I am a liveing breathing civilised person, no matter what the "world" is like, and I will behave as such, and if there are those who can not behave in a civilised manor, then the rest of society will hunt them to extinction.

And Finaly, if you think anti-PKers are cartebears, or that NC has become Carebear. Then I invite you to get "it" or get out. There is a new wind blowing, and it's comeing to blow you away. And it wont be with a CS, or a Holy lightning, it will blow you away with a thought. Because thats how you do it, thats how you change the game, not by asking for NERFs or Armor, or changes. You change it with a good idea, an idea that spreads from 1 person to another. I prey to god that the devs and the GMs are reading this, because if they didnt intend for it, then they should give it some serious thought. There are a lot of people who dont care to be murdered from behind, and all they need is some direction, co-ordination, and a plan.

Oh, and Sckitar, feel free to prove me wrong, stereotypes arent always wrong. In fact the tend to reflect reality to one degreee or another. Did I step onb your toes? There is a whole world just waiting for you to be a part of it, are you just going to continue defileing it? how long have u been playin. im not newb bashing or anythin but dude. neocron is and has always been based VERY much on fps mixxed with rpg.
read some of the mjs interviews. one of them even asks how will you treat PK / RPK he said they dont care about it, its part of the game.

"FZ: How will you handle Player killing? A PK "switch", different servers or what?

JS: No, we don't care. PvP is a big element of the game. If you are a peaceful gamer, then stay in the moderated regions (CopBots guard the area and they are as safe as UO towns). But we think that players will try their luck in the Outzone, Pepperpark and the Wastelands sooner or later. I doubt that there will be players who only stay in one region of the city. But we'll see. There's something for all in the game.

18-10-03, 04:05
i`ll pk in the following situations.

if im shot first
at opwars

now theres some exceptions

if i see tg theyre normally in groups of a minium of 3 and 9/10 times have a ppu
so i kill them all

so the main times i fight is 3vs1 the 1 being me

i have a few times taken a ppu or a ppu and an apu with me pking at crp when this has happened we usually kill 10+ people including ppu`s apus and in a couple of instances a few whole clans :)

but most of the time i wont fire first so if you see me running around even if your hostile stop and say hello

chances of you finding me with a ppu jammed up my ass = very slim so if you wanna brawl its gonna be me vs whoevers on your side the more the merrier and the more dog tags for me to throw at people

18-10-03, 06:26
I get PK'ed a lot, but i don't actually mind. My char is only mid-level, and i'm not that great at PvP, but I don't care...

Me and two clanmates were attacked by some guy with a Libby at MB, wearing a PA. He was L62 or something.

I'm 28/41 the others were */30 or something...

He took down all of us, but i managed to kill him just before i died.

The answer to uber PK'ers is TEAMWORK. Make friends, hunt together, kill attacking PK'ers together... Its a multiplayer game after all...

Of course you'll get killed when you're */20 and alone... But together, even noobs can do damage against a solo PK'er.

18-10-03, 07:00

1)Red = Dead...yes even friends. If they want to continue being my friend they won't get upset, because they chose that faction :)

2)Kill or be killed...most reds will try to kill you, so I usually make the first moves.

3)Attack me - I'll attack you...goes for allies and neutrals and always reds :)

18-10-03, 09:35
look at the numbers of people that pk vs. the people that are anti-pk...and then try to figure out why KK totally fucked pvp over when they listened to the anti-pk whiners...

18-10-03, 11:07
Did you also know you cannot get banned for exploit killing either. Its true!

18-10-03, 11:13
*Winks at Shock...*

LE wearer and proud of it.


El Barto
18-10-03, 15:32
I PK clan enemies for fun, wots that under?

18-10-03, 16:39
Originally posted by Marx
Most 'PK'ers' I knew and currently know are some of the coolest and nicest people.

The simple fact is - if they don't like you then you're a target. Unless you make it otherwise, they will start out not liking you.

In a world that lives by the gun; how is this wrong?

The game has gotten remarkably 'carebear' over the months, some changes have been for the better, while others have hurt the game more than helped; in my opinion of course.

In my mind, it's this simple. You have an LE, if you do not like accepting the hardship of living in a post-nuclear world, you may hide behind it - but don't expect the benefits from taking the step against adversity.

I can understand and appreciate hunting zones.

What I can't understand are peoples fear of dying. Previously dying was usually accompanied by a "bullshit" or "not fucking fair" - now its generally accompanied by "MY CLAN WILL TEH KILLZOR U". Dying is part of the game, but people don't want to view it as such, hence why you have the unfounded fear of loss.

The 'safe slot' is complete and utter bullshit. That coupled with the quickaccess belts made the 'rare' market what it is today.

Earlier when people lost their cherished weapon - yeah, it sucked; but you moved on. Now people don't lose thier most cherished items, so you don't have the ever so essential element of loss.

Anyway, I would refrain from thinking that 'TEH PKAR MANZ' are stupid, most are very far from that standard - in fact they would probably blow you out of the water with their mental prowess.

now yeah i egt ganked and yeahd i occasonally gank others but unfounded fear of loss, where the hell you get that from um lemmie see most of me equipment on saturn has cost me and arm and leg, and I'm a monk so damn right i don't want to die to some arsehole runing round throwing his ego about, the bragging like some 5 year old, usually CM that do this and there allied to my faction.

I have no worries dying in a fair fight, or one when i am not half dead before i even realise what the fuck is happening.

If that is the idea of RP then it really does suck

18-10-03, 16:40
ha nice poll. Gotta love how it shows that PVPers outnumber carebares like 20:1

Its really sad that for the five minutes that antipkers did outnumber pkers (when retail started and the new players werent ready to face pvp yet and complained about it but didnt use their LE) the game got ruined at their request... :rolleyes:

18-10-03, 18:54
but unfounded fear of loss, where the hell you get that from um lemmie see most of me equipment on saturn has cost me and arm and leg

Because now people and clans hoard gear, relying soley on the drop rate as opposed to teh winnings of war and the drop rate.

18-10-03, 21:37
Originally posted by Marx
Because now people and clans hoard gear, relying soley on the drop rate as opposed to teh winnings of war and the drop rate.

just settle for hoard the parts as i have never bought used rares

they hoard it and don't sell it :( unfortuantly

loot from pvp does not add to the economy much really

18-10-03, 22:30
My first major PvP experience was killing an idling tank, taking his CS and trading it for 2 libs, I used a plasma pistol and a wyatt earp back then because I couldn't hack and didn't know about the magic that is fire mobs.

Don't tell me that loot from PvP doesn't affect the economy; sure, it makes no difference to Big Ole' Clan, but it sure as hell makes a difference to the runner that has no major clan affilliation, which are most.

18-10-03, 22:47
Originally posted by Marx
My first major PvP experience was killing an idling tank, taking his CS and trading it for 2 libs, I used a plasma pistol and a wyatt earp back then because I couldn't hack and didn't know about the magic that is fire mobs.

Don't tell me that loot from PvP doesn't affect the economy; sure, it makes no difference to Big Ole' Clan, but it sure as hell makes a difference to the runner that has no major clan affilliation, which are most.

i think he may mean as in just looting from PvP doesnt add to economy cos there is no fresh weapons being brought in, if we were all just looting fromPvP there would be a small pool of weapons, its still requires people to head out and actually get the tech parts.

gotta remember back then there was a lot of shit about duped rares, i wonder how much that played in the economys figures

19-10-03, 06:32
i think he may mean as in just looting from PvP doesnt add to economy cos there is no fresh weapons being brought in, if we were all just looting fromPvP there would be a small pool of weapons, its still requires people to head out and actually get the tech parts.

It does not add to the economy, but it does change it drastically. I saw more trade and sales of rare weapons and high end non-rare weapons back when they dropped; as opposed to now.

19-10-03, 06:36
Originally posted by Shakari
just settle for hoard the parts as i have never bought used rares

they hoard it and don't sell it :( unfortuantly

loot from pvp does not add to the economy much really

Loot from pvp does add to the economy because when you die and lose your weapon you get another made and the original is still out there. Where as now when people hardly ever loose weapons everyone just gets their one and keeps it.

19-10-03, 11:21
Originally posted by KRIMINAL99
Loot from pvp does add to the economy because when you die and lose your weapon you get another made and the original is still out there. Where as now when people hardly ever loose weapons everyone just gets their one and keeps it.

do you or would you just go out and ganksomeone else for their rare;)

19-10-03, 11:31
I used to PK at random, anything that moved.. lost my faction, lost a lot of SL (-62 or so) and near every faction hate's my gut's..

Then I worked it off and put my LE in, and I've not taken it out since to kill...

I only have one char without a LE in and that's because that char is clanned..

19-10-03, 15:53
i spent 7 months playing this game without PKing.

Now i PK more than i buff myself.

I fuckin enjoy it, so what.

19-10-03, 16:24
Originally posted by KRIMINAL99
Loot from pvp does add to the economy because when you die and lose your weapon you get another made and the original is still out there. Where as now when people hardly ever loose weapons everyone just gets their one and keeps it.

with shop bought maybe

I am on about rares in this case, even before these rules were started when u droped a random item from your belt these rarely were sold usually kept for use

19-10-03, 17:35
Originally posted by Shakari
with shop bought maybe

I am on about rares in this case, even before these rules were started when u droped a random item from your belt these rarely were sold usually kept for use

Well anyone with a brain traded them for copies of the rare they had. And its the same with rares as far as PVP drops adding to economy (and game enjoyment) because if you lost a rare you got parts for another and had it built when you could, and did that anyways before to be ready. So there were more rares floating around the economy then now and they were cheaper. Now you have like 0% chance of losing it so eveyone just gets theirs and keeps it. (And then gets bored with no challenges left and cancels their account)

If a clan has a rare in their cabinet that they got from pvp eventually its going to be used by someone.

19-10-03, 17:55
exactly KRIMINAL.
