View Full Version : Drug-Activated Implants

15-10-03, 22:35
I dont very much like the idea of having to use drugs to activate implants.

If after you generep and synaptic impairment goes away, you should have all of your skills rise to 130 for .01 second to activate any implants or armor you would formerly have to pop a drug to activate
(tank pa 4, or any implant that your rank is to low to use but with it activated it will remain activated)

It may be a bit sketchy but i think its a good idea

Your opinions please

15-10-03, 22:39
i think i know wut u mean; however assuming that u have your natural skills to the point that u can use them (i.e. u have 85 dex; need 90 dex for SA; drug to pop it in and it stays in because total is 90 dex which activates the imp) all u have to do after gr is to relog or zone...

while it is tedious i dont think its that major of a problem... tho i guess one issue that your idea will fix the the "cant use this weapon yet" even tho its not blacked out and you meet all the reqs.

So in the overall scheme of things i guess it can work...

15-10-03, 22:40
Nah it's good the way it is. I myself have had a setup in the past that required me to use drugs to activate implants, and yes it does stink to have to take them after every GR trip, but thats the cost of using an implant above your ability level.

15-10-03, 22:41
The concept rocks, but I'm not sure the execution is the best. Granted, it's a hell of a lot better than anything I've thought up. :lol:


15-10-03, 22:46
Be sure to check out my vehicle poll as well

15-10-03, 22:53
Hrhr this forum thing is alot better than yellin over local chat about my ideas.... i have many more to come

15-10-03, 23:55
hmmm more votage

15-10-03, 23:57
Please don't bump.


Dribble Joy
16-10-03, 00:08
Originally posted by Jest
Nah it's good the way it is. I myself have had a setup in the past that required me to use drugs to activate implants, and yes it does stink to have to take them after every GR trip, but thats the cost of using an implant above your ability level.

Though a simple relog will fix things.

16-10-03, 01:21
But sometimes when u need to get in the fight fast u no have time to relog zone ect

16-10-03, 01:36
Bad idea, if u want to use IMPs i can't use yet or arn't for ur call with out drugs u have to take drugs to use it.. big deal...

YOu a PE by n e chance? :)