View Full Version : Remove Cycrow OP?

15-10-03, 17:06
It's been asked a couple of times already to make CRP open all the time (like El Farid or Point Red), but the reason they can't make it a non-controlled GR is because it's right next to Cycrow, so it only makes sense that Cycrow will affect the CRP GR.

This might not concern you if you're capped, but as a (BD) monk who still levels (mostly in CRP), it's really frustrating to find out the GR is closed.
CRP is great for leveling, it provides great cover (for monks), lots of mobs, and of course, the cave, which is a few feet away from the GR. I go there mostly because of the cave, which is almost always full of people leveling, and if it's empty, I can just kill fire mobs who drop rare loot. The ideal hunting ground.

IMO, Cycrow is just another OP... would you really feel upset if they remove it?

15-10-03, 17:11
Personally I just think CRP should not be controlled by the Cycrow settings, it may be in the same sector but as I understand, the OP is whats within the walls and the GR, CRP does not come as part of the package so therfore should be open to all and all times.

15-10-03, 17:12
Just add more Chaos Caves? to a Non- Op GR:) That would be cool.. or make a new Lvling area with mobs the same rank as these guys;)

15-10-03, 17:19
NO! Look, I know that CRP point is greatly loved by many people but still gives security problems to the owners of Cycrow... just put up a Fence in the avenue between Cycrow and CRP - There's a big honking Fence around MC5 so we know that works.

Simple, effective, everyone will love that.

Putting up a Fence would enhance Cycrow's security from the CRP avenue, but still let CRP be public.

Whos up for that? Wait, Ill just put it up here, then make a poll for this solution.

15-10-03, 17:23
heh, the fence would have to go all the way up a mountain tho.

15-10-03, 17:37
Why not just simply move cyc with a sector or two? Or transform the fortress near cyc into a lab. Who needs fortresses anyway?-)

15-10-03, 17:52
what about you hunt in another spot? I know many great spots that you can go to. People need to open there eyes and just look around the WL there are some great spots out there!:cool:

15-10-03, 17:58
Originally posted by Heavyporker
NO! Look, I know that CRP point is greatly loved by many people but still gives security problems to the owners of Cycrow... just put up a Fence in the avenue between Cycrow and CRP - There's a big honking Fence around MC5 so we know that works.

Simple, effective, everyone will love that.

Putting up a Fence would enhance Cycrow's security from the CRP avenue, but still let CRP be public.

Whos up for that? Wait, Ill just put it up here, then make a poll for this solution.

The only problem being is that several spawn points would be on the other side of that fence.

Sometimes that is the only place mobs spawn and won't spawn at other until those are killed off.

The proper solution would be to put a GR at the desert racetrack, so people don't have to run forever and a day to there. Or they could drive.

Or, move the CRP GR to Catlock Bay and put a queen in the chaos cave there.

Originally posted by Hayato
what about you hunt in another spot? I know many great spots that you can go to. People need to open there eyes and just look around the WL there are some great spots out there!:cool:

CRP has some of the nicest features available. GR, GOGO that can't be turreted, Cave w/boss mob. Plenty of tech dropping fire mobs. Plus an OP

It is hard to find that combination any other place.


17-10-03, 18:17
There IS a chaos queen in the cave in Catlock - please check your facts before running off.

And that wouldnt work very effectively because the beauty of CRP is that ground level fortified hideout the gr and gogo is in... KK would have to remap a fair bit of the top of the mountain-inset construct by the CRP cave to be sufficently safe enough to gr in without having a terrormauler sitting on its haunches in front of you.

And who cares if the firemobs are all spawning behind the fence the Cycrow Compound? You can just make the choice of running aruond the mountain or zone south and back north (look at the maps and you will see) or going into the uber firemob spawns to the north and south. Geezus.

Everyone and their mother has been haranguing KK to put a public gr at the Desert Racetrack.

17-10-03, 19:26
The whole point of controlling Cycrow is controlling CRP. He who controls the Op has a cash cow.

If you want it so bad I suggest you take it yourselves instead of whining about it.

17-10-03, 19:45
If the cave wasn't a hunting zone there wouldnt be a problem. :p

17-10-03, 19:49
hmm, moving the genrep to catlock... I don't really favour that, though I do wish CRP was seperate and global instead of OP Controlled.

For a week and a half Catlock bay became my home, because people simply expected my characters to all be high level and useful...so...they have to be :|

17-10-03, 19:50
it is also where the dredge of the dredge hang out, it is the frequant squable point for many clan wars...the right the perhaps one of the richest resources in the game.

i've probably said this a few times before...but people, noobs, pro cityadmin and alike...this aint your land boy...it aint ever gona be your land.

its an outpost, you fruits want to remove an entire OP just to remove a conflict...well, i gotta put up with BRTF when i go warbot hunting near military base, and friggin system shock when i go up to the oasis...

for the 500'th time, cycrow does not belong to 'THE PEOPLE' the sewers are yours, the wasteland is who ever is pumping money and manpower to keep it.

FF fights damn hard on the pluto server to keep that and many other bases for TG...and you know what, if i see an enemy to that clan or my own...i hose them, when things get rude and the combat dicy, FF locks that sucker down...more power to them.

well i'm sorry, it will be a cold day in care bear hell before we just get rid of the ability to keep you pansys out of the zone cause you dont have the nuts to take it yourself. if its that friggin important to you, start your own clan and take the bloody base...god damn...but what about the newbies...what about the newbs? well what about those scum suckers? KK wants their ass in a clan anyways...when they are done leveling up the hard way, maybe actually learning a bit in PvP then they can come spank my ass on top of a mountain in the cycrow sector plugging every dumb psi monkey i see in the back of the head with my silent hunter from three miles away leaving their smolding corps wondering that maybe...just MAYBE that grim persicuter was uber or not.

so what black prince said...geez guys. neocron isnt all sunshine and lollypops, its a pain in the ass! darn it, and if you cant relize it then you cant fully appreicite this game. :D

17-10-03, 19:56
tg area is tg area and will always stay that way. you aren't going to op's erased that have been up for this long just to suit your needs...sorry to say.

17-10-03, 20:58
Originally posted by Genty
Personally I just think CRP should not be controlled by the Cycrow settings, it may be in the same sector but as I understand, the OP is whats within the walls and the GR, CRP does not come as part of the package so therfore should be open to all and all times. Agreed, I don't see what the problem in doing this is. It can't be that hard to code in.

17-10-03, 21:16
Originally posted by Jest
Agreed, I don't see what the problem in doing this is. It can't be that hard to code in.

then what in the hell would be the point in having the ability to 'lock' the cycrow genrep when the CRP one is 800 meters away?

does it suck?


how can we fix it?

add more genreps, so you can 'walk' to CRP...you know, the public ones that KK promised, never put in and somehow no one ever bothered to bitch about and instead complained when clans are dicks and lock down the genrep. ;)

MORE genreps people...if anything...REMOVE the CRP genrep....and replace it at say...a sector east from tezla, near the bunker complexes there short of gaya.

Please KK may we have some more? hehe...

17-10-03, 22:01
Originally posted by Spy<VS>Spy
then what in the hell would be the point in having the ability to 'lock' the cycrow genrep when the CRP one is 800 meters away?
Hehe thats true too. They just need to bite the bullet and put some more GRs in at other places on the world map.

17-10-03, 22:16
Voted second option. I'd much rather have KK adding Genreps or adding Genreps or adding Genreps or disabling the lock feature.

17-10-03, 22:43
They should just move CRP to Catlock Bay or Gaya A, as someone else said.....

No need to remove Cycrow Lab.....