View Full Version : Neocron d20

15-10-03, 10:55
Hi All

For all the guys that play table-top RPG , I'm considering creating a world setting for d20 based on Neocron.

Now the OGL for d20 allows me to use their rules , but do you think that KK would sue my arse for using their material.

I tell you one thing though , if I did this and popped it on wizards boards you can count on the worldwide subscriptions going up.

Any comments ( specifically from KK about me ending up in court?:p )


15-10-03, 11:14
If you develop a scenario for uncommercial use, nada problema.
If you develop a scenario and you want to earn money with it, mucho problema.

15-10-03, 11:20
TBH it would be more for KK's benefit as advertising through another media.

kira wolf
15-10-03, 15:41
Our table-top gaming group has already been toying with the idea.

A Neocron cyberpunk genre could be created pretty easily in the Modern D-20 system.

Specifics of the game would have to be left out (If marketing is involved), but, if it is like my gaming group, we are just there for a good time.

If you got lucky and had the oppertunity to take it public. I don't think there would be much KK could do if you just changed proper names: For instance: Cursed Soul = Big Whakka, First Love = Spy Dildo, Silent Hunter = Long-Range Nutscratcher, City Admin = "da' Man", Twilight Guardian = Bums with Guns etc.. etc..

Im kidding, of course, but you get my drift.

15-10-03, 16:06
heres an idea: why dont you write kk a mail and ASK them?

15-10-03, 16:16
Woah, I was thinking of doing the exact same thing today. But then I ended up writing up some quick notes for a high level sea based campaign I plan to run in the near future.
I reckon D20 Neocron would be loads of fun. It has loads of potential for storyline, what with the background, faction wars, politics etc and yeah... I can just see it WORKING!

Edit: Damn you nightbrother.... now I have an intense desire to play ShadowRun... :\

15-10-03, 16:16
I'd love for it to be made and thus have more people play Neocron, but as far as pen'n'paper goes, you'd have to do one hell of a crazy (in a good way) job to pull me away from Shadowrun. ;-)

15-10-03, 16:20
THought about it once..but the people I used to play DnD with got pissed enough at me for spending our entire session working on Charactor setups heh..needless to say they despise NC :(

15-10-03, 16:23
Well yea, KK shouldn't have any problem if you want to adapt their world into your own use.

Actually, I've been converting the world into Fuzion system and plan to test it sometime with a few friends. After all, NC has lots of RP potential.

15-10-03, 16:27
As a non profit we have no problem as long as I see the finished work also ;)

15-10-03, 16:36
deep psychological words from Odin there.......

think long and deep on that one?

15-10-03, 16:43
I'd love to see d20 'cron! Could be pretty cool if done right. Keep us up to date with the progress of the game please! :D

15-10-03, 16:49
my group has been play testing rules for about a month now.

As soon as we feel everything is balanced I was going to post the rules we use here. I made a thread about it when I first had the idea, no replies.

so far it's working out, factions mean something at least ;).

15-10-03, 17:02
Ah some like minded people ...... and thanks for the official word Odin , I'll sleep tonight without nightmares of Nidd bashing my door in with his hammer to confiscate all my material.:D

Those of you who have started , have you stuck with the base rules or changed to the vitality / wounds option . I've not fully read them but armour acting as damage reduction and soaking damage up sounds good as a game mechanism.

15-10-03, 17:11
We use standard rules, where certain armors give bonuses to resists (like in NC) and resists remove that number from that type of damage.

Also, we use the Psion rules, with some new powers for psi-monks, Spys, and PE's (we decided to completely remove the ability for tanks to use PSI)

Things like P-C, R-C, T-C, HVC either fall into feats, class abilitys or new skills. Since in D20 modern you get a feat almost evey level, it works out rather nicely. (IE Hacking is a Skill, with a synergy bonus with computer use, but Heavy COmbat is a weapon proficency feat along with tech combat, to use a tech weapon you must have both required feats)

so far our biggest problem is balancing the weapon damges, and getting a good crafting system.

15-10-03, 17:28
omg dude.... that is an ownage idea. Pretty please make a d20 Neocron :D

15-10-03, 17:53
heres an idea: why dont you write kk a mail and ASK them?

someone just buffed you with nieveity 3 ? :wtf:

16-10-03, 02:36
shadowrun owns neocron in anyways

16-10-03, 02:40
wtf is d20?

16-10-03, 03:40
d20.. the 3rd edition of D&D...Dungeons & Dragons...ever did Pen & Paper RPG stuff? If not, go get Adam Sandler's clip on Dungeons & Dragons. xP

I tried D&D P&P a few times...couldn't really get into either 2nd or third edition...if a Neocron mod of D&D ever got out (Hell, if Star Wars can do it, anything can, in my opinion @_@ and not because I hate it, which I don't, but that's so big a world it's amazing.) I would love to give it a shot.

16-10-03, 03:47
Originally posted by evs
someone just buffed you with nieveity 3 ? :wtf:
no, but with the knowledge that when it comes to possible copyright violations or somesuch, KK are suddenly very quick on replying

16-10-03, 03:52
Eh, I just think KK started becoming repliant recently...

Odd thing is, many people are still bitching out that KK is being slow at replying...then again, I suppose it would be true for a lot of you...

16-10-03, 03:58
How does one start playing the D20 games? I've seen the stuff for D20 Modern and D20 this, and D20 that, but I haven't seen any standardized "Players Handbook" or "DM's BooK" like Dungeons and Dragons or Shadowrun has. Some of the D20 systems looked cool, I just didn't know where to start.

16-10-03, 04:10

Yeesh, actually, hold up.

*gets up off his ass and looks around his room*

... *computer checks its watch*

*returns sometime later*

Okay. I knew I wasn't bullshitting myself.

D20 IS D&D, and there are player handbooks on how to get started, as well as DM books.

D20 is more defined as a new version of D&D, the third edition.

*opens what he was looking for*


*closes the player's handbook*

Bastard doesn't say what I thought it did. Oh well...

Basically, like I said, D20 IS D&D...it's a new system, the third edition of Dungeons & Dragons..some people hate third edition, mostly because they're used to 2nd edition, and such. Same can be said for people who dislike 2nd edition but love third edition...a huge difference is in the armor class concept...

16-10-03, 04:26
So basically, I could take the rules of a medieval sword wielding and magic using system and use it on any of the D20 games? Including Modern, etc etc etc?

What were the noticable differences of 3rd edition over 2nd? I have both and I skimmed the 3rd Ed Book, and I didn't notice a difference. Course, I did only skim it.

16-10-03, 04:32
Er...it's more like, D20 (D&D) is the basic thingy, where as stuff like Shadowrun, Star Wars, etc., etc., is based off D20 system rulestuffs...

I didn't play either 2nd or 3rd well or long enough to know differences other than how Armor Class worked...I know there was crap more, I think in terms of levels too...

16-10-03, 06:07
D20 is anything in the D20 system.

You have D&D 3rd edition (D20 D&D), D20 Modern, Everquest RPG (yes, it's done by whitewolf, under the swords and sorcery line), Warcraft RPG (same company), Starwars D20, and a host of others. There's no D20 set by itself, it's all dependant on the campaign type you want to run.

I also run a D20 Modern game set in the matrix (with a few special rules)

D20 is very adaptable, considering everything is designed to be plug and play compatable.

but for my D&D I prefer Advanced 2nd Edition.

16-10-03, 09:49
Basically Wizards made the d20 rules for the 3rd Ed of D&D , but then in a stroke of pure genious decided to make the rules Open Game License ( OGL ). This means that as long as you stick to certain cryteria , any company ( individual ) can produce work for that system.

I believe that it is this one somewhat bold move that has helped to revitalise the RP scene.

I can see some potential problems in using d20 modern because of the rules on multi-classing. I think the major classes in Neocron would have to be Advaned Classes with rules set to them.


PSI Monk Cannot have more than 3 levels of Strong Hero etc.

This is the only way that I can think of keeping true to the STAT limitations in Neocron.

But then again I may just go another way and use Classes.

Hmm another thought : Would they just be different races as opposed to class structures ??

16-10-03, 09:53
For Neocron, D20 Modern would be your best bet.

If you want to get into a D20 game, here's what you would need:

For Dungeons & Dragons:
Player's Handbook at the very least.
Dungeonmaster's Guide
Monster Manual

For Star Wars:
Just the Revised Core Rulebook

Call Of Cthulhu
Just the D20 CoC book, which is pretty good

D20 Modern:
Just the D20 Modern book

Um, can't think of the other D20 games off hand (I'm not even going to mention Everquest(DIE EQRPG, DIE!Like Duneoncrawling D&D with the fun sucked out :D)

To answer some questions:
1) 3rd Ed. D&D (D20 System) is actually rather different from 2nd. Far more streamlined, and not as needlessly complex as 2nd Ed. was. Oh, note that D&D is currently at edition 3.5, which tweaks the classes and a bunch of other stuff.
2)D20 is, at its core, interchangeable, rules wise. However, because different games go for different feels and levels of power, they are not even. A CoC character in D20 will get is ass handed to him in a fight with a D20 char. from any of the other games. A 20th Level D&D Wizard would wipe the floor with a 20th Level Star Wars Jedi. While they are kind of compatable, that's not really the point. While the core mechanics remain essentially the same, there are differences in particular details.

But for NC, D20 Modern would be the way to go. Hmm, maybe I'll work on some stuff for that, I've been trying to decide what P&P game I'm going to run, maybe that'll be it.

EDIT: I don't know whether I'd go with the base system for classes, and just make the others as Advanced Classes, or just make totally new Core Classes, but when you think about it, each "Class" could be it's own race as well, as they're all different genetic strains, especially Tanks who were artificially engineered originally. At the moment I'm thinking making new Core Classes, and I'd probably split monks into two separate and incompatible ones. But that will take some though.....

EDIT2: Ooh! Or you pick your "race", and it limits which Base Classes you're allowed to take, and how many levels in each, that could work, and would be easier.... Still would have to make new Advanced Classes though....

EDIT3: Lol, I'm really on a roll. How about this for a preliminary list for Adv. Classes(Note names very subject to change:

Heavy Weapons Specialist(Bonuses to Hvy weapons)
Close Combat Specialist(Melee)
*General 'Soldier' Type Class*(Combat bonuses all around, but less than the specialised ones)
Sniper/Sharpshooter(Rifle Expert)
*Pistol Expert*(Couldn't think of good name for it)
Doctor/Medical Expert(Surgery/Healing, Implanting)
Passive Psi Monk
Aggressive Psi Monk

16-10-03, 10:30
Just remember to overpower monks - then you won't be tooo far off the mark of the orginal :p


16-10-03, 10:53
DM: You are at an outpost with grass waving in the background. You see an APU and PPU standing at the gates.
Spy: I wa...
DM: Sorry your dead


DM: The warbot comes over menacing like
Player1: I raise my weap...
DM: Sorry your dead.. you see a sniper come over to you
Player2: I pull out my hacktool and sex the body!!

Or if your DM gets stuck they can just say "Syncronising"

16-10-03, 11:21
Originally posted by Archeus
DM: You are at an outpost with grass waving in the background. You see an APU and PPU standing at the gates.
Spy: I wa...
DM: Sorry your dead


DM: The warbot comes over menacing like
Player1: I raise my weap...
DM: Sorry your dead.. you see a sniper come over to you
Player2: I pull out my hacktool and sex the body!!

Or if your DM gets stuck they can just say "Syncronising"

Dont forget that a Pen&Paper RPG would only make more trouble in our forums like:

"My DungeonMaster is bugged"
"Patch the dice rules!"
"I have to announce that the Dome of York campaing suplement is going to be delayed (again) to the next sunday... (my girlfriend want me to go cinema with her)"


17-10-03, 02:03
Originally posted by Distaria

EDIT: I don't know whether I'd go with the base system for classes, and just make the others as Advanced Classes, or just make totally new Core Classes, but when you think about it, each "Class" could be it's own race as well, as they're all different genetic strains, especially Tanks who were artificially engineered originally. At the moment I'm thinking making new Core Classes, and I'd probably split monks into two separate and incompatible ones. But that will take some though.....

EDIT2: Ooh! Or you pick your "race", and it limits which Base Classes you're allowed to take, and how many levels in each, that could work, and would be easier.... Still would have to make new Advanced Classes though....

EDIT3: Lol, I'm really on a roll. How about this for a preliminary list for Adv. Classes(Note names very subject to change:

Heavy Weapons Specialist(Bonuses to Hvy weapons)
Close Combat Specialist(Melee)
*General 'Soldier' Type Class*(Combat bonuses all around, but less than the specialised ones)
Sniper/Sharpshooter(Rifle Expert)
*Pistol Expert*(Couldn't think of good name for it)
Doctor/Medical Expert(Surgery/Healing, Implanting)
Passive Psi Monk
Aggressive Psi Monk

For my "Classes" Number one, no multiclassing (this is actually a common rule of mine, especially in starwars, I had a player multiclass to the point where his BAB was +27 at level 15 and had more forcepoints than we could realistically track) I had to write up new classes, but they work out well. I'm going to ask my play testers next session if they think my rules are ready for release (next tuesday). The classes are just the base classes in game, and APU and PPU are different Psion diciplines that can't be mixed (I highly recommend picking up the D20 rules on Psions, it helps greatly) Drones are a new Feat, with Dex checks if something goes wrong, althogh currently I allow computer use to give a circumstance bonus (also, drone level will give a bonus)

if anyone want's to exchange some ideas send me a PM.

17-10-03, 08:43
Well I'm toying with the idea of either really tweaking the base classes, or making entirely new baseclasses, but I think I am going to stick with making new advanced classes. I however, am not against multiclassing. If it makes sense, and the player isn't just min-maxing, although even that can make a kind of sense if you have a character devoted to combat and want the most bang for your buck. Well, the way I'm doing it would allow someone like a PE character to take some levels in the advanced classes as a pistol expert, a hacker, then maybe something else, so like the game, he can do many things, but not especially well. A character more devoted to something will be better at it, naturally.

EDIT: One thing I see is that AOE weapons like Fusion and RayGun stuff will be rather nasty, as even if you miss, the target will probably take some damage. Hmmm, that's going to take some work....