View Full Version : LE's in OP zones

14-10-03, 18:51
OK im pissed off at this guys, A certain TG clan on pluto (guess who o_O) was at a OP war with a few city clans the other day, and low and fucking behold theres a LE'd runner legging it around us, getting away with everything, following us all around only because one of our APU's didnt have a certain spell..

ANYWAY enough of that before nid bashes me o_O

The point of this thread... deactivate LE's while in a warzone... come on man, they wear a LE because they dont wanna PVP, yet their in a WARZONE o_O anyways, you decide eh...

14-10-03, 19:04
As much as it sucks to have an LE running around your OP war, Warzone's have gogo's and GR's, and alot of warzone's are good hunting grounds.

The honest LE'd runners would be screwed.

14-10-03, 19:31
Your in a warzone, you loose nothing at all if you die.

I agree with it. You want to level even zones beside warzones are safe to LE users. They can just run to that.

14-10-03, 19:42
It's true also, that there aren't any mobs found in OP zones that you can't find elsewhere.

I would suggest though, that a time delay with warnings could be added to LE users. So something like:

You have entered a Warzone. Your Law-Enforcer chip will de-activate in 120 seconds. You will then be vunerable to other runners until you leave this zone.

You now have 60 seconds until your LE chip de-activates.

You now have 10 seconds until your LE chip de-activates.

Your LE chip has de-activated, you can now shoot and be shot by other runners until you leave this zone.

Upon leaving the zone, the LE will immediately be re-enabled, however if you re-enter the same warzone within a set time period (ten minutes?) the LE will immediately deactivate. This gives genuine lowbies a chance to use the GR (if he's able) and enough time to get out to another area.

Just a thought.

Alex Mars
14-10-03, 20:45
If they are spying on you for an enemy clan then they are assholes, but frankly I spend a lot of time wandering across the world exploring and hunting and I don't give a tinkers damn about OP wars because I am too low level to participate. Remember, the whole world is a warzone except the city-adjacent areas, so what you are saying is that you want LEs banned from the majority of the game.

I think the complaint about clans using LE runners to spy says more about the lame quality of many of the players in this game than it does anything about the LE chip. The chip works fine, if the majority of the players had a shred of integrity then there would be no problem with the LE chip.

14-10-03, 20:53
Hmmm.. difficult to say.. i used to put in the LE for researching at labs.. i had no weapons with me so i wanted to be sure that no idiot comes along and kills me.

On the other side.. spying upon someone with LE in is really stupid and should be prevented somehow... but.. how? o_O

14-10-03, 21:44
well its called a law enforcer and i dont see why they would work in a zone that has no law such as OP zones.

if u enter one and ya law chip becaomes deactivated then worst that can happern is u get pk'ed and drop nothing so its not the end of the world.

i say yes make then unactive in OP zones

14-10-03, 21:52
along the same lines... a Law Enforcer...

From Webster:
Pronunciation: 'a-n&r-kE, -"när-
Function: noun
Etymology: Medieval Latin anarchia, from Greek, from anarchos having no ruler, from an- + archos ruler -- more at ARCH-
Date: 1539

a : absence of government b : a state of lawlessness

note lawlessness... law enforcer... lawlessness

remove LE effectiveness in Anarchy AND Warzones :D

14-10-03, 22:27
Turrets do attack LE runners, but yeah there needs to be something else. If the clan in question is the one I think it is, then I'm back tomorrow and I won't let people do stuff like that. ;)

14-10-03, 22:31
Originally posted by ericdraven
On the other side.. spying upon someone with LE in is really stupid and should be prevented somehow... but.. how? o_O

abuse@neocron.com O_o screeny bash bash LE with words then a lovley ban :D

15-10-03, 01:20
This would also allow LE users who want to participate in PvP occasionally to fight in OPwars and maybe get the bug for PvP and take it out permanently.

15-10-03, 01:27
Think about this: the LE is deactivated in a warzone and is immediatley activated again in an anarchy zone. The warzone is surrounded by anarchy zones. This would just cause LE's players to be zone hopping in warzones. With this a spy could stealth in, snipe a few peopel, and when he takes damage can stealth, zone out, heal, rince and repeat. The LE would have to still be deactivated for a time after leaving the warzone to counter this.

15-10-03, 02:51
So.. u want to punish a group because of one individual is beeing a d*ck?

Report him instead and his use of the LE in an non apporpriate way (read the terms of service, he is breaking against them). It's because nobody report people that those people get away with it(!)

If i'm in a warzone with an LE in, i treat non-LE users as wind and vice versa; i dont "see" them, unless they are being d*cks too.

Some people should learn to respect other players.

15-10-03, 03:00
Did this certain runners name begin with an R?

15-10-03, 03:17
Originally posted by Marzola
Think about this: the LE is deactivated in a warzone and is immediatley activated again in an anarchy zone. The warzone is surrounded by anarchy zones. This would just cause LE's players to be zone hopping in warzones. With this a spy could stealth in, snipe a few peopel, and when he takes damage can stealth, zone out, heal, rince and repeat. The LE would have to still be deactivated for a time after leaving the warzone to counter this.

what about le runners cant be targeted while in synap in warzone? same rules as posted by firestarXL given 120 secs to leave zone. This way zone hoppers can still be killed and le runners can still use the grs.

15-10-03, 03:32
Personally..i think LE's need to be changed all together...

make it so LE users can be shot but
1) cant target people
2) dont drop imps
3) dont drop belts
4) get half or no SI after dying
5) are not restricted by GR rules

Afterall the person wearing it is forced to obey the law..doesnt make sense that others are forced to obey it aswell...it seems kinda mean i know..but it gets rid of 90% of the drawbacks fo being ganked..losing items..reimping time..etc etc...also unlock GR's to them so they dont lose time running back to their leveling.

Or just go with the "PvP switch" you set when you start a charactor..and can turn it on or off no more then twice during th elife of your charactor..this way you can start with it on to level..turn it off for PvP...if you decide you dont like PvP you can then turn it on and it stays on as your final decision.

15-10-03, 03:40
So you want LE users to be able to get ganked, but they cant target people back? You smoke crack often?

15-10-03, 03:56
Not only LE's are common spies in OP battles, but they can also kill drones, and they do...

does this belong to a "we droners are screwed yet again" thread?

15-10-03, 03:58
eh ive seen FF pull just about everything else why not LE newbs lmfao. anyway i agree with sigma, but i think when they genrep after death they dont lose any imps. that maybe what he ment by saying dont drop imps. but ionno

15-10-03, 10:02
Great idea, Fenix. If a runner wants to keep his LE in then he needs to limit himself to hunting in Anarchy zones and there are plenty of them. He can certainly go into a warzone but if he does then he can be killed, and he doesn't even drop a belt so what is the problem? This is a great 5 star idea!

15-10-03, 10:08
Originally posted by RayBob
Great idea, Fenix. If a runner wants to keep his LE in then he needs to limit himself to hunting in Anarchy zones and there are plenty of them. He can certainly go into a warzone but if he does then he can be killed, and he doesn't even drop a belt so what is the problem? This is a great 5 star idea!

Cheers, thing is the people that are voting no are probably the ones that use LE's.....

I liked the idea above aswell, iot deactivates after like 120 seconds or maybe less as thats enough to run from one side of a zone and back... but when it comes to exploits etc, things need to happen.....

15-10-03, 10:08
You act like this because you haven't thought of it first, I'm sure.

PIMP has had LE users tag along with them during op fights before, I could say they're city admin and belonging to some certain clan, but that is completely fucking irrelevant. The point is they're exploiting this.

Best way to combat is to report to a GM. If you can't report these instances then how can you prevent them.

I vote no because a player shouldn't be restricted to any zone because they choose not to pvp. There are many warzones that have great PvM spots or are even exclusive access to through warzones.

15-10-03, 10:21
Neocron is a PvP game. I suspect that KK intended the LEs to be used to help low level players get started without being raped continuously by griefers.

This is not about pointing fingers at any one clan Kramer. Fenix simply is suggesting a change to how LEs work which I think makes perfect sense. A warzone is a dangerous place and this would even serve to ease an LE runner into the PvP part of the game. Sure there are some nice hunting spots in warzones but there an equal number in anarchy zones. And sure an LE runner might have to walk through a warzone as he travels and yes he might get killed. So what? Nobody went to his house, broke down his door, and punched him in the face. He didn't drop a belt so he just collects his backpack, gets poked, and gets on with his day.

15-10-03, 10:31
I don't like it becuse 90%+ of non-city GRs are in warzones and several major hunting grounds are too (CRP, Worm & Chaos caves, etc.). Even for the ones that aren't people want to GR into a local warzone to get there (can you even get from NC to MB without crossing a warzone?).

In particualar it would lead to RPKers camping CRP (and other GRs I'm sure) to gank LEs thereby making the LE useless.

If you don't like the LE then say you don't like the LE. What you are saying is that you want it to be a major penalty (lost brain slot) with no real advantage.

Besides, they are exploiting - just report them. If it's always the same people/clans then you can tip off the GMs hours in advance.

@mdares - War does usually have rules and conventions.

15-10-03, 10:46
Ok, I'll admit something needs to be done about PKer LE-Hoppers, but this isn't the way to go about it. I (And a large number of other people) have opted out of PvP entirely, cloosing instead to gimp ourselves over by losing a chip slot (Could YOU manage with only 3 head imps?) and being denied access to Clans. I am happy to make this sacrifice because it means I don't run the risk of some kiddie with a CS blowing holes in my back as I take down a Titan because he thinks it's funny. If you start undermining the effectiveness of the LE, KK are going to start haemmoraging LE-using customers as they get ganked despite having opted out of PvP.

Also, think about it like this: You're basically denying legitimate LE-wearers every single OP GR, because people aren't going to want to risk porting to an OP in case it's being camped or there's a war going on (And you KNOW the instant an LE wearer appears at an OP under attack that he's going to draw the fire of every HL, CS, and HP within half a mile). That leaves us with, what, 3 safe GRs? Escador, El Farid, and Point Red? Sorry, but that's just not on. It would be a crippling stroke to the LE system.
Oh, and no it's not because we're n00bs or pussies, it's because we do not want to fight you.
Why are you trying to force us into it?

Here's a counter-idea for you. How about putting a time delay on LE implanation? How would the LE-Hoppers do if once their LE was in they couldn't take it out again for 24 hours real-time, and once it's out again, they can't reimplant it (Maybe even deny them the 4th headslot) for 24 hours? That ought to eliminate the hopping, would cut down drastically on LE Spies, and would leave the legit LE users free to carry on as normal. Added bonus: it would also add to the risk for an LE user if he wants to make an Epic kill - 24 hours vulnerable instead of 5 minutes).

Just my 2nc.


15-10-03, 11:03
funni this - ppl where can i host some pics pls ????

15-10-03, 11:09
Dunno what the situation is on your server but on Uranus if you die you die LOOOOONG before you hit the zone line - like inside the OP. If you get out of the OP in time then generally the German Alliance won't chase you.

Athon Solo