View Full Version : Whats Neptune?

14-10-03, 17:40
Hear people talking about it, what is it?

(Besides the ovious that its a planet in our solar system for you smart asses :))

14-10-03, 17:46
The holy tale of a hardcore server with no safe zones, no LEs etc.
Will go online as soon as NC gets good player numbers aka never...

14-10-03, 17:47
One more empty promise. Neptune was supposed to be the "No holds barred" server, ie no safezones or copbots. Where not only could Cityfolks raid TH and TG, but the inhabitants of those places could actually retaliate(GASP!)!.

But it got put on hold, which is for the best I guess. I mean, they could have been mean, wiped Uranus, and put Neptune on that horrid server *shudder*.

14-10-03, 17:51
Originally posted by BlackPrince
I mean, they could have been mean, wiped Uranus, and put Neptune on that horrid server *shudder*.

:lol: :lol: KK wiping uranus :lol: :lol:

That server MUST get another name :lol:

14-10-03, 17:51
Originally posted by BlackPrince

But it got put on hold, which is for the best I guess. I mean, they could have been mean, wiped Uranus, and put Neptune on that horrid server *shudder*.

How is Uranus "horrid"?

14-10-03, 17:52
Well technically its meant to be a roleplaying server.... in a loose sence of the word. But then you just have to look at any cyberpunk book to realise that roleplay will include massive amounts of combat and thus it drew the attention of alot of PvPers.

Also there are still going to be copbots, its best to think of it as an old school server without safezones. :D

It would be great if they had early retail's loot drop rates as well..... Or even no rares, that would be really good. *sighs*

14-10-03, 17:54
I didn't mean the population, I meant the actual server hardware iteself.

You know, completely unstable, errors all the time, etc.

14-10-03, 18:13
and Neptune was one of Beta4 servers .. in fact best one :D

Vid Gamer
14-10-03, 20:41
IMO, Pluto should be turned into Neptune.


Because as of now Pluto has the lowest population out of any server. Even freakin' Venus has a higher player count now. Most Plutonians have either quit or moved onto Saturn/Uranus.

If Pluto had Neptune rules, this will intrigue people and hopefully bring back Pluto's population. KK said Neptune would be a whole nother server once more people come in. Let's face it, no one new will be coming in this game, so the only way is to make Neptune an existing server, and since Pluto is on the merge of nonexistance, might as well be that.

14-10-03, 20:43
The only way in which neptune would work properly is if everyone started off on an even footing. Thus I dont think that starting it up on pltuo would be a good idea as it would need a server wipe and i can't see that having a positive effect on the server counts. =/

14-10-03, 20:50
If they wiped pluto server and made it neptune I'd be happy.. or if they just switched it to neptune too.

As for your Uranus..Uranus needs wiping, as uranus is very dirty and should get wiped often.

Vid Gamer
14-10-03, 20:51
This is true.

For me I wouldn't mind a server wipe if I knew Pluto would be turned into Neptune 100%. But yeah, I'm sure others wouldn't be pleased if there characters of about a year would be wiped. :(

Shadow Dancer
14-10-03, 20:57
Originally posted by Judge
The only way in which neptune would work properly is if everyone started off on an even footing. Thus I dont think that starting it up on pltuo would be a good idea as it would need a server wipe and i can't see that having a positive effect on the server counts. =/

Why would everyone have to be on equal footing for neptune to work?

Vid Gamer
14-10-03, 20:59
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
Why would everyone have to be on equal footing for neptune to work?

If old people started to come back to check it out, you'd have a bunch of 0/2 n00bs with a bunch of 70+ capped players who would probably grief the fuck out of them.

Sad, but it's probably what would happen.

Shadow Dancer
14-10-03, 21:01
Originally posted by Vid Gamer
If old people started to come back to check it out, you'd have a bunch of 0/2 n00bs with a bunch of 70+ capped players who would probably grief the fuck out of them.

Sad, but it's probably what would happen.

Like any server basically?

14-10-03, 21:02
Well, if a bunch of people did switch, hopefully they'd be smart enough to remember where NOT to level. Add on to that with existing clans already established in most factions, there'd be a basic support infrastructure already in place to limit how much damage could be done.

14-10-03, 21:02
Originally posted by Vid Gamer
If old people started to come back to check it out, you'd have a bunch of 0/2 n00bs with a bunch of 70+ capped players who would probably grief the fuck out of them.

Sad, but it's probably what would happen.
And what if someone joins 3 weeks later? Wipe again because he's a 0/2 n00b and others are 70+ capped players?

14-10-03, 21:04
They shouldn't have to. To be honest Pluto would be as it always was for the most part.

You would probably get the influx of assholes to start with, rampant ganking in Plaza I. but in general most non-safe zones people are civil for the most part.

They must though have a safety timer on Genrepping or there will be GR camping of the likes we have never seen before.

14-10-03, 21:05
Originally posted by Archeus

They must though have a safety timer on Genrepping or there will be GR camping of the likes we have never seen before.

God, i could just imagine the TH GR's...it'd be a bloodbath.

14-10-03, 21:07
Neptune is Valhalla

Vid Gamer
14-10-03, 21:09
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
Like any server basically?

Except now it will happen in Plaza 1 when a newbie is getting a weapon made. :rolleyes:

14-10-03, 21:09
Originally posted by Zanathos
Whats Neptune?

A Facking good idea.

/edit realised i used a U not an A.

Shadow Dancer
14-10-03, 21:15
Originally posted by Vid Gamer
Except now it will happen in Plaza 1 when a newbie is getting a weapon made. :rolleyes:

Like the other person said, what about in 1 month or so when their are capped players and then newbies are still coming in? What then?

Wiping chars and items is extremely excessive for the little change that will happen.

Susan Ivanova
14-10-03, 21:26
Neptune is a myth.

Vid Gamer
14-10-03, 21:33
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
Like the other person said, what about in 1 month or so when their are capped players and then newbies are still coming in? What then?

Wiping chars and items is extremely excessive for the little change that will happen.

Bah, whatever! You're right I'm wrong. :p

I just want it now!

14-10-03, 21:34

Actually here is a good idea (for KK).

Annouce the switching of Pluto to Neptune with X amount of months before it happens (say 2 to 3 months).

Now everyone who wants to play on Neptune can powerlevel to thier hearts content beforehand. This stops the current players on other servers whining like little girls (and will help build alliances for the war to come).

It will also help cut down on the muppets as a lot of the long standing clans tend to be pretty decent to newbies.

Now that I think of it they will have to make starter apartments safe zones, or owner zone only (with a timelimit to stop zone jumping).

14-10-03, 22:45
Some of you people really need to get that Neptune idea out of your heads....
It aint going to be happening any time soon...
KK isn't going to crank up another server without having 2 or 3 times the subscriber base it currently has...

Opening another server at this point would kill the other server populations..

Wipe or convert a current server, and you would have just as many people quit, as those who would play on Neptune...

I try not to think about it.....

I just hope KK finds a new pubisher soon...

14-10-03, 23:20
Meh wipe uranus fix all the stuff thats gone wrong with hardware software and whatever else thats borked with it and make it into neptune.Ive got 8 capped characters there and i dont care if they get wiped the servers sucks bad these days.

Whiety Bulger
15-10-03, 02:34
It would be fun to see low levewl PvP on Neptune like freshly rolled 0/2's in knife warz. I dream of the day when Plaza 1 is littered with dead bodies rather then carebear spam. This will also mean that unlike at a safe plaza on other servers where 75% of server sits in plaza one peoples will be forced to pimp their wares in an area friendly to their faction like TH or TG. I will also be cool to see the urban tactics like camping at plaza one medicare or tossing grenades and doom beamer blasts of of second story medicare.