View Full Version : Clan Crest

13-10-03, 12:08
Mebbe and in game option is to be able to create a clan crest or symbol, then everyone wearing a PA will have the slan stamp on their PA.

This could be a symbol of terror....or frineship

13-10-03, 12:12
or even friendship.

but it will cause horrible lag, as its something more for the servers and our connections to render, the reason we dont have them already.


Richard Slade
13-10-03, 12:16
Can't be THAT horrible to render.
If u make it constant and in the game code

Which of course means u gotta send the imgaes in first,
so a +10 members rule should also apply to even get the Crests in

OR atleast make it possible to have a symbol in your clan apt!!

13-10-03, 12:30
lol daoc has those... it makes big RVR get together comedy thanks to the hideous lag... or it did when i last played 12 months ago ;)

13-10-03, 13:38
how about, when you get online, the server automaticly sends your client new images, nad a maximum size of like 10k a image

El Barto
13-10-03, 16:21
I'd luv to have a pic of a nuke going off on the back of my PA, might actully make me where it (Gen-Tank PA that is).