View Full Version : Skill capping question

13-10-03, 08:55
In the skills guide which is too scientific for me there is a remark by Lupus viz
In most cases every Skill/Stat has a sweet spot.. or a Flip point where more points in that skill start doing less and less towards the final goal or cap.

This is of some concern probably to a lot of people. We may be putting points in stuff that does no good at all. How come are these not capped if more points are useless?

Just as an example, with construct for instance, if we put too much into it we'll really never know...........
we could be using those points for something else
but wait.......
we may actually need these points for construct

Apparently nobody, not even the devs, know where the 'flip' point is, so if even the devs don't know what they have programmed how are we supposed to work it out?
Are we playing a game where the devs do not know what they've been doing? OMG

13-10-03, 09:28
Read carefully...
It sais that if you go past the flip point, the extra points you put into the skill will give less bonus towards the actual cap. But it doesn't say it doesn't give any bonus anymore...

13-10-03, 09:32
They cant 'cap' it because most skills have a second infulencing subskill.

ie Construction is also influenced by Intelegence & dexterety.

So for a 100 Dex 100 Int constructor, the 'sweet spot' is about 130 construct needed to have max chance at slots etc...

But a constructor with 60 Dex & 60 Int needs say 200+ construct to hit the same 'sweet spot', so if this constructor keeps leveling Dex & Int his extra points in construct start to become less important. (so never choose a constructor by his/her construct skill alone).

Also for combat, each weapon has its own 'sweet spot' depending on its requirement, higher the weapon, the higher the spot.

Additional points over this spot are not 'lost' they still improve your outcome, they just do less work for you than the preceeding points.

Flip point is probably the wrong term to use, there is NO 'flip' point where extra points actually detract from the end product, this is just a nasty rumor that would be easy to prove if it existed, it dosent.

13-10-03, 10:20