View Full Version : YAY Pluto got an live run

12-10-03, 16:54
Last night Pluto had a Live run.

It was really cool, though slow initially as the gms had to get everything together i guess.

We were given the task of finding a Tangent Runner who had a vital Datadisc. I'm guessing its related to the article in Nema 5.

We'll we interviewed a guy at TT and after some cajoling and some hard cash, he said he'd seen the woman we were looking for with a guy from mb. So we went off to MB.

We met up with a guy who was arguing with a vendor drugs. After another interview and some more money changing hands we were off to graves.

Deep in the ruins we found our target, after fierce fighting and many deaths (well for me at least) we got her out and started back for TT. Eventually we got back to TT with Susan and met up with a TT Head honcho. He gave us a our reward.

It was really good imho. A bit slow initally but its a bit of a mission organising the whole thing. I really enjoyed it.

Well done GMs thanks for a good run, my only gripe is that they only gave us cash for our reward, i wanted a strange book!!! :eek:

And to top it all off, we get spy pa as well, i'm one happy bunny.


12-10-03, 18:08
That's good to hear
see, it's all good with neocron, YAY

12-10-03, 19:08
omg it was so much fun. I really hope pluto gets another thing like this soon!

Vid Gamer
12-10-03, 19:09
WTH, I logged off at like 2 A.M. and saw nothing.

How late are they doing these?

12-10-03, 19:15
yay for pluto....O_o

pity i dont play there... :p

12-10-03, 19:30
An anonymous photographer took pictures. The Live Run was fun for everyone.

The investigation started at Tangent Technologies HQ.

And was soon continued, after finding the location of Susan, at the Snake Graves in Sector K_13.

http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0001.jpg http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0002.jpg http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0003.jpg http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0004.jpg
http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0005.jpg http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0006.jpg http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0007.jpg http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0008.jpg
http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0009.jpg http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0010.jpg http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0010.jpg http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0011.jpg http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0012.jpg http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0013.jpg http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0014.jpg http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0015.jpg http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0016.jpg http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0017.jpg http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0018.jpg

And for a time, things were good.


Of course, their luck soon plummeted.


They did make it back to Tangent Technologies alive and well, and a debriefing session was had.

http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0025.jpg http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0026.jpg http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0027.jpg http://pakman385.home.comcast.net/live_run/shot0028.jpg

(Sorry for the large file sizes. Hope you don't mind too much)

Vid Gamer
12-10-03, 19:45
Looked pretty cool (next time don't rotate the pictures..why does KK always do that!?)

12-10-03, 20:47
What? No pics of my staring role? :p

12-10-03, 21:00
so was the live run based on 60's batman bad-guy headquarters?

why the dodgey pics (made me fill ill looking at them)

12-10-03, 23:13
i dont want to sound ungrateful or anything.... but erm....... are more gonna be coming? cos is this like the first one? and im presuming it was the way they intended. ie some talks to u and u have to get a team of ur choice together.

and how does the queue work? first posted first served? or random what the GMs feel like?

12-10-03, 23:17
Originally posted by Jaggeh
so was the live run based on 60's batman bad-guy headquarters?

why the dodgey pics (made me fill ill looking at them)

lmao, i so agree!

"TO THE BATCAVE! DA DA DAAA *humes batman tune*"

12-10-03, 23:55
Originally posted by Glyc
i dont want to sound ungrateful or anything.... but erm....... are more gonna be coming? cos is this like the first one? and im presuming it was the way they intended. ie some talks to u and u have to get a team of ur choice together.

and how does the queue work? first posted first served? or random what the GMs feel like?

This was our second - I will be arranging more now though since we are a way behind with the english list.

We start from the beginning of the list and check every name on the server we've set ourselves up on until we get to the first one who's online at the time and contact them.

Once you've gone once you can't go again though for a while so those that haven't gone yet can be given a chance.

I can't promise when there'll be another run - but I will do my best to make sure it isnt' too too long. I want to get them doing on a more-than-weekly basis.

13-10-03, 00:14
ok thanks for the update Penzius -- much appreciated.

note im on the first page of the signups :D

13-10-03, 00:50
Yeah, the run was brilliant fun. When the call came out over a certain channel that I frequent, I asked the guy calling out what he was talking about, and to my suprise, was teamed. Curious, I accepted and was put into the encrypted team channel. Immediately I knew something big was in the making. So I got my ass into gear, getting all poked up except for bones and got some good spells and stocked on boosters. Then I just puttered around trying not to be nervous, and before I knew it, the team was in motion upon a mission,, and great fun was had.

Those that know me will recognize me in the pictures, especially in those near the end. I look rather dapper and handsome.


Let's not put the burden of event-making on the GMs and KK. This is a MMORPG, after all, and much of the fun-making lays upon us, the community. Don't shirk from it.

13-10-03, 01:23

wasnt plutos first... I did one with some of my clan plus some system shock about 5-6 (or seems that long ago anyway) weeks ago o_O exactly the same story by the looks of it aswell but it wasnt for the whole server, just the 7 of us that took part in my team afaik... unless ours was some kinda trial run.... *shrug*

[edit] stupid spellings

13-10-03, 01:47
It was the same script, but fear not - we have some new ones. All live runs involve just a select group of runners, team size is up to its leader, but they never involve the whole server unless the whole server tag along.

13-10-03, 13:56
Yes, that was a nice one. I really didnt like the past events with mobs spawned here and there, just not my sort of thing. But the live run was funny, I really did enjoy it. I just think we as players made a mistake, we could get more into this as we had real people on the other side, not NPCs. After a day I wish we had take some time to think about how we want to aproach it and if we can play with the GMs too, like keeping the TT chick as hostage or just "cross" their plans otherwise aka taking the lead from their hand and put us into control ;-) Maybe the next team will try that out, I could imagine it would be even more fun.

"Shut up, just nod and smile"