View Full Version : Anywhere I can hunt firemonsters ..blah ...

11-10-03, 18:50
where there is a gogo and where people dont hunt that often or
even if there is no gogo that is okay too i guess

tired of getting kill stealed by apu/ppu team when i am taking cover to heal ;/ because they know they will get the loot because my speedgun sucks but its the best thing i have to fight at range that doesnt miss and without dying to those 100/100 monsters
plasma cannons miss alot if your not standing close................................................... its great that i i walk like a tortoise when i have my gun equiped which sucks tanks should be at least able to run normal speed with a heavy weapons, they are f'ing tanks after all, and if you dont want that, then make them do more damage because being a slow snail is a big disadvantage

yeah i might as well piss some monks off whilst i am at it
GO AND PLAY EVERQUEST [ edited for violation of the forum rules - homophobic flaming ] with magic and shortass gnomes that gimboids like to play and extra super gimboids play female elves and stuff and get a fake pic and say thats them and are female in rl lol (at best they are transgendered) who you will cyber with, i thought this game be cool its FPS so i think yeah cool guns, but guns dont do as good damage as spells that monkeys who look like tools in their power armor i mean wtf everyone wants frigin powerarmor if you gonna give everyone powerarmor then whats the point in a tank? why dont you delete all the classes apart from monk since you love them [ edited for violation of the forum rules - homophobic flame ]

oh just another thing like, i played alot of mmorpgs and when the donkey dev teams decide pvp needs to last longer and depend on a healer its get seriously dicked

anarchy online for instance, when they decided pvp must last longer they made pvp damage do like 1/2 or something and made critical hit chance 1/2 of what it was so then when they did that doctors became the best pvp class because everyone was doing lame damage which doctors in ao could more than cope to heal (they could in fact outheal the damage a group of warriors would do to them, as they could debuff your initiatives by an insane amount so you would attack really really slow, so you would have to make your aggression bar to full just to shoot a little faster than once every year and doing that would make you move prone to being crital hit anyone who played that would know what i am talking about) i swear dev teams for games dont even play the game, [ edited for violation of the forum rules - homophobic flame ] when they forget that if they halve pvp damage or some shit they make heals double or more powerfull. damage should always do more than defence or no one dies without getting ganked