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View Full Version : Any powerleveling tips for n00b spy?

Shadow Dancer
09-10-03, 20:15
Hello. I R looking for powerleveling tips for my eye-spay. I have 10 int and dex ATM.

Any tips? :)

09-10-03, 20:17
PPU in aggie pits.

When you can use (uzi or gat rifle) go swamp caving with ppu.

Miss the noob leveling zones like mb.

/edit, i wanted to add something funny, but couldnt come up with anything. so instead

Superglue, ppu monk, some anal lube, and a load of ammo.

09-10-03, 20:19

Shadow Dancer
09-10-03, 20:20
Originally posted by Oath
PPU in aggie pits.

When you can use (uzi or gat rifle) go swamp caving with ppu.

Miss the noob leveling zones like mb.

I heard droning was the fastest way to cap a spy. Is that correct?

S a W
09-10-03, 20:20
-= NCPD =-
put poision resists then go to swamp caves :D

09-10-03, 20:22
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
I heard droning was the fastest way to cap a spy. Is that correct?

If your alone then yeah, drones roxxor joor soxxor.

But with a ppu rifles and pistols are fastest, sorry i didnt know what you wanted, so i assumed rifles / pistols.

For drones............graves in k_13, soon as you get AOE drones.........get loadsa levels.

09-10-03, 20:23
my my rifle spy i went aggy pits first, this was on saturn so theres normally alot more people in there than on pluto, so youll prolly want a PPU with you, then i went straight to CRP

09-10-03, 20:25
Originally posted by KidWithStick
my my rifle spy i went aggy pits first, this was on saturn so theres normally alot more people in there than on pluto, so youll prolly want a PPU with you, then i went straight to CRP

What he said too, i chose swamp caves cos theyre 'mostly' deserted and devoid of pkr's

Shadow Dancer
09-10-03, 20:37
Originally posted by Oath
If your alone then yeah, drones roxxor joor soxxor.

But with a ppu rifles and pistols are fastest, sorry i didnt know what you wanted, so i assumed rifles / pistols.

For drones............graves in k_13, soon as you get AOE drones.........get loadsa levels.

Yea i'm a rifle SPY atm.

Thanks guys!

09-10-03, 20:41
yeah get a ray gun rifle (the doy one is perfect) and level in swamp caves (At higher levels, stick to teh aggies ftm:P)

with filterheart 1(or 2 if u have one), resist boost 2 (+15 poison i think) and poison belt and lots of medpacks u will do fine..

but only if u dodge the poison. all resist in the world wont help 8 stacks :P so bring stamina boosters too, ull need them.

09-10-03, 21:08
I've found the easiest way to cap CON was to do runs through the TG Caves with a bunch of APU's or a few dumb Tanks.

09-10-03, 21:19
Construction.....you will cap your st, and do very will in intel and dex. Construct a bunch of weapon parts, or vehicle parts....trust me, you will be suprised at the rate you level.

09-10-03, 21:21
What's your trade skill?

09-10-03, 21:24
I went from the plaza sewers to TH core lvl 2. If you put enough points into pierce those bots wont even scratch you. Then i did TH core until i could wear a medium poison belt, then i jumped solo into swamp caves.

Once you reach 45-50 rank go to the chaos caves and leach...um i mean help out there.

[edit] allot of people say to use "Gatling rifles", i frankly hate them. I started with the Unlabled Laser rifle then moved on to TAR at TL44. Then i used RayGuns all the way till i capped DEX. I think the RoG is the best leveling gun at the end. High enough TL and easy to cap, and does amazing damage in caves.

09-10-03, 21:25
Many spies choose droning merely to level then switch to pistol/rifle later on. Droning levels INT faster.

09-10-03, 21:30
my first double post...sigh

09-10-03, 21:32
Originally posted by Mantus
[edit] allot of people say to use "Gatling rifles", i frankly hate them. I started with the Unlabled Laser rifle then moved on to TAR at TL44. Then i used RayGuns all the way till i capped DEX. I think the RoG is the best leveling gun at the end. High enough TL and easy to cap, and does amazing damage in caves.

I tend to go low-tech till I can use the HEW Liquid Fire.....

Are you going to have a PPU stapled to your ass or are you going solo or teamed with similar ranked nubs?

Fixed quote......:o

09-10-03, 21:34
Originally posted by mcouillard
Many spies choose droning merely to level then switch to pistol/rifle later on. Droning levels INT faster.

so true :(

if ur stuck on the rifles, recycle ammo, go aggie mission till u get deflect/heal/rifle/resist1, then Clopes, (TAR) then WBs and Grims of a distance in less populated zones. go lowtech archer, assault, TAR, Gat, TGR and PE and of course, i'll trade ya a Frenzy, PE and SF for an SA :D

Shadow Dancer
09-10-03, 21:39
Ok i'm CSTing ATM, it's a hell of alot faster than mob killing ATM.

09-10-03, 21:42
yeah, if ya wanna straight level. this is what you do shadow...and belive me, this works, you can cap your spy in like 5-9 days playing oh about 3-4 hours a day, i shit you not.

alright, we have to plan ahead first, your going to need a little support for this. have your drones ready in advanced, you'll want to start out with a droner.

you'll want to place points into willpower and construction. (btw, the only support you need is perhaps a dude who can drive vehicles and a researcher) also, be prepared to eventaullys work your way up to 60 repair.

take your newb drones into the sewer, park yourself somewhere to kill some gaint rats. do this for about meh...2-3 hours, dont be in a hurry to use a better drone, this just takes time...repair your drone as much as possible, oh yeah, and if your in the mood, take missions FOR gaint rats, we'll level some psi too while we are at it. heh.

alright preferably you can start building some light assualt drone SF-100's or better still, the light war drone RK-100. remember construction is important...your construction will raise (3) skills, combined with repairing your drones whenever you want you'll be well on your way to increasing strength and whatever.

go to the ol' storage halls and beat the piss out of butchers and luancher clops untill you can use the fa-100. tl 30. alright your all done with neocron, now we need to find yourself a hunting ground.

'Preferably' you want to hunt poison mobs, so sandcrawlers are your best friend. find a few hazard worms and you'll be pimping level off them for a long while.

when you hit the heavy battle drone RG-100 at tl 68, its time to hit the snake pits. just dont stray to close to their bite with the drone and reap massive amounts of AoE goodness. do this untill you can use the PLC-1000

the PLC-1000 may seem like a less then wonderful drone, but it has one desired feature...unlimited range.

its rate of fire isnt too shabby. and with this, you wanna go picking on war bots or do your genral mobbing. this is where your vehicle friend returns, in a wheeler.

*spy tip* using a specail trick, find the zone you weant to mob in, then ask for permission to your friends vehicle. but dont have him let you in yet. launch your PLC-1000 and now you can have your friend accept you and you will automaticly be let into the car. with PLC in the air you and your friend can quickly and efficantly find mobs to kill all over the zone, saving an ASS load of time reloacting your body and reluanching your drone. fuck, you dont even have to fly the drone back to you, your friend can just drive over them and you can pick em up through the underneath of the car by looking down.

once you get the partical beam drones, its time to finish up your exp gathering with some caving, spend about 2 days in the minion caves with a team...you'll clean up.

all thats left should probably be some con and some psi use...so shoot yourself with RG-1000 rounds and do missions.

bam...your capped...now...go LOM yourself out of drones and grab your ass a pain easer.

09-10-03, 22:08
hey Spy<VS>Spy, ive got a quick question about the setup you just posted up there.. whats the most construction skill ill need for a droner? should i put as much needed to cap drone quality? is the quality of the drone much important?

sorry if this sounds like a newb question but id like to try this setup too :)


Shadow Dancer
09-10-03, 22:27
Originally posted by Spy<VS>Spy
yeah, if ya wanna straight level. this is what you do shadow...and belive me, this works, you can cap your spy in like 5-9 days playing oh about 3-4 hours a day, i shit you not.

alright, we have to plan ahead first, your going to need a little support for this. have your drones ready in advanced, you'll want to start out with a droner.

you'll want to place points into willpower and construction. (btw, the only support you need is perhaps a dude who can drive vehicles and a researcher) also, be prepared to eventaullys work your way up to 60 repair.

take your newb drones into the sewer, park yourself somewhere to kill some gaint rats. do this for about meh...2-3 hours, dont be in a hurry to use a better drone, this just takes time...repair your drone as much as possible, oh yeah, and if your in the mood, take missions FOR gaint rats, we'll level some psi too while we are at it. heh.

alright preferably you can start building some light assualt drone SF-100's or better still, the light war drone RK-100. remember construction is important...your construction will raise (3) skills, combined with repairing your drones whenever you want you'll be well on your way to increasing strength and whatever.

go to the ol' storage halls and beat the piss out of butchers and luancher clops untill you can use the fa-100. tl 30. alright your all done with neocron, now we need to find yourself a hunting ground.

'Preferably' you want to hunt poison mobs, so sandcrawlers are your best friend. find a few hazard worms and you'll be pimping level off them for a long while.

when you hit the heavy battle drone RG-100 at tl 68, its time to hit the snake pits. just dont stray to close to their bite with the drone and reap massive amounts of AoE goodness. do this untill you can use the PLC-1000

the PLC-1000 may seem like a less then wonderful drone, but it has one desired feature...unlimited range.

its rate of fire isnt too shabby. and with this, you wanna go picking on war bots or do your genral mobbing. this is where your vehicle friend returns, in a wheeler.

Hrmm, sounds good but I don't want to take the droner method of leveling. But thanks for your advice though. CST seems fast ATM, anyone know what I should CST to hit 60 int/dex? AT that point I can put in kami chip and hunt the right mobs with alot of firepower for that level.

Originally posted by Spy<VS>Spy

*spy tip* using a specail trick, find the zone you weant to mob in, then ask for permission to your friends vehicle. but dont have him let you in yet. launch your PLC-1000 and now you can have your friend accept you and you will automaticly be let into the car. with PLC in the air you and your friend can quickly and efficantly find mobs to kill all over the zone, saving an ASS load of time reloacting your body and reluanching your drone. fuck, you dont even have to fly the drone back to you, your friend can just drive over them and you can pick em up through the underneath of the car by looking down.

OMG, that's really clever. I wonder why I haven't seen any droners do it before. SPLOITZ! j/k :p

09-10-03, 22:33
no, actually that is a good question.

the secrete to being a really kick ass combat droner, is your ability to construction. because drones simply dont stack, but the blue prints and parts do! so you can either store 32 of your favorite drones in your gogo or using the construction skill store a possible 250 drones in your gogo. ;)

its been my exsperince that you will want a natrual 120 in build skill. you can complament that with a construction 3 chip or specail sceince. a machina glove would be handy too to further boost this.

however, if you plan on using the rare drones. the higher, the better. you'll have to do some number crunching to get the right ballance of willpower to use them and build skill.

the thing to remember its no so much quality but its the SPEED of building. they higher you can afford to bring up your skill the faster you will be able to rearm in a battle, for a clan every second is vital and being able to requip yourself quickly after a fight is worth its weight in gold.

I myself had the 150 construction, with 84 natrual willpower. though with the new rare drones and implants that set up might not hold true...run some numbers, its the best thing to do.

*edit* lol, yeah if you think thats clever you should see the 100 other secretes to neocron KK doesnt want you to know about...unfortionaly...i'll probably end up taking them to my grave. ;) besides, the reason why you dont see it, is it really only becomes extreamly funny when you get 6 droners in an APC to do it, but i never had the time and effort to set that into motion just to see the look on peoples faces.

09-10-03, 22:59
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
Hello. I R looking for powerleveling tips for my eye-spay. I have 10 int and dex ATM.

Any tips? :)
Droning and then lomming sucks imo.

I started with constructing, then aggie sewers + missions till you cap psi, then sniping at gabanium (thats fun actually...capped str and con there, got tons of rare stuff and sniped many enemys while leveling :p).
When you can use med or maybe even heavy poison belt, pop in a filter heart and use basic buff 2 and get into the swamp caves. I can survive about 8 stacks with heal, heal sanctum, medikits and the cheapest antipoison drugs (they kick in faster) and using a RoG i gain about 1 million xp in dex in under 15 minutes. Although its boring like hell and the shaman still wastes me... o_O o_O

Shadow Dancer
09-10-03, 23:08
Holy crap. CST lube is expensive and weapon parts are heavy as hell.

I can't believe anyone can be a pure tradeskiller for a prolonged period of time.

09-10-03, 23:14
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
Holy crap. CST lube is expensive and weapon parts are heavy as hell.

I can't believe anyone can be a pure tradeskiller for a prolonged period of time.

Get a barterer, and have him buy you about 500 tubes. Either construct vehicle parts (7/8/9/10s) and sell them, or weapon parts (7/8/9/10s). Don't forget to have a baterer buy your chems for you.

P.S. I can BP any items you need, just give me a call ingame...and I will buy your weapon parts and vehicle parts.

09-10-03, 23:29
hehehehe only make a tradeskill after ur capped if u want... lvlign as a tradeskill sux...

i started as droner spy; went rifle to cap; capped; lommed to cst/pistol... now recapping...

o and lomming sux... 157+ packs to do that transfer...

09-10-03, 23:31
i know u dont like PPUs much, but i can help u lvl if u want. i also drive :)

09-10-03, 23:44
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
Holy crap. CST lube is expensive and weapon parts are heavy as hell.

I can't believe anyone can be a pure tradeskiller for a prolonged period of time.

I got $10, that's says SD rolls this Spy into Pistol PE within a week...

Any takers?

Shadow Dancer
09-10-03, 23:48
No way, I hate PEs. And all the egomaniac pistol pes of NC have ruined the pistol PE image to me. I feel like if I play pistol PE i'll become an egomaniac too and spend hours a day tweaking my setup, asking for duels, talking about my 1337 spy setup or clan, say tanks have no skill, etc....



09-10-03, 23:52
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
No way, I hate PEs. And all the egomaniac pistol pes of NC have ruined the pistol PE image to me. I feel like if I play pistol PE i'll become an egomaniac too and spend hours a day tweaking my setup, asking for duels, talking about my 1337 spy setup or clan, say tanks have no skill, etc....

:p I don't do that and I'm a pistol PE... :( Well, cept for the tweaking part. Just like you can be a tank and not turn stupid haha (<---not a tank has no skill comment).

09-10-03, 23:55
Originally posted by Jest
Just like you can be a tank and not turn stupid haha (<---not a tank has no skill comment).

I'm not convinced that's possible :D <----a tank has no skill comment.

09-10-03, 23:57

actuly what oath said is good

10-10-03, 11:22
shad i have 67 tubes of cst grease left 0o

10-10-03, 11:36
get a PPU strapped to yur ass :)

btw i found its convenient to get to a TAR..and use that till a Pain easer..most the inbetween weapons suck ass..plus a capped TAR is much more effective then shitty stats with most in between guns...did that with my PE hunting warbies till i LoMed over for Wyatt earp. Also saves you headspace on DEX imps for MOVEON/resistor even nueral advancers depending on yur level (belts rox :D ) MOVEON is a HUGE help while leveling for any class.

10-10-03, 11:39
Don't mess with all that LoM'ing crap. You can get to RoG in less than a week solo hunting if your smart. And rifles give Str exp, so don't worry about that. Psi is the only thing you'll need to do missions for.

10-10-03, 14:42
You can do anything you want, if the stuff you use/tradeskill got high enough TL.

The rank of a mob is just an indicator on how long it will last, if you can fight a few lower mobs continously, it's the same amount of exp. If you start shooting something with a high TL weapon, you get higher exp gain for that.

Optimal leveing is on a 0/120 mob and a TL 120 weapon.

...But that doesnt exist, so find the next best thing. Some firemobs are slow (like Terrormaulers 70/70 ** and Decayed Horrors 100/100 ***) and can be defended against using landscape (trees etc) and some nice armor, medkits (when you fsck up) and lots and lots of ammo.

Some volleys from those mobs go on the side of trees and they are force damage so you will get hit from time to time. Some mobs, like Terrormaulers, got electric shock so remember to keep the distance.

EDIT: Btw, get a high TL gun before you start picking of higher level mobs, killing a Decayed Horror with a TL 38 sniperrifle takes about a week...

(P.S: recykling is your friend)

Shadow Dancer
12-10-03, 03:38
Ok i'm base 53(61 with imps) dex now and I want to cry lol. Killing a warbot with my tar takes AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGES! :(

I have rank 35. Since it's about 15-17 ranks apart that you can still leech, i wanted to leech some precious quick XP off of a chaos caves team. But alas, no one is there because the genrep is closed.


I guess I could try and go to the tg one. :(

trigger hurt
12-10-03, 03:46
on saturn, we have a friend who power lvl's all of our newb chars. I have to make a ppu now to help him power level a few of his.

Generally, I will start out in the sewers until I can use a medicant or somewhat higher SMG. then me and the ppu go to the pits that have the gunmen in em. I went from 14 dex to 40 dex in about 3 hours of steady leveling there.

Then, left there and went to outzone storages with him. Until around 60 dex. Then, finally...I will cap my char in the chaos caves around TG.

Shadow, where is your char? If he is on saturn and not of a faction enemy to twilight gaurdian, I can give you a few names of ppus that will help you out.

Shadow Dancer
12-10-03, 04:40


I capp a much higher level tech rifle thanks to kami chip. For some reason I assumed TAR was all I could use till I hit rares, LOL.


12-10-03, 17:41
powerlvlin ??

well ::

Get kami chip and a ppu.. go hunt wbs... (yes.. hunt wbs at that lvl)

got a m8 who capped in 3 days with only kami and ppu..