View Full Version : Kill Bill

09-10-03, 05:20

I've just returned from the first screening of Kill Bill at the Empire in Leicester Square and I had to come on and bitch at all you guys about how terrific this film is.

It's just indescribable. It's cheeky, it's brash, it's Tarantino. It's a film made for himself that will also please his fans and anyone who goes in realising that he isn't actually trying to do anything other than entertain, a thing many directors these days forget.

I felt like I was watching movie history, a feeling I haven't had since The Matrix.

The Movie opens on 10th in the US and 17th in the UK, 16th in Germany, although I understand there is a poor rip floating around the net. If you are thinking of the last option, don't. This is one film that really earns its money and a film so intricate no video camera will truly capture the experience of seeing it.

It's 4AM atm, I'm probably a little mad with exhaustion - but get your asses to a theatre and see this!

09-10-03, 05:32
Thanks for the heads up, im looking foward to the Australian release.

09-10-03, 07:41
Drexel, you're australian... Brings numbers up to around ten?

what server do you play on?

and to prevent going off topic

i'll prolly go see it too :D

09-10-03, 08:04
Yes thanks for making our mouths water and here in Australia we'll probably only get it in like three months time and it will probably be edited too

oh how I wish we did not live on the a.......end of the world

09-10-03, 09:17
Hey, Neochick dont bag Australia. We can play Neocron, thats all we need .

Movie starts in Aus 16/10/03.

@ Ostrich (why arnt you emu ?)

Me & 6 RL buddies all play on Saturn.

An all Aussie clan. :D

09-10-03, 10:24
ahh yeah, kill bill sounds good, 16th... at least we aren't gettng it that late... (to keep on topic)

ah really? cool, could i join even though i'm not a real life friend? i got a midlevel tank on saturn (av skill 50 or something).

Australia is pretty crap though, imagine playing nc on a 50 ping...

09-10-03, 11:23
Can't wait to see this film. There aren't that many films that make me want to see them in the Cinema, Kill Bill is one of them that makes me want to go to the cinema for.

Its going to be a good few months for films :)