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View Full Version : Why i hate big clans!

06-10-03, 19:52
When i started to play nc i always thought the more the merrier and a clan cannot have enough members.

But nowadays its really horrible, i mean i play on pluto in SS and we are not small but far away from big but we are hard for sure:lol:

On pluto its always the same all TG gather in one clan which gets over 90 members in 2 days and breaks up after 2 months or so.

Atm thats FF on pluto, but you can exchange the name to TA or gang if you wish its always the same.

So ff has usually 25-30 ppls on so every OP fight ends in zerging always and they outnumber everyone at least 2:1o_O

But the problem with FF is the do not only zerg you in fights, thats not their fault its just because they are so many:) , but the also play very lame atm. they place turrets everywhere in the fight and i am talking about 5 turrets or more.

And if they cannot outnumber you they wait till no one is only and ninja you OP.

But the funniest about that is that they think they are great and strong and are good players that can own everyone:lol:

PS: we won every fight against FF when they werent 3:1:D

Just ask Dark or BRTF members they will tell you the same,it happens to them too every day:)

06-10-03, 19:54

*gets 3 day ban*

06-10-03, 19:54
join eXo, we are hip :wtf:

06-10-03, 19:58
most people our out to join a huge clan and think they are badass cause they got another 50 members on to help kill u somewhere they are nothing they have no real balls and willl never be a true fighter. Sucks to be them!:eek:

06-10-03, 19:58
Phonyx, have you looked at the map lately, you guys hold like 50% of the damn OPs. If anyone has the right to complain it's the mid sized clans. In a perfect world they would hold the most OPs collectively, but you guys have the biggest snowball and it just keeps getting bigger, share the wealth guys.

06-10-03, 20:00
i find the irony in SS moaning about being outnumbered quite amusing. mainly because even when you outnumber your enemy you STILL call in reinforcements :)

06-10-03, 20:05
lol we outnumber everyone? omg we at least attack 1 time without any help.o_O

Btw why do you think we hold half of the map? go get the OPs, just try it, if you are good enough its yours:D

06-10-03, 20:05
i feel your pain (http://neocron.jafc.de/showthread.php?s=&threadid=77858)

06-10-03, 20:08
hehe never thought we would have the same opinion crypto:D

06-10-03, 20:21
The truth is though that everyone does it. At some point or another all clans use lame tactics. Wether its intentional or not, wether it was spur of the moment or planned, doesn't matter. SS has done it, NDA did it, Dark does it, Pimp does it, FF does it, SXR does it, BRTF does it, everyone. It's silly to single out one clan and pretend they're the only ones doing it. I can recall many times people tell me "I lost respect for Pimp because you did X", then they go and do it aswell. Or where someone who has done X before yells at me for doing it to them.

Anyway this thread is on its way to bein locked for clan bashing.

06-10-03, 20:27
Yeah, generally clans that need to do it, but as was said, practically all of the active TG players are in FF (some of the better players as well)... Generally they have 2 to 3 times the amount of players fighting. This is why DarK and other clans have to bring allies.

The fact that the larger force has to drop turrets... actually - STEALTH drop turrets when they are probably going to win anyway is just ridiculous and outright retarded.

People need to drop the *HWAR HAWRH WINNAR IS WINNAR - NO RULZ* bull, turrets are something that needs to get looked at and revamped.

06-10-03, 20:33
Damn how missed all the bitching. Who the hell cares if you bring allies? Who the hell cares if you are outnumbered? Not every damn second of the game needs to be a pissing contest.

06-10-03, 20:37
Originally posted by Carinth
Wether its intentional or not, wether it was spur of the moment or planned, doesn't matter. SS has done it, NDA did it, Dark does it, Pimp does it, FF does it, SXR does it, BRTF does it, everyone.

It's stupid to think that clans SHOULDN'T do that. It's warfare. Simulated warfare, but warfare all the same. If people are thinking big clans are bad, then they must also think that having the advantage on any RL battlefield is :lol: UNFAIR TO THE LESSER ARMY? :lol:

Fuck fair. Zerg. This game's about getting power. How can you get power if you don't have power? You can't barter an OP over to your ownership. :lol:

If, however, they're exploiting game mechanics somehow, that's a different story. This thread is about big clans, tho.

06-10-03, 20:37
yeh we fought SS i think saturday and we did not outnumber em 2:1 and we did not have allies so SS came alone with like 10 guys and we was hmm 12 i think maybee 14 and they lost and now they bitch seriously i lost all respect for SS used to be hard and used to be honour now they dont

06-10-03, 20:40
It's stupid to think that clans SHOULDN'T do that. It's warfare

As I said in another post, would a soldier dig a foxhole or lay razor-wire if the enemy is already in his position? No, because those are time-consuming defensive measures.

Turrets are defensive systems, you don't see swarms of turrets attacking an OP... so they're obviously not offensive systems...

Yet currently they're being used as such. Well, about as offensively as defensive systems can be used.

This is why I suggested eliminating the stealth+turret+drop option and make it so the turrets take longer to set up.

06-10-03, 20:58
Originally posted by Phönyx
When i started to play nc i always thought the more the merrier and a clan cannot have enough members.

But nowadays its really horrible, i mean i play on pluto in SS and we are not small but far away from big but we are hard for sure:lol:

On pluto its always the same all TG gather in one clan which gets over 90 members in 2 days and breaks up after 2 months or so.

Atm thats FF on pluto, but you can exchange the name to TA or gang if you wish its always the same.

Gang? Excuse me?

How about you GFYS? We never, ever wanted to be an uber clan, and honestly, we had fewer than 30 at any time. Most of those accounts in our clan were/are alts (either bored from capping, or researchers, or what not). 90 People? Yeah right. That'd have been a nightmare on TS. It's already bad enough with 14-20 of us drunk on the weekends.

Man, stop making up bullshit to make yourself feel better. Just face the facts, you are a little person. Stop bashing your betters, it gets old.

06-10-03, 21:01
Its Probally due to the fact tht most people do this

" if you cant beat em join em" and so join TG.

weve lost 4/5 people to FF simply because they get sick of Waring for Ops Getting a few, then when we finally get defeated many people Go offline, and so then TG go and take all the Ops back:wtf: and tht is just lame and a waste of time..

*Braces 4 a quote on my post.. and a STFU ascention you tlk bullsh*t* as we all get if we arn't in a winning clan TRUE?

Originally posted by BlackPrince
Gang? Excuse me?

How about you GFYS? We never, ever wanted to be an uber clan, and honestly, we had fewer than 30 at any time. Most of those accounts in our clan were/are alts (either bored from capping, or researchers, or what not). 90 People? Yeah right. That'd have been a nightmare on TS. It's already bad enough with 14-20 of us drunk on the weekends.

Man, stop making up bullshit to make yourself feel better. Just face the facts, you are a little person. Stop bashing your betters, it gets old.

Lol there we go ( posted at the same time)

06-10-03, 21:03
:confused: D- 133t

06-10-03, 21:05
I liked fighting BRTF, yall were tenacious little things. Always fun.

One time Kurai and I got bored and went to go dick around with one of your Ops. What started out as a fun potluck shoot & skoot turned into...well...more than we expected/wanted. Yall kept coming back.

Fun times.

06-10-03, 21:08
Originally posted by BlackPrince
I liked fighting BRTF, yall were tenacious little things. Always fun.

One time Kurai and I got bored and went to go dick around with one of your Ops. What started out as a fun potluck shoot & skoot turned into...well...more than we expected/wanted. Yall kept coming back.

Fun times.

yall were tenacious little things:wtf: We are still about dude :)

And thanx dude;) BRTF have been through lots 33 Mil clan swipe and clan swipe and still going strong. and most members

Although some guys left NC after the 33 Mil was stolen:(

06-10-03, 21:10
Originally posted by Phönyx
When i started to play nc i always thought the more the merrier and a clan cannot have enough members.

But nowadays its really horrible, i mean i play on pluto in SS and we are not small but far away from big but we are hard for sure:lol:

On pluto its always the same all TG gather in one clan which gets over 90 members in 2 days and breaks up after 2 months or so.

Atm thats FF on pluto, but you can exchange the name to TA or gang if you wish its always the same.

So ff has usually 25-30 ppls on so every OP fight ends in zerging always and they outnumber everyone at least 2:1o_O

But the problem with FF is the do not only zerg you in fights, thats not their fault its just because they are so many:) , but the also play very lame atm. they place turrets everywhere in the fight and i am talking about 5 turrets or more.

And if they cannot outnumber you they wait till no one is only and ninja you OP.

But the funniest about that is that they think they are great and strong and are good players that can own everyone:lol:

PS: we won every fight against FF when they werent 3:1:D

Just ask Dark or BRTF members they will tell you the same,it happens to them too every day:)
hey i have an idea! why dont SS+NDA+SXR+BRTF+DARK all go against us and make us so mad that we brake up! Thats what you want, no? Go ahead! maybe you will then shut up? Oh but then SS and co can sit back and sipp on their jin and juice and watch the money flow from ops,yea, you know what just do it fucking get everybody against FF , do it, you know you want too.

06-10-03, 21:14
Hehe I used past tense because its been a long time since I fought yall. If your command has stayed the same, you still have your shit together, I'm sure.

Much more fun than some clans which wouldn't fight without logging into their PPU alts and then relogging into stealth spies to drop turrets to buy their PPU's time to rezz.

06-10-03, 21:18
My clan only has 4 members right now ^_^

Were expanding it to 6 though :p

The clan is U4N on Saturn.

If your interested in joining, DM System, S-Virus or Evil*Dead (same person)

Or C0LD (number 0)
Or Chimp

Id say DM me but im not one of the leaders, in fact i was their first recruit in Neocron. (used to be a small Counter Strike Clan)

We prefer to have Tanks and PPU's but that was before my tank char Hawatt was added to the clan and me and System created our PPU's Corrino and Evil*Dead.

If you like a small clan, then join us, but remember, 2 slots remaining.

We have a thread in the clan recruitment post in the in-game forum as well.

06-10-03, 21:34
Large clans have a problem of self-destructing though.

What happens.

1. Reasonable group of players start to recruit friends, who recruit more, some are not vetted.

2. Those not vetted a percentage of them are muppets.

3. The muppets cause trouble. Even a small amount will do (like rez killing for belts, stealing)

4. People mail the Heads of the clan. The head gets spammed in various forms which will eventually make them crack. Some spams will also be untrue.

5. The heads loose the rag and just claim the people complaining are "Evil enemy faction loosers who want to destroy us".

6. Muppetry continues, until there is internal fighting over the actions going on.

7. Clan self destructs.

It may be more to do with the overhead in maintaining the clan.

One nice thing (and a pox on the game too) in AC was a monarchy system. Basically a player to join your clan as it were would swear alligence to a member in.

They would then feed thier XP up a chain. The advantage of this was that the patron was responisble for those on thier part of the chain. This meant easier to maintain larger clans.

06-10-03, 21:53
Who the fuck are you?
Never saw your name in our clan, tell me who you are!

Nvm, just saw your intense use of smilies, now I know who you are :lol:

Shadow Dancer
06-10-03, 21:55
Originally posted by VVerevvolf
Who the fuck are you?
Never saw your name in our clan, tell me who you are!


Anyways, I sometimes wish that there wasn't a clan system at all. I sometimes feel like too much emphasis is placed on it.

BAH, what do I know.

06-10-03, 21:57
Hm well, I think it would be boring, but who knows :angel:

06-10-03, 22:02
sipp on their jin and juice and watch the money flow from ops,yea, you know what just do it fucking get everybody against FF , do it, you know you want too

First of its 'Gin' not jin.

Second, this thread emphasizes the use of turrets, not "ONOZ< UR CLAN SHUD B GONZORS!!1"

Either learn to read or shut the fuck up.

06-10-03, 22:04
ffs guys it's not the holding of OP's thats fun, it's the fighting for them, but I am getting tired of fighting and winning an OP battle 4 times, then having to log off only for the enemy to come back yet again and just walk into the OP and hack it, we win, yet we still loose because of guess what, timezones.

06-10-03, 22:05
Originally posted by Genty
we win, yet we still loose because of guess what, timezones.

Spread your clan members across timezones.

06-10-03, 22:09
Originally posted by Archeus
Spread your clan members across timezones.

Surprisingly it ain't just a matter of clicking fingers to get new American members to join the clan. Also there are other factors to think of.......

............like the language barrier :lol:

Shadow Dancer
06-10-03, 22:10
Originally posted by Genty
Surprisingly it ain't just a matter of clicking fingers to get new American members to join the clan. Also there are other factors to think of.......

And the types of people, and classes, etc...

Too many variables, it's quite a difficult task.

06-10-03, 22:38
kinda sick of op fighting myself, kinda pointless when we beat them off they come back and again and again then people get sick and log off.. and they come back again and hack it o_O

bahh i'll shaddup and go back to seeing how to work a con setup..

EDIT - btw Blackprince who are you?.. c'mon stop hiding behind you forum name!

06-10-03, 22:41
As I said the main bulk of people on Pluto are in TG
hence the

"if you cant beat them join them"

and because of the constant, we take the ops cos there is more of us accross the 24 our scale bs, so the newer members of the clan think im fed up with this blah blah and leave , 2 Tg remarkably we have lost at least 5/ 6 guys tht have moved to TG

06-10-03, 22:42
Maybe an idea to deal with that.

Lets say attackers hit the first layer.

Now they can continue to attack for 1 hour for every layer hacked (1 to 2 hours max).

If they do not take the op within that time, they are locked out from the outpost for x amount of hours. They can reset this timer by getting someone to hack the first two layers for them and they can hack the first

This would mean no waiting until offline after an attack unless you can get the resources to help you take back.

Just a suggestion.

06-10-03, 22:44
Originally posted by Marx
Turrets are defensive systems, you don't see swarms of turrets attacking an OP...

Cuz u can't.

Last I heard, you can only place a turret if you own the OP.

And each OP has a set number of security slots.

Each turret takes up X amount of that total.

Therefore it IS defense. I see absolutely no problem with replacing turrets that an attacker has blown up. There's a set amount of security slots, so it's not like they could run around dropping them by the 10's. The only way they could drop them is if thier defense was weakened by the attackers killing other turrets. So placing turrets in an OP fight is not ATTACK it's DEFENSE.

Think of that when johnny tank is shooting that turret wayyyyyyyy over in the corner that is of no stragegic value at all. When he kills it, it will open up more space on the OP owner's security grid, thereby letting them have a different (better placed) turrets.

06-10-03, 23:11
Originally posted by Phönyx
On pluto its always the same all TG gather in one clan which gets over 90 members in 2 days and breaks up after 2 months or so.

Atm thats FF on pluto, but you can exchange the name to TA or gang if you wish its always the same.

Ummm... wtf? First of all, the Gang did break up for temporary time now, but only in Neocron. And second, The Gang members didn't go to FF. We put up Spirit of 2726 and we are small. Still we are doing good out in the battlefields. We have even won SS few times (respect, you're good enemy). And we fight without allies.

06-10-03, 23:16
Cass - stop reading my post selectively. Turrets are defensive in nature, but at the current, instead of defensive measures - they're being used offensively.

How you ask?

Instead of prohibiting entrance, slowing, or forcing the enemy to attack from a different point (hence defensive) They are being used after the enemy has broken through the line to act as extra 'guns' (though they weren't needed in the case which spawned this thread.).

Most times what happens is the 'defending' clan drops a shock-turret which immobilizes those around it, leaving them to be picked off by the already large force.

06-10-03, 23:19
i like the way SS says ohh no we are always outnumbered when just now they had to bring dark to fight an ecven number of FF

lol poor ss

Mr Friendly
06-10-03, 23:21
Originally posted by Phönyx
When i started to play nc i always thought the more the merrier and a clan cannot have enough members.

But nowadays its really horrible, i mean i play on pluto in SS and we are not small but far away from big but we are hard for sure:lol:

On pluto its always the same all TG gather in one clan which gets over 90 members in 2 days and breaks up after 2 months or so.

Atm thats FF on pluto, but you can exchange the name to TA or gang if you wish its always the same.

So ff has usually 25-30 ppls on so every OP fight ends in zerging always and they outnumber everyone at least 2:1o_O

But the problem with FF is the do not only zerg you in fights, thats not their fault its just because they are so many:) , but the also play very lame atm. they place turrets everywhere in the fight and i am talking about 5 turrets or more.

And if they cannot outnumber you they wait till no one is only and ninja you OP.

But the funniest about that is that they think they are great and strong and are good players that can own everyone:lol:

PS: we won every fight against FF when they werent 3:1:D

Just ask Dark or BRTF members they will tell you the same,it happens to them too every day:)

not really, but yeah, sometimes they do have a ton of ppl on......but thats rarely

FF isnt gang btw, the TG clan "Spirit" is basically most of the "gang" members, but witha diffrent leader

FF isnt hard though, there may be lots of em, but dont let that frighten u.

they were attacking an OP we took from em the day b4, ......foster i think? anyway, we all gathered in the ug, had a spy go up cloaked then come down ded cuz of the barrels, but saw a massive ammount of FF, like at least 5 apus, 6 ppus, 4 tanks, & about 3 PEs & 3 spies, prolly more........

here's the funny part :p, we had 5 ppus, 4 apus, 2 tanks, 2 PEs, & 3 spies, we came out of the UG, all at once, ran into too much fire, fired & killed as many as possible, then got into the ug b4 we died. then did it again after rehealed & buffed. THEN when we came out the 3rd time, we didnt go back in the ug :D we actually were able to kill all of them, 2 ppus & an apu we chased & killed at the end of the tunnel,

was an awesome fight, & no we didnt lose nobody, we lost quite alot of guys, but before a ppu, tank, & apu chased the 3 guys, the only others recovering were myself, & one other apu & ppu

most of the FF are dicks at times, and since i could care less of smack talkin, i actually like fightin FF :D awesome battles guys, even though yall lose alot :p

06-10-03, 23:22
Originally posted by Ascention
As I said the main bulk of people on Pluto are in TG
hence the

"if you cant beat them join them"

and because of the constant, we take the ops cos there is more of us accross the 24 our scale bs, so the newer members of the clan think im fed up with this blah blah and leave , 2 Tg remarkably we have lost at least 5/ 6 guys tht have moved to TG

Please don't generalize things. You know we are a small and fair clan. We've had many good fights. And none of your guys didn't come to us (what a relief :p ). Well, anyways, don't let those things destroy your clan. Just keep on fighting.

06-10-03, 23:23
lol i like the fight we had last night better we where outnumbered but we won still with use of turrets and good tactics

06-10-03, 23:25
Originally posted by solling
lol i like the fight we had last night better we where outnumbered but we won still with use of turrets and good tactics

Umm... who are you and who are you talking to o_O

06-10-03, 23:26
Originally posted by •Super|\|ova•
Please don't generalize things. You know we are a small and fair clan. We've had many good fights. And none of your guys didn't come to us (what a relief :p ). Well, anyways, don't let those things destroy your clan. Just keep on fighting.

I belive that comment of Asc's was @ FF not Spirit

.. and whadda ya mean what a relief? :D

Shadow Dancer
06-10-03, 23:30
Is BD hostile against Citymercs?

06-10-03, 23:30
I want to KILL that fucking idiot that brought the word "zerg" into this game.

06-10-03, 23:31
CM have BD and TG as faction enemys matey

06-10-03, 23:31
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
Is BD hostile against Citymercs?

Yes. Why? Some cool politic fuck ups on pluto again? :rolleyes:

Shadow Dancer
06-10-03, 23:39
Originally posted by •Super|\|ova•
Yes. Why? Some cool politic fuck ups on pluto again? :rolleyes:

Know it's just that I had a skirmish with Barak's clan and I lost massive SL.

I really hate that. Sometimes I wish PIMP was BD instead of TSU.

I wish the server had it's own faction alliances and hostilities based on the player. Wouldn't that be 1337ness?

06-10-03, 23:41
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
Know it's just that I had a skirmish with Barak's clan and I lost massive SL.

I really hate that. Sometimes I wish PIMP was BD instead of TSU.

I wish the server had it's own faction alliances and hostilities based on the player. Wouldn't that be 1337ness?

Well, that would ruin the storyline o_O

Shadow Dancer
06-10-03, 23:50
Originally posted by •Super|\|ova•
Well, that would ruin the storyline o_O

Um hello this is pluto, the storyline is already ruined. :D :D

07-10-03, 00:02
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer

I really hate that. Sometimes I wish PIMP was BD instead of TSU.

aww, what just to fight BRTF? :D

Shadow Dancer
07-10-03, 00:03
Originally posted by Barak
aww, what just to fight BRTF? :D


Also IIRC tangent is hostile to BD right?

07-10-03, 00:03
*chuckles @ SD's comment*

Anyway...I'd like to know who brought the term 'zerg' into this game too...sounds like someone liked StarCraft just as much as Neocron, if not more. O_o

07-10-03, 00:06
i knew you loved us really Shad ;)

Shadow Dancer
07-10-03, 00:10
Originally posted by Barak
i knew you loved us really Shad ;)


Besides, BD is actually the only faction I find interesting. I can't really "get into" tsunami faction. I mean porn and sex? Yea ok...:rolleyes:

07-10-03, 00:13
I think it whould suit you.. the porn that is :P

but eh, i'll stop taking this thread off the rails


BTW that fight in J_02 first thing over comms was "para spam Shadow Dancer he hates that" rofl

Shadow Dancer
07-10-03, 00:17
Originally posted by Barak
I think it whould suit you.. the porn that is :P




Originally posted by Barak

BTW that fight in J_02 first thing over comms was "para spam Shadow Dancer he hates that" rofl

Ahhhhh, :(. But I wasn't spammed luckily. :p

Oops, sorry for derailing this "interesting" thread. :p

07-10-03, 02:31
IM not going to comment on this ........ just to say i think we have found a new bug ........its called see FF as always twice the numbers there actually are.

PPL lose....... they bitch..... enuf said

07-10-03, 02:54
i remember back in my day, you was able to mess up big clans even if you where a small clan just by hunting them down and stealing their guns/spells

now there is no real way to get at big clans

what i try to say is, you did not have to be a big clan to 'own', it was done though brains

and you actually gained something other then an ego

07-10-03, 04:56
The problem with such big clan is, that they are simply too many people for a clan vs clan battle. Thats the only reason why situations like 2394875 clans vs 213987 clans happen. And people always tend to count clans but not numbers :o