View Full Version : TANKS AND MELLE AND other things!!

06-10-03, 18:40
just want to ask a few questions and would like some answers. :-) naturally :-P

i woud like to know if there are any restrictions to the DMG for melee weapeons and their frequency. ie is it set like a CS no more DMG than 178% DMG.

does it cause more DMG/frequency the more MC you have? or is there a limit to the MC you actually need?

now to more important things with regards to tanks and their role in the game,! i have heard more and more threads throughout the games life of the role of tanks taking away the role of other chars, of being the front line battle char.( the name TANK SPEAKS FOR ITS SELF) but im not going there.

What im going to say is when are us tank playing people going to get a role back in the game, because at this preasent time we are the weakest class. YES i agree we have a load of con and resists. but none of those can we put on resist PEARSING !! ( libartor/paineaser) and the insane DMG and DISTANCE of APU spells far out gun a TANKS arsenal. Tanks now have no role in the game, the game is dominated by PSI monks APU/PPU combinations,

monks can reserch/poke/implant and many other skills and have the best fighting capabilities. just how is that fair? they can even run as fast as a TANK.!! FFS why dont KK just give em wings when the fyling vehicals come online and be done with it.

I have been away from this game a long time, ann wanted to come back as i was hoping things had changed for the best. but 5 months down the line things have gotten worse......!!!..

Why you ask?, well try killing a PE who has a liberator,(piersing DMG) something we cannot set resists against, if you dont di the first time he attacks you and you nearly kill him, POOOOOF hes invisible, cannot find him he heals 3 tims faster than you and finishes you off,.!!!!

Apu monks, run just as fast as tanks, and shoot at the most insane frequency which seems to have no cap. as well as having no cap on DMG....50-100 DMG per cast of holy lighting from a not totally capped APU and without some chips.!!!

Just what has been going on in the game? for the last 5 months????????.......

all i see on the server now is monks.! monks ! and monks,! get a grip on the game and sort it out.!..sorry to rant and rave but its becomming tiresome.!

i have an idea. if nothing is going to change, atleast give us the option to change our maxed chars to another class of char for free ( ie my tank for a monk and not have to lvl it) so i at least can become a front line troop again.

TANKS = little sissy girls at the moment and are rarely seen in Op wars, and when they are seen its because they are lying horizontally on the floor.!

nuff said.!

06-10-03, 18:49
the more hc you have the more damage and better freq.. and so on you get to all heavy weaps.. (it definitely improves freq.. not suer about dmg..but it shows an increase in both)

and so the more mc.. the more freq and dmg and so on on melee..