View Full Version : Event support

06-10-03, 12:02
Right now i have several events in works and i have several more in planning, but THIS one i like and currently cant do

Basically i want a PERMANENT event setup.

It will Involve three factions

Black Dragon
City Admin

Basically Protopharm are making drugs for BD and BD are buyign and suppling the drugs

i wont go into details yet as it will ruin the supprise if i get this off the ground

but what i wanted was 2 NPCs one for PP who sells
"drugs packet" ONLY to PP runners

a second that buys "Drugs packet" ONLY from Blackdragon runners at a higher price

but currently the coding for the NPC talking by faction ISNT there

so i need YOUR support. vote now to help me persuade a coder to write this "fairly simple code"

thnx guys n gals

Richard Slade
06-10-03, 12:49
*hmpf* Thread should be closed right away for that STUPID poll!
NO ISWDA damnit
Anyways, for the sake of the topic, yeh, it should be simple to
do and why not, we like events

06-10-03, 15:33
yeah we should do it just for the change, nice to have new things, im sure thre are people here who could do this soprt of thing, FBI seems to know what he is doing with code