View Full Version : Whats with the Lower Range on the rare lowtech pistols?

04-10-03, 11:30
I just looked at ems.ru, and saw that a wastelands eagle has 65 max range, whereas the Wyatt earp has only 33 max range.....

Same with the Lib, the smg224 has 165 max range, but the lib has only 116 max range...

With the Weapon aiming crapiness, where the more range you have the faster lock it is, it kinda sucks that even the lib is slower then one of the most damaging weapons, the CS.

04-10-03, 11:35
It's a pistol..... so why would you have a long range on it :confused:

04-10-03, 11:39
Because some of aiming lock continunity and reticle closing speed is related, far more heavily than it should be, to range.

This is why the CS is actually MORE ACCURATE than Liberator.
Even if Liberator had SMG Range, it wouldn't be able to use that range effectively due to it's beyond funny recoil.

04-10-03, 12:03
Yeah i know that but what i'm saying is it's a pistol and hence shouldn't have a long range, not that aiming isn't based on range and hence should be left the same.

04-10-03, 12:20
Originally posted by Magnazan
Yeah i know that but what i'm saying is it's a pistol and hence shouldn't have a long range, not that aiming isn't based on range and hence should be left the same.
As long as it has balance connotations on AIMING.

Either CS aiming should be further nerfed or pistol range should be increased.

Your call.

04-10-03, 14:00
its a bit hard to balance, i think..i remember sniping beyond view range with the TGR at 260ish range stat

04-10-03, 14:20
KK needs to cut aiming from range first before we can even think about balancing weapons against eachother on that level.

BTW, cutting down CS's range to balance it with Lib is a pretty sad idea tbh. Either KK does it the right way or lets hope they don't it. In my opinion, the range/aim dependency is the problem and without solving it, any changes might as well cause even more problems then we already have when it comes to weapons.

The next thing would be to allign all weapon ranges to the clipping range and balance them from there. I might be wrong, but range stats like 2000 meters just look rediculous to me. I mean I get shot by a sniper, I run up a few meters and I have him in reach of my HL or my Speedgun. How sad is that?

04-10-03, 17:25
But really... is there any reason a CS should aim slow though? Because it's big? Nope tanks are big and meant to handle large weapons.

That doesn't change the fact that pistols do need to aim faster, considering that 267% aiming on a lib seems to mean jack squat due to this dependance on range.

So, take out the range component of aiming speed and lets not talk about aiming on a CS. I play both a pistol PE and a fully capped tank. Tanks have their own issues anyhow with the lame runspeed nerf from back in Janurary. There is no way that a tank with 100/104 ath/agl should be slower than a PE with 80/75 with weapon drawn. .. and right now that is exactly the way it is.