View Full Version : Rare Parts List v4.5e

04-10-03, 10:41
New thread for a new version. The old thread can be found here (http://neocron.jafc.de/showthread.php?s=&threadid=77602).

I've just released v4.5e of Yenky's spreadsheet that I've translated and modified. You can get the spreadsheet here (http://home.comcast.net/~cydog2001/stuff/rarepartsv45e.xls) and the zip file here (http://home.comcast.net/~cydog2001/stuff/rarepartsv45e.zip).

In this release, I basically prettied up some (more) things as well as added a second page with all the rare drops, including weapons, armor, drugs, and implants (BQ, Lvl 3 imps, Kami chips, etc.). Sokaris gets the credit for giving me that idea.

I still don't know the R-C requirements of the Terminator, so if someone could find that for me, I'd really appreciate it.


04-10-03, 20:01
Still don't like the colors and all, but the addition of the Implants and other rare techparts is nice.

I've been working on my own, for organizing my own inventory.

You need to add some of the low-level implants that are only drops as well

BioTech Reflexbooster 1,2,3
BioTech Advanced Nerves 1,2
etc., etc.

Or did you just add the non-BP'able ones?

Good work though


04-10-03, 20:03
I like... I like alot. I'll be using this one without a doubt

05-10-03, 00:54
I only added the non-BP'able drop only items. So no reflexbooster 1,2,3 and such, as those can be BP'd. Although I may add something to let you know that you do have one, maybe something like a check box.

I'm thinking about taking out the "Location" fields. Does anyone see any problems with this? I'm also thinking about making 2 new worksheets for the express purpose of printing. One for the parts listing, one for the rare drops listing.

And thanks to what Progenitor says, I realize that the color-scheme could use an update, so expect that in the near future.


P.S. - Thanks to Maarten for sending me the R-C req. for the Terminator: 108.

Cirith MS
06-10-03, 21:12
the url's are not working, i hope to be able to get this spreed sheet soon, very curious on the changes

06-10-03, 21:15
Originally posted by StryfeX
I only added the non-BP'able drop only items. So no reflexbooster 1,2,3 and such, as those can be BP'd. Although I may add something to let you know that you do have one, maybe something like a check box.

I'm thinking about taking out the "Location" fields. Does anyone see any problems with this? I'm also thinking about making 2 new worksheets for the express purpose of printing. One for the parts listing, one for the rare drops listing.

And thanks to what Progenitor says, I realize that the color-scheme could use an update, so expect that in the near future.


P.S. - Thanks to Maarten for sending me the R-C req. for the Terminator: 108.

I tried to use location and putting numbers already built but it kept telling me it was protected.:confused:

06-10-03, 21:30
Yeah, sorry. There's a bug in v4.5 where I forgot to unlock certain cells. That's all fixed in v5.1 (coming soon (TM :p)) as well as some new features.


Also, the only URLs that will work any more are the ones to the .zip files, as I removed the .xls files.

06-10-03, 21:36
Originally posted by StryfeX
Yeah, sorry. There's a bug in v4.5 where I forgot to unlock certain cells. That's all fixed in v5.1 (coming soon (TM :p)) as well as some new features.


Also, the only URLs that will work any more are the ones to the .zip files, as I removed the .xls files.

K, thanks StryfeX. By the way I love this spreadsheet :D

Cirith MS
07-10-03, 00:06
ok im rusty with excel..this is gona be a stupid question but is there anyway to transfer my data from 4.0 to 4.5 and then from 4.5 to 5.1 when that comes out? I saw an option to import but not export

also one thing i request is that i was hoping to save as an html file to post on my website to trade rares with but i see it is password protected.. is there anyway i can work with you to get around this please

07-10-03, 00:17
-- Open up previous version.
-- Select the cells you want to transfer. (Make sure they're in a contiguous block.)
-- File >>> Copy
-- Open up the new version.
-- Find the same contiguous block of cells and select them all.
-- Right click the selected cells and choose "Paste Special..."
-- In the "Paste" section, choose "Values".
-- In the "Operation" section, make sure that "None" is selected.
-- Make sure that "Skip blanks" and "Transpose" are unchecked.
-- Click "OK"

Repeat until all the data is transferred.

I may try to make a macro that does this, but it may be a while. Manual is the only way right now.


Cirith MS
07-10-03, 00:26
thanks for that, and how about the exporting as webpage feature..anyway ya will enable that for us?

as well have a spot set aside for say a place to put where the rare is stored.. i know many people like me that have vr lvl 3 apts filled with rares..

may i also suggest the armor runs, the apu and ppu make spots to post chiton, tank pa, boxes and such and where they are stored so ppl like me who deal with PA have records of it all

and one more thing to help the implants out i see ya have minum regs to wear and use the armor imps and such, ya should make it so when ya bring the mouse over say 90 apu for the kami chip it lists the stats postives and negitives

i tried to modify it to add weapon parts vech parts, keys ect to be like a one stop all info stored referance but cant be edited i see

also it it me or the number currently in stock cant seem to be edited

07-10-03, 01:24
Originally posted by Cirith MS
thanks for that, and how about the exporting as webpage feature..anyway ya will enable that for us?I'll try to see what I can do to enable this feature.

Originally posted by Cirith MS
as well have a spot set aside for say a place to put where the rare is stored.. i know many people like me that have vr lvl 3 apts filled with rares..That was originally in the spreadsheet, but I took it out to get some more space. I may put it back in though. If I do, the sheets are going to get even wider than they are now.

Originally posted by Cirith MS
may i also suggest the armor runs, the apu and ppu make spots to post chiton, tank pa, boxes and such and where they are stored so ppl like me who deal with PA have records of it allThat's not really something I originally had in mind, but I'll kick the idea around and see what pops out.

Originally posted by Cirith MS
and one more thing to help the implants out i see ya have minum regs to wear and use the armor imps and such, ya should make it so when ya bring the mouse over say 90 apu for the kami chip it lists the stats postives and negitivesThis isn't a bad idea. It'll take a lot of time, but it's doable.

Originally posted by Cirith MS
i tried to modify it to add weapon parts vech parts, keys ect to be like a one stop all info stored referance but cant be edited i seeThis is something that I definately don't plan on adding. This was originally developed to keep track of tech parts and rare drops and adding this I think would take away from that goal.

I'm finishing the spreadsheet up now so it won't be much longer.


07-10-03, 01:50
Ok, version 5.1 is uploaded. New thread can be found here (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=78069). Please direct further discussion there.


Whoops, double post. Sorry mods.