View Full Version : NeoCron Ideas

03-10-03, 20:14
First of all, I would like to apologize for not posting in BrainPort. but I have experience with nothing happening and no input shown on posts there...

What I was thinking of is as follows ::

City and NON-City Factions ::
Only allow City factions to travel safely inside NC, but then instead add more stores and possibilities to get great stuff in wastes.. for example at DoY.. and then when that is done, then the "restricted areas" can be mapped.. and a passageway into them can be made.. where higher lvl mobs can be.. we´re talking 120/120 ---> 200/200 mobs here.... mobs you have to work in larger groups to bring down.. and then they could drop some different stuff.. just like the "renegade armor parts" the copbot defunct ethic chip", "ancient launcher connectors" "old uniform scraps" and all those things.. make super rares.. were you dont have to find "tech part" "hull part" but maybe weapons where you can look through different "hulls" for instance.. then be able to research and see stats.. and then say i want to make not a super rare but a "unique" weapon ::

For Instance if you wanted to make "Unique Hotlink chaincannon of naimex"

Hull of chaincannon
Technology of chaincannon
Copbot hotlink cables
DoY Damage enhancer chip
MC5 hotlink tuneup cables
Securitysystem A-187
Security Datadisc <enter name here>

and then be able to make it less ubar by removing, the hotlink or the damage enhancer or such.. i mean be able to not mod the weaps but choose their features from a more wide variety to put weapons together..

Do it with armors, and implants and all that too..

And seriously.. put in more life to the city.. "non-evil" beggars running around.. thiefs and such.. A thief stole 10 cr from you" and then an arrow comes as with the navray to the npc thief.. and then you gotta catch him before a zone to get your money back..

Put in more "Boss Holes" with more bosses.. they are so nice to go hunt...


And here comes a tricky one..

Make the implant view extremely complex.. by making a 3d wireframe view of ur person.. making you able to get a poker to implement bone reinforcements and chips.. and then be able to buy "Genetically engineered Dna replacement pills" that could cost 20 k a piece.. then you could get like a total Metal Skeleton (very heavy) or get a "Flexible skeleton" could make you a better constructor.. being able to work inside smaller hulls and parts..
And then you could maybe change every single bone in the body. (you know like IRL where you have somewhat more bones than just the few shown ingame). Be able to buy a dna replacement pill that makes for instance your brain work at a faster rate.. by sacrifising body health and such.. gives researchers more research.. and i could go on forever about things that could be done with such a thing.


and a last thing ::

Allow you to have pets, guard dogs.. have security cameras in ur apartment.. or in clan app, so you can just go to a citycom, logon to clanadmin, and see who is in clan app.. (just a list) or if someone rings ur doorbell, have a pager tell you even if you are not near.. "<Runner> is trying to access, <Apartment Sector>"
For instance you can buy a "Tame Soul Cluster" and then it would follow you around.. just fly around.. not hurting anyone.. or a "<Runner>´s CyberHound", then have a small hound walking around.. having <XX> free load.. so you have some additional storage.. and if you take them into deserts.. (should have an option "STAY" and then it would stay where it is..) if they then get destroyed or killed.. then they wont just disappear.. they will drop dead like a dead mob.. but just lie around (like a belt does).. that you can hack.


Hope you get my drift... and all comments and feedback on these things, good or bad. Is very much appreciated.

04-10-03, 12:43
<_< >_>;

Very nice ideas, m8, and it's a bit interesting though that no one's replied to this thread either. ^^;

I think the problem is that all your ideas fit into one of two categories...

1.) A large majority of this stuff will eventually be put into the game code at a later time. This includes the city-factions-only-within-plaza-&-viarosso idea as well as the other bonuses such as more bosses and such.

2.) A small minority of this stuff would be very nifty... for a perfect MMORPG. The bone idea set for one, including most of all the ability to replace practically every bone in your body, as well as the 3d thingamajig, are probably too time-consuming for the devs to work on. You'll have noticed that the release date for DoY is slipping further and further behind to the point where there is no longer a release date. These ideas may actually work, however it's up to the developers to decide whether it's worth the timesink.

...As well as it's up to the people of Neocron; but on the other hand, besides the fact that no one else has responded to this thread, another well-suggested thread hasn't exactly been noticed by the higher-ups. I don't think this one will have much life...

If you still think your ideas that I believe are un-doable are still actually doable, put this thread in a link in your sig, and post/reply to other threads more. Perhaps others shall notice.