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View Full Version : NOT.HAPPY. (A fanfriggintastic night of crashing)

03-10-03, 14:18
Crashing is a part of Neocron. Its just something that I and most other people here have had to come to terms with since I've started playing this game, and for the most part I've been able to cope, no matter how frustrating it was.

Not anymore. Whatever they did with this latest patch totally screwed up the game for me, so now I can't even move stuff in my inventory, or even fuckin' WALK without having to worry about a sudden crash.

A little summary of what I did tonight and what happened.

Enter the game, move one zone west to CRP so I can GR to Tech Haven. Get a sync error, relog, and GR to Tech Haven.

Go to friend's apartment and talk for a while before doing an item trade between the character I'm playing and one of my other characters. Relog to my tank, only to discover that its become impossible to open any doors, so I'm stuck in the apartment hallway. Quit and relog again, everything is back to normal and make the trade.

I then head over to P1 to get it modded. Get a sync error when trying to GR over there. I relog and get it modded.

Switch back over to my other character and head to TH3 to ressurect someone that died there. Sync error while going into Sector 3. Relog and discover that the person who needs ressurecting is magically unselectable. Holy Para his belt a few times just for fun and leave.

Friend and I decide to poke around MC5 and see if there is any possiblity that we could hunt there, or if anything, just to explore a bit since neither of us had been there. We GR to Nemesis (sync error yet again), and head east one sector to MC5 (once again, sync error).

I end up right in the middle of the map on top of an unclimbable mountain. Much to my dismay, there were units pretty much everywhere below, so my chances of living were close to nil. I try what looks to be a safe route out, only to be killed before I can blink by an enemy I couldn't even see (with full buffs on and holy heals). I try to GR back to my apartment so I can respawn, only to be met with a crash.

I relog and try to get inside my apartment, only to be met yet again with the magical unopenable doors so I relog once again. I get inside and get my stuff, glad that I only lost a PSI booster (the only good thing that happened the entire night). I GR to TH to poke my friend who also died, and walk to sector 1. I crash out of nowhere simply by walking. I poke my friend and leave the game extremely pissed.

Btw, I also crashed an additional 5 times whenever my friend teamed me and I did ANYTHING in the HUD for at least 10 minutes after being teamed.

Overall, I had to have crashed at least 15 times tonight, maybe more. All of this within a two hour period.

Here's the deal KK. Fix this or I leave. That simple. :)

03-10-03, 14:23
Looks like a *lot* of "bad luck"

I have some crashes now or then, but i'm back in nc within a few seconds.... Haven't had syncerrors for weeks.

Doors not opening (right-mousebutton not working) is extremly annoying though...

03-10-03, 14:30
Its been the same thing for me ever since the 188/189 patches hit though. This wasn't a one night only deal. The only difference between tonight and the other three nights I've played is I've moved around a lot more. The other three nights I still got a sync error everytime I moved to a different sector in the outworld (before it only happened 1/3 of the time), and I crashed while doing nothing that normally triggers crashing (such as joining a team and fiddling with anything in my HUD).

So, basically, they had to have seriously screwed something up, because its never been this bad, and its happened on more than one day.

03-10-03, 14:36
Was fighting a grim perci and terror raptor at cycrow last night, the perci was down to 1/2% and the terror was dead waiting to be looted when i crashed for no reason, when I relog I'm dead, when I get back to the perci its dead and everythings looted.

I got no money, no loot and killed cause of the magic random crash event. Pissed me off no end.

03-10-03, 14:41
i have been crashing A LOT more than usual and i have noticed a lot more people going suddenly quiet mid conversation then the next think they say is "fre" or "crashed" its annoying at the best of times, mid fight its not really acceptable. tbh it seems to be one more indicator of NC going down the tubes, just IMO of course :(

03-10-03, 14:42
i got a sync error last night as well going into mc5..

got stuck crashed and then i got back in and was yes on top of an unclimable mountain.. only to my luck i was above the main base area. So to get into mc5 all I had to do was climb down on top of the base and rop down in front of the door. :D

El Barto
03-10-03, 14:54
You probably just had a very bad day for crashing, when I get a bad day like that I just log off and come back on the day after.

03-10-03, 14:58

03-10-03, 15:02
I did, yesterday, in some vain hope that it might actually fix it. Silly of me to think such a thing. :p

03-10-03, 15:26
wait wait...can i be the first to say it?

its not neocron, its your computer. :D

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

hehe...that always cracks me up...

on a more serious note...neocron, i have found, hates sound cards, 70% of bugs when it comes to crashing back to desktop is in relation to your sound driver. limit the number of channels or turn down sound quality settings, heck, update (depending on your card, downgrade) your drivers and see if that helps.

for awile i played neocron with no music or sound at all...never 'crashed' at all...the synching, well there are allot of variables...modem or lan, IP or ruoter...port problems...you could go on.

03-10-03, 15:34
Sound card isn't the issue, because I have all sound turned off in game (though I have Winamp play music in the backround when I play). :\

Most of the crashes (well, at least before the latest patch) were also triggered by specific things. The biggest one being joining a team and then doing anything in the HUD for at least 10 minutes (sometimes longer). The odd thing is, if I create the team, then everything still runs fine. Whenever I'm not in a team though, FRE's are fairly rare.

As far as sync errors, I think it has something to do with how long it takes for a zone to load. When I'm in the outworld, it often takes a decent time to load (I'm on a P2 400...don't laugh :p), and then the error hits after its been loaded. Places inside cities and caves though are relatively sync error free though, since they usually load in only a few seconds. I stilll got the occasional sync error even with short loading times, but I think that's the main culprit. Or at least it was until this patch, where I get sync errors pretty much everywhere I go regardless.

03-10-03, 16:39
I hardly ever get any FREs...

Neocron might not be the most stable program there is, but the configuration of your computer defenitely has influence on the game's stability.

03-10-03, 20:09
Last night, I crashed with a fatal error whenever I tried to zone. A couple times I even had to reboot. All others I just had to relaunch NC and log back in.

03-10-03, 23:29
Oi. I'm crashing more then in previous patches also. Another VERY annoying problem is when I get to the char selection, I hit 'Next', it freezes. Stops. Nothing. I can't see the ctrl alt del screen, and I can't alt tab into anything else. So I have to restart, and since my ISP is being a ass lately, it takes atleast 5 minutes for the cable to come back... VERY annoying. Also when I try to get into third, it crashs back to desktop. Never happened in previous patches...

I think something must have been f**ked up.

03-10-03, 23:33
Originally posted by Lanigav
Sound card isn't the issue, because I have all sound turned off in game (though I have Winamp play music in the backround when I play). :\

Most of the crashes (well, at least before the latest patch) were also triggered by specific things. The biggest one being joining a team and then doing anything in the HUD for at least 10 minutes (sometimes longer). The odd thing is, if I create the team, then everything still runs fine. Whenever I'm not in a team though, FRE's are fairly rare.

As far as sync errors, I think it has something to do with how long it takes for a zone to load. When I'm in the outworld, it often takes a decent time to load (I'm on a P2 400...don't laugh :p), and then the error hits after its been loaded. Places inside cities and caves though are relatively sync error free though, since they usually load in only a few seconds. I stilll got the occasional sync error even with short loading times, but I think that's the main culprit. Or at least it was until this patch, where I get sync errors pretty much everywhere I go regardless.

*waits for someone to come say the reason of crashing is WinAmp*

Though really, if that was true (which I dont belive it is), why dont they FIX the problem Neocron has with WinAmp, every other game on the planet does not seem to have a problem with it, why does Neocron?

04-10-03, 13:19
Perhaps I'm just a lucky user, but I have only had a few bad cases in my entire stay within Neocron so far. Sad to say I had worse problems back in beta4, but it looks like those problems I had back then were fixed up long ago.

As I said, my worst cases were probably one of each of these things: Indefinate synching, crashing when putting something into inventory, and one lagdeath...thank you Butchee mob for that one. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I've never had a suddencrash, or many of these problems...aside from the uncommon weirdness where I can't put an item in my inv in another section of my inv because I moved stuff around in there recently or in the same session.

I've had heard lots of issues from other people inside other MMORPGs, especially concerning latency.

Most of those people were using AOL, but that's another story. ^^; (No offense, seriously. I just find that a bit amusing.)

Anyway. I had to deal with months...no, years, in a certain RPG where everyone was shitting about lag, when I was 95% always lagfree.

Eh, enough of my off-tangent talk. My point is, I haven't encountered most of these problems at all, and all of these problems possibly minimally. Then again, I kill everything except Explorer and Systray before I start up Neocron normally, because I only have a 256mb ram comp. ^^;

I hope this information helps.

04-10-03, 13:44
Up until the latest patch NC was fairly stable for me, but now I crash very frequently. Like just now I had runtime errors 6 times (at plaza 1) in the space of 1/2 mins. I thought it may just be my comp straining but it never had previously, and only a few hours ago I was on my own until a single person (bugged noname PE) asked me for some info. Then I started getting the runtimes again everytime I logged back in, so I legged it away from him and all was fine. It must be the patch thats done this because nothing has been changed on my comp for months, like drivers, settings etc. :mad:

04-10-03, 14:39
There seems to be some sort of crashing bug directly related to (unknown) players when loading. About 30% of the time when I load with one on my screen I crash out instantly:mad:

04-10-03, 16:37
Anyone get the problem with having to try twice to log in? It's been happening for me ever since they added that 'resume' function. Plus, zoning in or out of CRP cave seems to become a fre-trap lately, for some reason.

Is it because Neocron don't like firewalls, or what? And, oh yes, there seems to be lots of unknown players around. :wtf:

05-10-03, 08:35
Yeah, I have to attempt to login twice nearly everytime I go in. Its a minor annoyance but an annoyance all the same.

Unknown = crash