View Full Version : Saturday...

01-10-03, 06:54
I get one year older this saturday..

I don't want to get older.. I'm too old already..

Please, somone invent a real anti ageing product for me!!!

i'll post a pic saturday... though i hope no one notices..

01-10-03, 06:57
*points* everyone point at the crusty old person :eek:

bah i got a month still

01-10-03, 06:59
I'm staying 22, I'm never getting a day older than 22 ever again!...

I'm pretty sure my old jacket still fit's, I bet I'd look at least 22 again in that...

01-10-03, 07:01

omg a mod jus closed a thread no one was even lookin at ;P
it was over a day old >.< damn hes scrapin the bottom of barrel lookin for shit to close

01-10-03, 07:07
I think the mod's are keeping quite, because I have the secerct of kami spawning's.... muuuhahahahhahaaawwwww

Or they is being nice..

Original monk
01-10-03, 09:15
Happy birthday Q`alooiath, in advance, how old ya gettin ?
I will offer ya some milkey ren's and choco choggers on saturn :P
(i cant offer ya anymore cause by trading you im broke now lol :P)
Enjoy gettin an extra year older and wiser, hip hip hip huraaaay

El Barto
01-10-03, 09:50
*pokes* the old man

01-10-03, 09:58
Originally posted by Q`alooaith
I think the mod's are keeping quite, because I have the secerct of kami spawning's.... muuuhahahahhahaaawwwww

Or they is being nice.. i seriously think they changed it dude, ive gone thru the pattern all day and last nite, nothin at all, and i went thru them up and down then to the east, up and down, then to east, very long time in each zone in pattern and found nothing

Devils Thrill
01-10-03, 10:25
your only as old as who your doing :eek:

we can figur out the pattern fastere if ppl come and tell where and when they killed a kami, kill and tell
so far i only seen kamis killed in 2 zones, how do you find a pattern from that ?
and the frequency of the spawn is so low it will take a long time
and i think you might have to kill other stuff in the zone for it to spawn ?

01-10-03, 10:46
gefiliciteerd man een goeie verjaardag toegewenst ik zeg het nu al want anders vergeet ik het :P je kent me wel een beetje ingame maar je weet niet welke chars :) iig CongratZ happy birthday


01-10-03, 11:56
I would like to wish you a happy birthday, but it is not good to do it before you have brithday, so not yet :p

What a luck that vampires don't get older :p You need anti-aging? :angel:

01-10-03, 13:05
Originally posted by Q`alooaith
Please, somone invent a real anti ageing product for me!!!

WTS Age LOM pills, (if you see what i mean)

01-10-03, 20:28
Originally posted by Felissa
What a luck that vampires don't get older

that's only im comic's IRL vampire's live in term's of century's unless killed..

Fictional vampire's are nice, and some of the live forever bit's are nice, but then they also have massive flaw's...

And it's rude to ask my age.. I'm getting to that point.. not yet so old as not to care, but old enough to not want to let on....

01-10-03, 20:41
I think he's in the "Old Fogie" range. :p

Happy (early) B-Day, mate.


01-10-03, 20:46
Just start refering it as your 3rd 30th birthday or whatever your age might actually be.

i.e. if you are 32, you can say you are celebrating your 3rd 30th birthday (the first being 30, the 2nd : 31 and 3rd : 32)

It makes you sound "somewhat" younger.


02-10-03, 18:41
Originally posted by Progenitor
Just start refering it as your 3rd 30th birthday or whatever your age might actually be.

i.e. if you are 32, you can say you are celebrating your 3rd 30th birthday (the first being 30, the 2nd : 31 and 3rd : 32)

It makes you sound "somewhat" younger.


but saying 3rd 30th can also sound like, 90th.. 30 once, 30 twice is 60, and three time's is 90...

Do it make's ya sound older...

02-10-03, 19:12
Originally posted by Q`alooaith
IRL vampire's live in term's of century's unless killed..

IRL vampires only die if the Books-a-million closes early.

02-10-03, 19:24


happeh birthday mate!!

(ur that dude from saturn right? - that i owe something...or something)

[plz dont bann me - its a JOKE!! - as in im not seirous.... *breaks out in nervous cries*


lol.....im bored...

gonna go and.....hump a lightbulb?

02-10-03, 19:38
Rebutt your sig's too high, max hight is 100.. your's is 120..

Lol, so many people owe me things, it's crazy..

Q'alooaith's retiring too, so my new main char will be my pistol PE probably, even got a tangent Epic pistol, BoH, Judge and RoLH for when I swap over...

I kinda happy, no one saw the bottomy bit..

02-10-03, 19:47
bah, changed my sig!

but i still think the limit is 120 pixels!!

02-10-03, 19:49
Originally posted by RuButt
bah, changed my sig!

but i still think the limit is 120 pixels!!

I'd ask you to slow the flashing down a little bit pls.. my cat has epielpsy and your sig just gave him a fit (no I'm not joking)

poor old cat..

04-10-03, 06:25

I said saturday, well here I am... Red to cover Grey..

Mod's thank's for letting this thread stay open, you can do whatever with it now..

And that's meeee....

look at the time, I could easly cover US Gamer's as a GM...... just sayin...

04-10-03, 13:19
red hair?

cool....i gonna get neon blue hair!!

like thoose stupid anime chix

04-10-03, 18:12
Originally posted by RuButt
red hair?

cool....i gonna get neon blue hair!!

like thoose stupid anime chix

Name the flick that inspired that pose....

My naturaly light brown, but like it's all grey at the end's (why the end's I dunno, thought it'd get the root first myself) but it was patchy so I cover it up... work's nicly yes?