View Full Version : Could it be nearing the time for a royal ass kicking out

01-10-03, 00:48
Well more and more guards in Neocron now could the time be nearing for the none city to get there asses kicked out of neocron.

I for one hope so I think its time for a change and something is need to populate TH and TG I think its could be time for it and I think the outer city clans could be self suficiant now well TG for the most part not sure on TH.

01-10-03, 00:49
hell yes.

Shadow Dancer
01-10-03, 00:51

01-10-03, 00:52
Originally posted by KimmyG
Well more and more guards in Neocron now could the time be nearing for the none city to get there asses kicked out of neocron.

I for one hope so I think its time for a change and something is need to populate TH and TG I think its could be time for it and I think the outer city clans could be self suficiant now well TG for the most part not sure on TH.

For those area's to be more popular they need better protection with security equal to a copbot. And TH sector 3, which would be the centre of trade needs some more features, GR's and have closer to appartments.

I'm all for moving factions back to their 'bases', it would make going places more worth while and make the map generally more active.

01-10-03, 00:54
That would be cool. As long as they made Plaza and VR into warzones or anarchy zones, that is. Then I can sneak into the city and gank bastards in the back just like they've done to me in the past. :D :angel:


01-10-03, 01:01
"nonamebrandeggs: ONOS"

thats all i have to say:p

01-10-03, 01:10
@Legolas - Right now noone is really there and why should they be everything is P1 why go to your home Protect it why? I feal if kicked out people would be forced to be at home and hence it would get more protection.

@StryfeX Thats a little much for now however in due time I could see it happening (errrrr not really this game =carebear, plaza 1 fights that would = crying) however if some Copbots were taking out of pepper there is the outside backdoor into neocron. Pepper raids were outercity and city class hell maybe take it away from the p3 zone line and turn pepper into the battleing zone it should be.

01-10-03, 01:14
THATS RIGHT GET TEH FUCK OUT OF NC NON NC PPL *slowly thinks o shit ;o im non nc ;o oh shit oh shit*

01-10-03, 01:15
Originally posted by KimmyG
@StryfeX Thats a little much for now however in due time I could see it happening (errrrr not really this game =carebear, plaza 1 fights that would = crying) however if some Copbots were taking out of pepper there is the outside backdoor into neocron. Pepper raids were outercity and city class hell maybe take it away from the p3 zone line and turn pepper into the battleing zone it should be.Nah, that's what Pepper 1 is already. I really would like to see Plaza and ViaRosso become warzones, but with super-heavy copbot guard like it is now. Maybe make the Plaza 3/Pepper 1 border a little less CopBot guarded though, allowing the fighting to spill over.


01-10-03, 02:04
Originally posted by StryfeX
Nah, that's what Pepper 1 is already. I really would like to see Plaza and ViaRosso become warzones, but with super-heavy copbot guard like it is now. Maybe make the Plaza 3/Pepper 1 border a little less CopBot guarded though, allowing the fighting to spill over.


I mean more of having more copbots near the plaza border and less to none in deeper pepper park maybe make it more of a fight zone in PP 2 and PP 3.

01-10-03, 02:11
kick us out!

01-10-03, 02:15
The possiblity of being kicked out has me so tasted problem is this spawn most likely is some upcoming event of just some part of the story line :(

01-10-03, 03:09
Kick us out, but it would only really be fair if plaza and VR were made anarchy zones, though I can't see that happening. I don't see why not though, there are CopBots there ffs, how can anyone expect to attack Medicare with 2 CopBots KoSing them?

01-10-03, 03:19
Originally posted by Scikar
Kick us out, but it would only really be fair if plaza and VR were made anarchy zones, though I can't see that happening. I don't see why not though, there are CopBots there ffs, how can anyone expect to attack Medicare with 2 CopBots KoSing them?

I dont have a problem with it could bring the war to us. Higher population in TH and TG. Actually would be some point for real raids to go down there and seeing as none of the faction would be sitting in plaza one when the call to come defend the city is made there may be some big fights that develop fast.

Right now a raid goes down in TH or TG where the defenders of the faction there probably far away so GR into one of the unsafe faction HQ GRs no could be camped that its run or GR out wiht mad SI. GR into your ap? No most mian ap is a lvl 3 in plaza so why bother going by the time you GR into an outer op and rush in there probably gone.

RP wise plaza and via safe zone with lots of guards sure why not, in how many wars is the world power center easily stormed and attack then taken over. City faction on in control of the world TG is the underdog freedom fighter to win it could take time we are vunerable to attack they are not however we control the outer world all the good lvling spots all good item spots they have to come to our territory.

01-10-03, 03:25
TG is very easy to raid atm. A lot of low and mid level players get ganked in TG all to often. You would think that a canyon fortress would be well defended but that's just not the case. One of the most important things is, if we get kicked out of NC, then all enemies of TG should not be able to GR to TG, and any TG apps registered to enemies of TG should be deleted. The same applies to MB and TH. At least then we'd have a chance at defending it, as it is now because the guards suck so bad you get one tank GRs in since he'll keep his TG app tagged before switching faction, he kills a bunch of newbs, then as soon as some high level people respond he hides in his app. Then when they leave he comes out and does it again. Why should I have to spend all day sitting outside this coward's apartment when people in plaza can just walk on merry and safe? At least make it possible to defend TG and I'll be happy.

01-10-03, 03:28
While I'm all for kicking the anti-city clans out and always have been there are some problems to doing it now.

Firstly, the current storyline makes it unclear which side FA are on.

Secondly, BD and TS (and Crahn?) have been promised new quarters in DoY which don't exist yet.

Thirdly, there needs to be ample (as in a month at least) notice given IN-GAME to all runners including those who don't read the forums. It is not acceptable to only announce something like this on the forums a few days before. Going by KK's current performance though I fully expect them to not tell us at all tbh. It'll just turn up unannounced in a patch they then refuse to discuss or comment on.

01-10-03, 03:40
@scikar Thats what I mean total exodus there out of our city we are out of there. We cant Gr into neocron they can't GR into TG no more enemy territory aps.

@jeneru I agree I got a plaza lvl in mainstreat 1 lots of shit I got a via lvl 3 with lots of shit I would need lots of time to relocate to TG I dont really think this amassing of Copbots is the 1st step to the booting out nor do I think it should come in the next patch errr maybe it should seeing if it was next patch that a good few months. My hypothitical here is could it be one of the 1st signs. But lots seem pro to the idea somethings need to be changed of course but maybe devs reading this thread will see what people think of this and get some of there idea and maybe put it into motion.

As for FA if they got the boot then had a nicely populated city that was a real nice raid target it would make them pick a side for the moment who could they turn to there forsaken TG brothers or there new found love affair with there NAP buddies at TH. If your FA what more valuable the city alliances of your NAP?

Tycho C
01-10-03, 03:44
Yes, on ONE condition. More faction guards in PP (TS, BD, Crahn) to protect OUR chunk of the city.

01-10-03, 03:46

mwahahahahahahahahahahaha:lol: :lol:

01-10-03, 05:47
Originally posted by Ryuben

mwahahahahahahahahahahaha:lol: :lol: *Pulls out his Pain Easer and puts a burst into Ryuben's head.* :p
