View Full Version : The one thing I HATE!

30-09-03, 14:00
Invisible monsters...

Killed warbot...hacked it. Ran over to the other one I killed...started getting shocked. I looked around and tried to hide but no success. I watched as my health got lower, and finally I lay on the ground in a pool of blood.

God that sucks, why the hell does it happen? Something having to do with all the other bugs I assume? I was having so much fun too hunting! :(

30-09-03, 14:02
I hate invisable Bullets.

The ones that were never fired yet hit you and kill you. :(

Now that sucks.

30-09-03, 14:03
That's no new bug.
The mob is hidden somewhere.. in a hill.. or in a wall.. happens often, happens since i play this game (and what i heard even since beta) and is annoying like hell.

30-09-03, 14:05
It's happened to me quite often, I guess when they spawn they don't spawn all the way above ground. There's also the ones that can shoot right through hills and stuff, but invisible ones are terrible since you can't hide and you know death is immenent.

30-09-03, 14:08
i killed a warbot titan
it said i`d got a reward for killing it etc and i stopped being able to damage it but instead of falling down dead it stood there and kept shooting me till i was dead0r

30-09-03, 14:11
reminds me of an op fight with p.i.m.p two days ago when we killed their last guy in the UG and he just didnt die, with no health he was able run around without weapons, he could even be rez'd but still not die, jsut weird

30-09-03, 14:14
There are numerous bugs like this. I've been in a situation where I'm being shot by a WB and can't see where it's coming from, and a team-mate is screaming at me on Comms that my nose is about 6 inches from it's crotch. For some reason my client hadn't registered the WB, but the server had and was happily ticking off the damage calls and telling my client about it.

And let's not forget that ever so amusing variant on this when your client shows you a Spiderbot Sentry, you charge to point-blank for a bit of hot raygun action to find that when it fires your health drops like a stone. It's only when you're lying there contemplating your brand new "Thru-Flo Cranial Ventilation System" that you realise it was a WB that had been drawn as a Sentry.

Fun, fun, fun.


30-09-03, 14:15
Originally posted by ericdraven
That's no new bug.
The mob is hidden somewhere.. in a hill.. or in a wall.. happens often, happens since i play this game (and what i heard even since beta) and is annoying like hell.

The old "hidden acolyte" in the agie cellars. Run around burning for a few minutes before you realise he's in the wall....:p

30-09-03, 14:21
The old "hidden acolyte" in the agie cellars. Run around burning for a few minutes before you realise he's in the wall....

yes i know that one, even if youlook around the aggie cellers you see them in the water and under the walkways, nothing an aoe cant solve though ;)

30-09-03, 14:25
this is prob the most anoyin bug in the game and its happens a fair few times to me.

and no there not underground or in there wall they are well and truly invisible as my mates can still see it and i cant and its norm right next to me. i ask wtf u shootin at and its a warbot. sometimes if u relog it will become visible. its jsut for some reason your comp hasnt picked it up properly and so u cant see it but it can still shoot u. needs to be sorted out really

30-09-03, 14:25
it is TEH one thing i hate too...

happens with me all the time when im lvling in the swamp cave..
were shooting at the shaman and than he walks into the door and the door closes and he gets stuck in the wall..
this lets the shaman shoot through walls and all other things and that means that its the same as you standing right in front of himn but u cant hit him cuz of the wall barreling doesnt help either only fusion cannon or rocket launcher go through those wall but ey an apu and a cannon ? lol isnt working so u get like within 5 seconds 5 SHAMAN poison stacks which means u and ppu DEAD

very frustrating thx to bring it up :D


30-09-03, 14:51
Storage 7 is good for this. Clops and butchees take a comical sideways trot to the side of the doors and disappear into the wall. If you don't spot it you walk into the room and get a rocket up the ass.

Another time I'm trying to heal my mate as he is getting shot by an NPC, I couldn't see the bullets and neither could he , but I could see his health dropping. At his side though his health bar was full.

Next second he's dead !!

Oh well