View Full Version : Is claiming ownership to a lowbie camp spot bad?

stalked monkey
30-09-03, 05:52
Ok. So I go down into the Abandonded Cellars lvl 6 in the A&W Plaza 1. Clear the place to the end. Go back to entrance, clearing the place. Repeat twice. I go back to the entrance, theres a couple Tsunami and Cityadmin camping the first room. (I am Black Dragon They have LE out so I blast them. They say I am a "fsking PKer n00b" and "if u dont stop fuking wit us im gonna get my strngr char and bet the shit atta u"

1. They are faction enemies
2. They had their LEs out... I didnt force them to.
3. They decided to hunt where I wanted to hunt.
4. I told em they could use the first room ONLY once I killed them the first time.

So. Is it a bad thing to own the newbie dungeons? This is the one with the mutants, from scouts to gunmen, lvl 10 to 22 or so. They said it was gay to think I could own it. What does everyone else think? I think its perfectly fine.... if not natural and in good RP spirit... to want to keep faction enemies out of the hunting ground I am occupying.

30-09-03, 06:03
Technically speaking, from a RP point of view, CA has more right to a Plaza aggie cellar then you. Being a Black D, your territory is Pepper Park.

I'll let this stay open for now, it's borderline "this stuff should be left in game" but as long as it doesn't degenerate into a "stfu noob killa" thread I'll let it ride.

30-09-03, 06:05
Voted for the third option.

Sure - it's a shitty thing to do, but it's not disallowed.

The LE is designed for exactly that reason.

The corollary is that you can't complain if someone objects and comes down there to gank you right back.

Deal ? ;)

30-09-03, 06:05
No you BD fag stop PKing..... good answer.

If ya want to "own" an area, go to the industrial sector. Hardly any n00bs go there to level and you could probably own it quite easily.

Call me a "carebear" if ya want. I don't care.

I AM ALL FOR PKING, but come on, if people are leveling leave them alone. I hate nothing more than a high lvl guy raping my /20 n00b character. Try to do that to one of my caps, and I am all for it, but levelers..... nah. Let them get stronger and pick on them later.

30-09-03, 06:16
Is it a hunt zone? If so good luck trying to leave the place after your third/forth kill.

30-09-03, 06:40
1. They are faction enemies

Valid Point

2. They had their LEs out... I didnt force them to.

Yes, but you didn't have to shoot them either, now did you?

3. They decided to hunt where I wanted to hunt.

Someone forgot to leave me the memo saying that the universe revolved around you.

4. I told em they could use the first room ONLY once I killed them the first time.

I'm sorry, where is the dynapic outpost sign in the A&W saying you own that cellar as an op?

I'd have to go with 2, No you BD fag stop PKing, as that's the best answer.

30-09-03, 07:01
Do what you want, man as long as you accept any consequences. You may very well call down the wrath of others. Plus if it was a Hunting zone, you'll have shite SL now.

30-09-03, 07:11
If you don’t like being called a “n00b PK’er” then don’t kill n00bs. You have the right to pull the trigger, they have the right to flame you.

If it bothers you, then perhaps you should adjust your behavior instead of coming here and asking us to weight in on your dilemma.

If you would like to know what i do? I preffer not to kill any one, accept for memeber of the few clans that my clan is trully enemies with in leveling zones. Why? I dont like getting ganked out of the blue, so i don't do it to others.

30-09-03, 07:36
Heh, since KK made those "aggie cellars" and similar places, seems like everyone has forgot great leveling places in Pepperpark. There is certain spot where you can bring your 0/2 char to xx/40 in one day WITHOUT exploits :angel:

30-09-03, 07:42
You SUCK at roleplaying. And if your not a roleplayer then you obviously suck at PvP if your gonna pk people while there leveling. Either way you suck.

30-09-03, 07:55
Ok, well this headed the way that I warned about in my post. Since it couldn't stay decent I'm closing it.